
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


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Zhe Hao



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Thursday, May 25, 2006

ok, mi 'wonderful' results! ok la, before i start, i muz say that, um... many projects and subjects really pleased me! :-) espacially the all time good leader for the history project: Demas Koh! give him a round of applause!(a round of applause!)

now, let's start on some serious work!

for mi results

compo: 15/30
letter writing: 19/30
paper 2: 28.5/50

SA1: 57marks
overall : 60.5 (above expectations, yay!)

paper 1: 50/50 :-)
paper 2: 43/50

SA1: 93marks
overall: 93.8 (good...)

compo: 34/70 (well done..)
letter writing: 14/20
paper 2: 68.5/110

SA1: 57marks
overall: 59.9 (below expectations)

Science (major chemistry, minor biology)
chemistry: 49/66
biology: 17.5/34

SA1: 67marks
overall: 64

paper: 48.5/80
project: 19/20

SA1: 68marks
overal: 69.3 (above expectations!)

what components i dunno.

SA1: 57marks
overall: 55.3 (ok..)

Portfolio: 10.5/20
themes essay: 14/25
characterisation essay: 17/25

SA1: 60marks
overall: 59.1 :-(

dunno what components

SA1: 70marks
overall: 67.8 (not bad...)

ok, class postition, according to mi calculations, the maths genius, i scored 22/39! (celebration music), improved quite a lot...

ok, this is the end of results.

oh, by the way, i would like to post about this funny thing,about deciding to go to a science fair stayover between gaga, baba, mama and lala.

lala, was deciding whether to invite baba, and gaga, helped lala to share his problems. :-)
this thing, lala and gaga knows it.

one day, in la land, baba called lala and gaga for some interrogration. baba, for some reasons twisted facts, and actually said that mama, told him that lalainvited baba because of his mummy! lala was very shocked and denied such a thing.

lala is a closer friend to baba, but then, in the end, baba trusted mama instead of lala. in the morning that day, baba told lala that he is very interested to go to the stayover, in the evening, baba said that he had something urgent that day...

lala, who is a very kind person, thought it is a joke...

some days before the science fair, a list was passed around, to go to a clay training on the day of the science fair, learning place is at the deep dungeons. when lala saw the list... the name he saw is...


lala's thought: "baba is lying."

dear readers, do you thing baba is lying?

6:25 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

jumping jellyfish rules! (the obvious) ok, jealousy, wad is jealousy? to me, it is like, um... you want something which people has, or whatever good qualities that other people have. or anything! example; i in 203, is talking major chem and minor bio for science MY. but, i am jealous of 202 because that class is taking major physics and minor chem, this is an example or jealousy. true or false? and example: if person Q is jealous of person R because person R is going somewhere and have fun, this is also jealousy!! :-) true? i is a bit confused.

ok enough, let's move on to biasity. to me, biasity is to favour somebody or something. :-( that to me, is unfair, unless in vry special circumstances. example in a particular course, this person, call him Mr Yam, only remembers Mr Yan's name, and so, with any thing, including easy-to-get awards, Mr Yan is the only one who will get it. :-) how fun! this is called biasity, and of course, people who didn't get the chance to win are bias. ok?

confusing enough.... without the mumbo jumbo

8:55 PM

jumping jellyfish rules! hello. :-) once again! joyful jellyfish jumps again!!! jump... jump...

ok, this few days are nice days.... then do dmc stuff, 'very interesting', 'very knowledgable' and 'not time consuming', of course, i get to 'enjoy' post-exam like other people. very fun! :-)

ok, arguments and wars still going on(always the same).

went to haw par villa on thursday, um... quite interesting and fun! learnt quite a lot of things.. :)

played maple yesterday (long time no play), level 12 to 14 in 2 hours... (so slow).

got grooming course on thursay, quite ok..... i love the part when it is announcing that the course is going to end. :)

last but not least these few days, leadership course yesterday. :) boring... '

next tuesday go science centre... tink goin 2 be fun!

before that let me post a story...

characters: aappa,bappa,cappa,dappa,fappa,gappa, happa, jappa, kappa

ok... start >

aappa, bappa, cappa, dappa, fappa and gappa are 6 good um 'pa's. they live one another, sleep with one another and do it (homework) with one another. :-)

ok, one day, in jumping jellyfish land, cappa, seeing that aappa, dappa,fappa and gappa are poor in jellyfishing, decided to give them tips and hints on jellyfishing! ( of course, cappa is very kind and loves to help people, besides, he is a genius!) of course, aappa,dappaa, fappa and gappa are very happy! and lives go on.

meanwhile in jellyfish land, bappa ALSO helps happa,jappa and kappa in their jellyfishing! of course, bappa is jealous of cappa, because all of bappa's good friends is with aappa! but, life went on as per normal...

weeks later, happa,jappa and kappa started to skive off bappa's jellyfish lessons, because their excuse is to go for pufferfishing courses! (how sad...)

