
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Base code Piecesof-meg

COUNTERS (FROM 18 OCTOBER 2006) Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate
Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

hi me again... lame post with my mother beside me... (hi!) says jelly mama..... today is quite a funny day. BUT SO MANY HOMEWORK!!! THE CLASS WANT TO die already.... sad right? (ya) says jelly mama... luckily jelly papa never interfere, haha! only want mama only.... today we HAVE SO MANY ENGLISH SO MANY MATHS!!! AHHH...... only like maths homework i don't like english homework.... next time no time to type post... must revise for the scary SA1 exams.... i only like maths exams..... so this may be last post.... BYE!

9:56 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

i have no startings already..... neh mind.... today we have home ec practical test today..... guess what? (whaatt?) whether we win or lose... (huh?) i mean pass or fail... (arrr.... pass) WRONG! WE FAIL WITH FLYING COLOURS! (WHAT THE HECK! HOW CAN YOU FAIL WITH FLYING COLOURS!) i dunno.... mdm yati deduct marks.... all 5 dishes.... sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob...... i dunno this time home ec will pass or nott... i dun really like mdm yati..... she is strict at giving marks.... i am weak at home ec..... today SO MANY THINGS IS GOING TO MAKE ME SOOOOO ANGRY TO DEATH!!! (heck. so serious?) YAH!!!!
1: tell wan siew not to put the vegetables surrounding the fried noodles already, then she still put, in the end, fried noodles is deducted marks!! WANNA KILL HER TO DEAATH!
2: tell fan wei not to let the vegetables cook so long, ask him to turn off the gas, i am very busy already, then he hor hor hor, and go and rest at the table. mdm yati won't eat our vegetables.... no marks!
3: wan siew should have enough sense not to put ice-cubes inside the blender. (either wan siew or CJ) hiya! part of the blender spoilt already!!! (temper rising)
4: dunno why, but we made an order of mango pudding on friday, BUT TODAY DUNNO WHY DUN HAVE! WE MADE OUR OWN STUPID JELLY and YUK! ONLY WORD THAT THAT I CAN DESCRIBE!
5: we are supposed to pluck the beansprout tail, nobody helped!
6: i was cooking the onions when fan wei asked me whether he can helped, i agreed, telling him to put the fried onions on top of the oyster vegetables. you know what he did, he put the fried onions inside the fried noodles!
7: dunno why the girls need to put SO MANY ONIONS inside SO LITTLE PRAWNS! SICK OR WHAT!
8: i am not a gourmet! wan siew and CJ, when anything they dun wan to eat right, without my permission, they dump all the EWW! vegetables into my food container! I scolded them in front of the home ec class! SERVE THEM RIGHT!
9: whoever thought eating prawns,noodles,vegetables,jelly using hands... i must also blame myself, i am part of the group right?
10: after what i have done, they asked me 1 question, what have you done today? i smiled at them... i can scold them if i want to..... but they are girls..... so dun scold them...
11: I thought that today will be a sucess, but i think we fail a lot....
12: now is all about mdm yati
first: she tasted the fried noodles, she said that the noodles were not bad except for the vegetables.
second: prawns were not bad, except for too much onions
third: oyster vegetables are overcooked, no tasting and zero matks for that one.
fourth: the jelly is too hard. but since they have forgotten to buy mango pudding, only some marks are penalized...
fifth: no taste for honeydew juice, strawberry is nice for decoration. must add more sugar cubes.
sixth: no napkins and not cutleries. deduction of marks heavily.
13: expection: at first i thought that we could score 22/30. but then now my aim is 10/30. see pass or fail....
14: taste all the other groups and you will find that their's is excellent!

zhe hao's group:
spaghetti: no sauce. but it is not supposed to. cheese powder is nice. pasta is quite nice.

fruit salad: yummy and yummy! the bananas are nice!

fruit cocktail: nice and juicy. lots of fruits.

viven's group:

club sandwich: yummy and yummy! The eggs can even be tasted with their own sauces! eggs consist of butter,pepper...... the club sandwich also have tomatoes, cucumbers. actually i only want to eat bread during home ec test today.

chicken: nice, very chinese style.

noodles: nice, very chinese style. but prefer the chicken.

ahmad's group:

i didn't eat any.

i think is too watery....... a lot of gravy.......

our group: people said the jelly is delicious, but i dun think so. actually i said the truth, hope do not break people's heart. but the noodles are ok......

vivien's group get high marks, SO GOOD! puffy's group got A1......

end my post now... bye!

