Hi! Its me again! (I suggest you go read more compositions!) Now there are 13 fishes. named jellyfish,pufferfish,doryfish,flying fish,zappy fish,happy fish,alien fish,stick fish,rubbish fish,anglerfish,scary fish,starfish and iklefish! Yi Wen from class 105 wants to be a fish but i dunno. Never mind. the first week in BPGHS has been fun! Now we are starting to learn physics! (Physics rox!) (Hrummph! Says puffy.) (jellyfish giggles,puffy dosen't like physics) dunno why. Our teacher is mdm yu,she said that physics is related to maths! (Yeah!) says jelly. (-_- lame...)we did vernier callipers yesterday and learn about zero errors. by the way, fan wei,tallest guy in 103,came to my house and cook fried noodles and oyster vegetables. fried noodle is a bit salty but the oyster vegetables is nice! then we did the menu and we accompinied him home! by the way, jellyfish joined back video! (Video rox!) (-_-) by the way, jellyfish also joined a sound course! dunno how much is it. by the way, (oh for goodness sake! stop typing by the way!) jellyfish wanted to be a camera man for shooting during 1st choice:national day(actually i forgot),2nd choice:teacher's day. i just dun understand something, why does puffy not like fan wei? fan wei is all right, maybe fan wei's family income is $900. (sad,right?) but puffy is rich! -_- (nothing is surprising about this.) tomorrow go canteen and eat fish and egg burger.....(YUM!YUM!) (-_-) all right! IT is very difficult! cannot catch up! My fish in computer enrichment is in big mess! But still acceptable! YEAH! (-_-) good luck to jellyfish tomorrow. by the way(HRUMMPH!) (who cares?) sports hit i didn't sign up,tough you know! sports day is on 22nd march! enjoy myself! WHOA! BIG POST! SO must stop now, all good things must come to an end. Bye! (sob! sob!) -_-
9:20 PM
Yeah guess what! (different starting!) oh yeah... me again.(oh no!)
-_- before school hol starts, there are 11 fishes. jellyfish, pufferfish,doryfish,flying fish,happy fish,rubbish fish,suckerfish ,alien fish,stick fish,ikle fish and anglerfish.
now suckerfish changed his name to scary fish,zappy fish joined. he is zhe hao and joesephine the starfish joined!!! (happy jelly!) see ya... bye...
11:32 PM
Hi its me again... (can't you think of a better starting?)Hey guess what? New com not labtop arrived not new but old.(???) -_- e-mail is jelly103@singnet.com.sg. I am typing all this at home!!! Talk again soon! Bye!
10:11 PM
Long time not type post. So today type some.... (lame...) ACTUALLY CAN BE EARLIER!!!! But delayed by Bork Hang(nosey) and chester (very nosey) and Benedict (extremely nosey)... HA HA HA HA! Bork Hang created a new hot account... HOO! But many things went wrong... His country become some sandwich island... south africa... and congo... want to put him to antarctica or mercury... and then Chester and I accidentally reset his password... everything... poor but nosey Bork Hang must retype everything again!!! HA HA! today actually create this post. com coming next week... e-mail should be jelly@singnet.com.sg!!! -_- lame again!!! talk no more later go com lab and type. Bye!!
2:13 PM