then, cappa, seeing that bappa, sometimes has nothing to do, cappa decided to let bappa helped him ONCE. :-)

incident number 1
but the following sequenses... bappa has CONSISTENTLY controlled the ways cappa orgainsed the jellyfish course. and cappa, is getting more and more irritated more and more each time.

incident number 2
one incident which cappa gets REALLY irritated is when two weeks, before a VIP came to inspect cappa's jellyfishing learners, and cappa wants to continue with practices, bappa added a cake making session on that particular day, and claimes the cake is more important. (which is not the case) :-) but that is not th worst part, the part is, when cappa put the notice on when there are jellyfishing practices, bappa just asked cappa, "you have jellyfish courses or not, if not cancel!" without further ado, and without cappa's permission, bappa erased it as if he is the king! cappa whispered to himself, how fun is that! it is a job well done.

incident number 3
the particular day after the VIP's visit, the VIP sent cappa a beautiful list of aappa's, dappa's, fappa's and gappa's performance. :-) and to cappa's deep surprised, the list said that cappa's learners are a great success and therfore can leave the learning stage. :-) cappa is very pleased and would like all his learners to leave, so that they will have more time to manage their stuff instead of being stuck in learning jellyfishing, which they can handle. when cappa would like to announce to their learners, bappa heard the conversation and gave a lot of comments on how cappa should not and what cappa should not do. :-) cappa has a very interesting question to ask, is cappa tutoring the learners of bappa is?

incident number 4

from incident number 2, before the VIP visit, cappa actually tried to set some practical "different use of nets and how to identify them" for cappa's learners. but since, from incident number 3, all learners did well, so there is not a need for the practical activities. and bappa who actually helped to do other activities for the learners, is angry with cappa.

questions to consider

1. what similarities are there in the 4 incidents?
2. what do you think cappa should have said to bappa in incident 3?
3. why do you think bappa is angry with cappa?
4. what do you think cappa should have said to bappa in incident 4?
5. read the highlighted part in incident 2, why do you think bappa had done that?

send your responses to jelly103@singnet.com.sg all entries will be entertained! but first, i will give my response.

1. bappa wants to be involved with anything that concerns cappa's jellyfishing.
2. cappa should bravely tell bappa that he dosen't want bappa to be involved automatically.
3. because what bappa did is useless already?
4. that is my problem and not your problem, you volunteered only. so why are you angry? ..
5. dunno

bye bye!

8:55 PM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

jumping jellyfish rules! ok, today is the last day of the exams... :-) let me say somethin bout' the papers,

english paper 1: ok
english paper 2: ok
HCL paper 1: ok
HCL paper 2: rushie
Chemistry: easy
Biology: crazy
Maths paper 1: easy
History: bit rushie
Maths paper 2: difficult :-)

life is good. :-) happy day! nice weather

hope can score good marks!

7:08 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

jumping jellyfish rules! hi people, i am going to blog about retardness. basically, retardness means slow. :-) ok, why i am going to blog' bout' this, it is because i witness this scene today!

characters A-Z

ok, today, when the bell rings at 11.40am, D, J, B, Z, W, S, K, and others were in class, except some naughty people who left for the design studio to do videography!

and you know what? person B, in front of D, said that J is retard? excuse me, how can someone said that, and of course, person B, happily assumed that person D agreed to him. 'assumed', the word to describe person B. yes, and when J asked D, why D called him retard. person D said he never. :-) how amazing... it is either, D is telling a lie, or B is telling a lie. oh, well done.

although i should not interfere in the conversation between D, B and J, i think that B should not had comment that J is retard, unless of course, B is extremely retard and can actually fall in the level of primary 1. seriously, B shouldn't badmouth J, doesn't mean that B is good in speaking, talking, writing in english, means that he can insult any old how in english!

right? hahax... but of course, i think that i have heard too much of the conversation... interfering? yes, the 2nd part of my post

yes, interfering reminds me of privacy... :-) excellent. now, privacy is a sensitive thing, it is like things which you want to keep among yourself, or to other people. privacy is not like publicy, which is very secretive. example, B kept wanting to know about J's urgent matters.

and B asked like, uh, do i respect your privacy. then dunno wad J said, then B said, fine! i used to, but now i don't, quick! tell me! oh, to me, i was a bit shock, how come B, used to be so civilised, suddenly changed so much! a bit of oh my goodness here...

i dunno wad J told B, but i think that seriously, if J dosen't want to tell, he have the right that he won't. B is only a student, he is not what i call professor or teacher. just a student only wad. BP students are BP students! no difference! famousity dosen't change your rank in the world!

before i go, i would like to revision this thing:

i was seriously wondering, whether person D kept her promise, because she said that we can hand in today, but, if she decided to give 0, she can tell us that we should hand up last week. also, from the way i look at you today, you seem quite disapproving about the marks i get, do you? i don't really get you today. i know that your intentions are good, but, sometimes, it dosen't mean that if you understand person D, you are always correct, there are somethings which are very misleading. but, of course person D kept her promise, which i am very happy about. :-) by the way, thanks for your help this morning. ;-) smile always!