8:35 PM

Thursday, April 07, 2005

today its a fine day for the jumping jellyfish. BUT not for the class. (why?) ya know jellyfish got 25.5/25 for maths test right? most of the non-fishes and fishes got below 20. the next highest is jane or dunno who SHE is. slimy,ugly git. 24/25. the jellyfish must be careful. marks for puffy,zappy,ikle,flying,the class chairman,Vivien and Haziq in the class out of 25 marks respectively. 15,14,12,18,13,7. but there si a strange thing. when jellyfish got high marks, everybody will score really low. when jellyfish scores average, the class marks will be average. when jellyfish scores poorly, the class will get good marks. Q1: should jellyfish score well? (OH STOP WRITING THE IDIOTIC NONSENSE!) (confused jellyfish.....) (thinking of phrases) (BLISTERING BARNACLES IN A RAINBOW THUNDERING BLISTERING TYPHOONS! SHUT YOUR YOUR BIG FAT MOUTH WHILE I AM GIVING OUT A QUIZ!) (confused replier). the answer to that question is simple. everybody must score well!!! (happy jellyfish). this is not the main thing why i am typing this post. it is because of things happening in the class today. you know puffy got 15/25 for maths test right? the jellyfish thinks that pufferfish is quite jealous. puffy said he helped the class for class tests but in the end he got nothing for a reward. that is the part jellyfish finds it strange. what has the helping of the class got to do with the maths test? but won't deny that puffy is weak at maths. anything to do with maths, including physics, maths, grid lines in geography. (bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla)..........................etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.........................but puffy is good at memorizing things in english chinese biology chemistry geography history bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla..........................etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....................... tomorrow dunno have CME presentation a not? must be mentally prepared for such ewwwwwwwww............. things. anyway, next monday is the public speaking. ewwwwwwwwwwwww............ support jellyfish ok? (-_- why must i support jellyfish?) BLISTERING BARNACLES IN A (SHUT UP!) YOU.....STUPID OL....(SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!) YOU CYTOPLASM ECTOPLASM PLASMA SPERMS(STEM ROOTS NERVE TISSUES) RED BLOOD CELLS WHITE BLOOD CELLS(VERNIER CALLIPERS ZERO ERROR(speaks at the same time.
replier :?
neh mind ya wondering why is the title"today"? because these happens on the same day. actually still got many things to say. try to break the record of the longest post. see can a not. today something happened in the music room. the piano BOOM! DUN CARE! (SAY THESE FOR WHAT?) BLISTERING RED BLOOD CELLS IN A HUMAN BODY! SHUT DOWN WHEN I AM FARTING! (HA HA HA HA HA HA!) STILL LAUGH! LAUGH FOR WHAT! (SHUT DOWN WHEN I AM FARTING??? HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!) (embarassed jellyfish.) sorry. (fine all right. carry on.) friends for jellyfish and replier? (agreeable.) (happy jellyfish and replier, three cheers for jellyfish!) (HEY! WHY DIDN'T YA ADD ME!) WHAT! WE CAN"T... (HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!) fine. three cheers for replier! (happy jellyfish and replier). no more scoldings of captain words ok? (yeh.....) where was i? (music room which the piano boomed.) oh, finished that already. by the way we have music exam, CME exam and many other rubbish exams. we can sing any sony in the music test. (what song da ya want?) we suggested the greeting song.
miss lee: please greet the teacher first
miss lee: good afternoon secondary 103
jellyfish:good afternnon miss lee
miss lee: good sing the song now
miss lee: which song is that
jellyfish:the greeting song
this is very lame right? but in real stuff jellyfish intends to sing kookabara. this can gain marks. end of BPGHS stuff. lets start of fish news. today there is some kind of horror news. pufferfish wants to quit the fish family. NO! jellyfish said this morning. his reason: there are too many fishes in fish fam. it cannot be possible, puffefish is also one of the leader in fish fam. the fish fam will collapse without one of the leaders. if puffefish quits, jellyfish will quit and either(1) flying fish or other opted leaders will continue fish fam or (2) fish family will close down in 103. everything will be destroyed, fish news, fish stuff, fish games, fish parties, all about fishes. sad right? (sob...sob...). one day this will happen, sooner or later. BUT if jellyfish can manage the fishes well, the fish fam will still not be broken. this all depends on the leaders. tomorrow there will be a copy on friday's fish news. there will be a head news tomorrow and most of the pages are polls, comics or ads. support fish news! jellyfish is very busy on weekends. if have time then type post. if not time then no type post. end this post now. BYE! (BYE!) does this concerns you by the way? (what do you think?) HA HA HA HA HA..........

