jumping jellyfish rules! ok... i have many many things 2 say...
first! i want to say is... my blog is the worst of the class! believe it or not!
just kidding like real... i very lame...
second! i want to say that i am going Singapore for this end-of-year holiday.
third! i want to say is i is very busy in singapore espacially in november but very free in december.
fourth! i want to talk about last few weeks...
i went for a course... crystal and hj went also...
very exciting in the first few days. very eager to go home in the last few days.
facilities: 14.5/20
environment for learning: 17.5/20
friendliness of the instructers: 19.5/20
organisation: 20/20
easiness to understand instructions: 14.5/20
total: 86/100
go science centre for the last few days... very xian and fun and exciting and enjoyable and frustrating and crazy and amazing and fascinating and hungry of course in the morning...
science centre got a new facility: waterworks
go and play and bring extra clothes...!!
hem hem... i si officialy ban from working @ waterworks...
go watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today...
those who nvr watch... i will nvr tell the content unless you e-mail me @ jelly103@singnet.com.sg ...
i forget my hotmail account password. so stop adding me.. thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation...
there is a spell lesson from Mr Demas Koh himself... it goes like this. i have his voice recorded...
' I am professor Demas Koh, and now i am going to teach you how the killing curse is exactly done. The killing curse incanation is 'avada kedavra'. Now, you have been warned that even if you perform that to show off, or do what ever things things, you will be in Azkaban for 29 years. Now, why? Because a jet of green light will hit anyone in the school. The green light targets and kills the person instantly when it touches him or her. Only if the person has permission from the ministry of magic, like the teachers who must show the killing curse like 'Mad-eye Moody', then you are allow to perform. Now everybody, please be warned, do not use the killing curse on anyone, even at Hogwarts, as it is very dangerous. However, Dolores Jane Umbridge has approved the use of the killing curse, only during Defence against the Dark Arts.'
the movie:
excitement: 46/50
suspense: 23/30
organnisation: 20/20
total: 89/100
sixth, merry christmas and a happy new year!!!
slacking off soon...
jumping jellyfish rules!
7:38 PM