"from the way i look at you today, you seem quite disapproving about the marks i get, do you?"

of course, today, person B said that he is not happy with person A getting marks. so person A would like to tell person B this...

person B:

it dosen't matter what you comment, as far as i know, history repeats itself. thank you very much. remember the D&T thing? ya, same here what, being saboed, and end up getting 0! and in the end, i still have some marks! history directly repeats itself. and let me tell you this, it dosen't matter what you think, if person D thinks she will give the marks, it is ok. even if she dosen't it is all right! and, if you are not happy about me getting marks, go complain to person D! since you are the 'secretary' for the english and literature department language, go! you don't have to disapprove, you are not the head of class, you are just a student. be ordinary! and please, stop asking about my life, if not, you can even get the book: 'history of me!' MORE true facts, MORE interesting stories. thank you... :-) smile always!

hiya, person A is quite a nice person, except that he can sometimes turn nasty.

bye bye, good luck for mi exams next week!

3:04 PM

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

jumping jellyfish rules! hi, today, i am going to talk bout' mi lit marks and stuff. and a history that repeats itself. :-)


person A
person B
person C
person D
person E
person F
person G


person C: um, person B, i think you need to help person A for literature themes essay, person A needs some help. :-)

person A: erp, thanks a lot, person C, for helping me to ask person B for helo. :-)

person B: hello, persons A and C.

persons A and C: Hello!

person B: yes, person A, what do you need help?

person A: um... structure.

person B: good. (person B explains to person A)


person A: thanks a lot, person B, for the brief structure!

person B: no problem. :-)


person G: hey, person A and C, this is the lit results.

person C: wait.

person A: i see.

(person A looked at the marks, and was surprised to see a 0 for the column, group theme essay)

person A: my marks are not bad,except for this 0 thing. :-)

person C: what the... what happened to you, person A? what do you have to say about your marks?

person A: very good.

person C: (stares at person A with big bulging eyes) You are very positive!

person A: good. shh.

person C: erp.

(just then, person B comes along)

person B: hey, lit marks, how did i do?

(stares at it.)

person B: good. :-)

person A: wait, just dun understand something, how come i got a 0 for group themes essay, very puzzling...

person B: i warned you already, person D is following the english and literature rules. she can't possibly give in to you.

person A: ya, but person D said that we can hand up the group themes essay today!

person B: ya, but did person D said that she cannot give you 0 for the themes essay?

person A: If yes, then why would person D give a 0? she must well say that you must hand in today or i will give you a 0? crazy, sometimes your logic makes no sense.

person B: person C, do you understand what am i talking about?

person C: (a little bit blur) ya...

person B: see?

person A: (not catching any balls) still don't get it.

person B: never mind, later i will explain.


person B: do you understand what am i talking about just now?

person A: no. (whispering to himself) your logic makes no sense.

person B: huh:? what did you say?

person A: erp, nothing.

person B: ok, you said that person D said that you can hand in toady, true or false?

person A: true

person B: then, did she say that she will not deduct any marks?

person A: no

person B: see? that is your problem.

person A: but, if she deduct any marks, it is ok, she gave a 0!

person B: but you cannot assume that she will not give you 0, she is the english and literature department!

person A: ??

person B: help! person C! person A still dosen't understand! i am going to explode!


person C: wait, did you explain to person B?

person A: ya. but he still dosen't understand. he still insist on the enligsh and literature department.

person C: ya, but you see, i am not entirely blaming you, but you could have done the essay by yourself first, then all this would not have happen.

person A: true, don't deny.

person C: so don't be sad la, just take this as a lesson.

person A: i am not sad, i am just wondering why person D broke her promise...

person C: no comments


person E: hey, have you handed in your lit group theme essay?

person A: dunno, you?

person E: ya.

person A: (face brightens up) then did person D, said she will give you all marks?

person E: ya, obviously, she said she will give marks.

person A: good! person F, did we hand in our lit essay?

person E: obviously.

person A: HURRAY! :-)


person D: person A, can you give your group memebers the marks?

person A: (looking at the marks, 14.5/25) yes.

person D: thanks.

person A: person E, 14.5/25

person E: yay!

person A: actually 17.5/25, but deduct 3 because of lateness! :-) that means our essay standard is good!

person B: hello.

person A: hey, person B, the essay i got 58%!

person B: oh... (looking at person A in a suspicious way.)


person A sent person B and e-mail.

person B:

i was seriously wondering, whether person D kept her promise, because she said that we can hand in today, but, if she decided to give 0, she can tell us that we should hand up last week. also, from the way i look at you today, you seem quite disapproving about the marks i get, do you? i don't really get you today. i know that your intentions are good, but, sometimes, it dosen't mean that if you understand person D, you are always correct, there are somethings which are very misleading. but, of course person D kept her promise, which i am very happy about. :-) by the way, thanks for your help this morning. ;-) smile always!

person A

:-) smile always people!

6:11 PM