7:44 PM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

hi its me again. (all right i give up) who cares...... just now went to class website, www.freewebs.com/oneoothree. can go there whenever free. there are votex,general board,polls,news bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla............ then i noticed somehting.(please don't write compositions thank you very much.) they forgott to add treasurer,fan wei. it si a shame right? i hope they also add head of fishes benjamin wang and jefferson choi. by the way(oh no!no other experiences of other englishhhhhh?????!:!?!?!?) (OH! SHUT UP AND EAT YOUR ICE-CREAM!)(jellyfish favourite phrase for the week). there are good news in school. geography test 15/20. highest 19/20. maths class test 25.5/25. improper fraction(happy jellyfish) (-_-). OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE, SHUT UP AND EAT YOUR ICE-CREAM! (BLISTERING BARNACLES, SHUT UP WHEN I AM TALKING!) (confused jellyfish). wonder how i get the improper fraction? 3 bonus marks i get 0.5. good right? (-_-) FOR(BLISTERING)GOODNESS(BARNACLES)SAKE(SHUT),SHUT(UP)UP(WHEN)AND(I)EAT(AM)YOUR(TALKING)ICE-CREAM!(!) (?!)?!. neyh mind, let's chat about fish stuff, doryfish(demas)quitted fish family on monday. he said he is presurrized by the fishes,dunno which fishes. and made lots of suggestions to the fish news w\even though he is not a fish anymore. must expel some fishes, let not enthu fishes quit, wants to edit fish news. SPEAKING OF EDITING, (angry jellyfish) demas wants to be paid for editing fish news. oh for goodness sake, nobody want to pay or be paid for doing such a thing!!! it's a sad thing actually, he cannot be accepted into the fish fam for the 3rd time. he is permantely not a fish until next year. whether he wants to join or not. but after he quitted(HURUMMPH! QUIT NOT QUITTED!)BLISTERING BARNACLES SHUT UP WHEN I AM LEARNING! (.......) he behaved quite abnormally, this situation happened before he returned back to fish fam for a 2nd time. a councillor said that demas was seen talking to a tree!!! but when he joined the fish family, he behaved normally. that is the strange paart, why is demas only normal when he joined the fish family??? neh mind again. outside the general office, there is a fish koi pond. we fed the fishes and they had fun sucking our fingers!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!!! scary fish actually have an intention to quit, but pufferfish and flying fish refused to let him quit!!! HAHA! OH MY GOODNESS!IT IS 9:14PM!!! Got to sleep now!!!! chat again next time(please have a better ending???!!!) BLISTERING BARNACLES!SHUT UP AND EAT YOUR ICE-CREAM!!! (.......)

8:55 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005

no greetings today. (again?) all right, its me again. (i prefer no greetings then). i am typing this post while chatting with puffy. he took so long!!!!!! he taught me how to register and all the stuff. i am a beginner. dun really know how to use it. this week should be very tired. all 5 days stayback! type in a joke ah no time. puffy just gave class website. i asked, busy type 1 not busy, type jellyfish. he typed 1 and jellyfish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid and lame right? -_- (hrummph!) (i have ears everywhere!) oops check class website now bye!!!

9:11 PM

Saturday, April 02, 2005

no time for greetings. by the way kee siao fish joined the fish fam on the last day of march! yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14 fishes now. (happy jellyfish). jellyfish created fish news on that day! but sad thing happened to jelly and puffy on 1st april. quarrelled... -_- jelly is suppossed to do project with puffy. but went to movie instead. puffy was disappointed and .............cry! (sad jellyfish and pufferfish) but things turned out well. do project with puffy on sunday. not say anything but puffy and jelly are both wrong. (correct?) neh mind... alien fish,stick fish and kee siao fish contributed to fish news!!! not to forget, today jellyfish did home econ practice with fan wei,wan siew and jane odiem. we cooked nicely, but the irritating girls make the house very messy!!!!! (FISHES,FIGHT!) But fan wei is okay. we made fried noodles,stir-fried prawns,oyster vegetables,mango pudding and honeydew juice. YUM! but the girls did not do anything except the honeydew juice. fan wei is the best helper today! (three cheers for fan wei!) good luck for practical lesson to us......

10:50 PM