
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Designer/Layout Phyllis
Image host Imageshack
Base code Piecesof-meg

COUNTERS (FROM 18 OCTOBER 2006) Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate
Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

jumping jellyfish rules! hiya, damn lousy results!!!
english C5
home ec C5
higher chinese B4
art B4
geography B3
science B3
literature A1
maths A1

total marks 540/800
rank in class 24/41
rank in level 127/269


going to quit DMC soon already.. sob sob

then now dunno what happen lor

my higher chinese so grrrr...

compo 50/70
letter writing 11.5/20
write a single word 9/10
compose a sentence 7/12
write a idiom 8/20
close passage 6/20
compre 1 13/20
compre 2 17/28
total 121/200

maths paper 1 48/50
maths paper 2 43/50
total 91/100

english compo 16/30
english letter writing 19/30
english paper 2 25.5/50
total 60.5/110

physics 25.5/33
biology 19.5/34
chemistry 24/33
total 69/100

MCQ 12/20
mapwork 17/20
stuctured questions 40/60
total 69/100

the rest i dun want to say already.....

so sad....

9:03 AM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

jumping jellyfish rules! THIS sentence is huh??? hiya... so xian after maths exams... i wanna it again.. oi... i score (maybe only) highest in level for maths!!! WHHOOOOOOHOOOO!!!!
paper 1: 48/50
paper 2: 43/50
total p: 91/100

the rest die die liaox! actually dun even noe them...

exam conditions i know...

literature: B3 to A2
maths: A1
art: B3 to B4
the rest i dunno...

then i also quit the damn boring 3D animation. "yawn". -_-
then we have to write a reflection.
the video thing we are doing, they want to yamseng a carrot... lame right????

then i have ta da lots of e things... i hope this is a sucess...
but everybody is very cooopeperrative... TOO GOOD! YEAH!

then today still have cheering competition.... ok lah... 101, 103, 201, 202, 203 win the cheering competition!! yeah!! yeah!! 3 cheers for 01 and 03. both sec 1&2 won! but then regret it... 201, 202 and 203 is cheering for almost 1 hour after thee results! IRRITATING!

but some classes are not happy with their so called er results! THEY DIDN'T WIN! and they are just ignoring 101 & 103. espacially 102 and 104. hiiya.. dunno them. evil nosy gits they are/... dun be jealous lah!

then i still created this proboards. but dunno how to ediit it... problem... huh???

then yesterday make cup cakes, very yummy! PRO SIAH!


end this post now... bye!

9:47 PM

Thursday, May 05, 2005

long time nvr type post.... i am typing this for these few weeks happenings.....

music test.... miss lee said that my high pitch is ok...... sang kookabara... urmmmm she looked for me ta know why i nvr joined the choir... funny question she asked. dunno how to answer her... i said everything and then she said she wanna tell mr richard lim.... told my parents but they still support me.. YEAH! I LIKE MUMMY! NOT LIKE BUT LOVE... dunno still can survive on DMC or not... the even funnier thing is when she said she wanted to cancel my name, she expected a sad face, but then i said " yes! yes! ASAP!" she looked very volcanic.... SO SCARY!!!!! dunn talk about music already...
next home economics...

urm.... we did dunno what peer assessment, 7 marks. we are allowed to give our own members markks... evil... but hor i acutallly very leniemnt already....

i give them the following marks
fan wei: 7
CJ: 6
wan siew:5

actually good alraeady.... i saw fan wei give wan siew 2 '0'.

components are
decision making: 3 marks
practical exam: 2 marks
evaluation: 2 marks

soe evil.... right?

enough of home ec... last but not least: 101 yesterday cooked seafood pizza.... so nice..... we gonna cook next friday...

for maths i scored the 1st in class 91.9 marks. fan wei is so ai ya dunno how to express: he scored 91.8 marks. if not we will have a tie. i like ties actually. you can work well with your partner. many people not so happy with their maths. the range of marks is 52.0 to 91.9. first 2 are boys and the 3rd in class for maths is a girl. zhe hao always complained about maths homework but he still get 14th position. ok what?! still a good marks. demas said he dun like 10th position, i ask him what he wants, he said he wants 11th position. lame??

literature from B3 improve to A2! YEAH! :-) the rest no idea. the bend it project got 18/20 but that is 30% so the real marks is 27/30.

oh, exams. i had my english paper last tuesday. i write the mistake. nice title. but still write fluently. YEAH! hope can score marks. i am quite weak at comprehension. so compo can get marks right? -_-

today science exam have 3 components. biology, physics and chemistry.
bio: 34 marks, chem: 33 marks, physics: 33 marks. bio is easy, physics is easy.... but chem is difficult! waaa! :-( many giveaways.

ok lah... these are so loh.... end post now bye! :-)

8:46 PM