
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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COUNTERS (FROM 18 OCTOBER 2006) Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate
Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate

Friday, July 28, 2006

the jellyfish is back. Today is another cloudy and cooling day. =) I am going to blog about speech day. The activities and all the other stuff. Oh ya, and also a funny kind of evaluation.

But before that, I will have to congratulate myself on getting the best in elementary mathematics. :-) this is seriously a very remarkable achievement to me. (am I being thick-skin?)

Today, 28th July 2006.

7.40am – go to school as usual.

9.40am – dry run? With MAY, and she briefed so many things… and by the time she finished, she said a sentence, “good, we will start now.”

Excuse me? I thought we started already…

So we carried on, all the usual procedures and crap. And finally at about 10.55am, things we were done and we were dismissed. :D

11am – went to the fish farm with my parents.

12pm – lunch

1.20pm – short nap

2.10pm – woke up. Prepared stuff.

2.55pm – reached school.

3.10pm – went hall and settled down.

Then all the testings and mendings. We saw a film, dunno what memories of 2005. with all the usual photographs and two songs, <> and <>. Seriously tired of photographs.

4+ the ceremony started.

With mrs ong coming up on stage, and this is where the comedies of errors come.

1. the starting of her is already wrong. She said, “good morning.” Um, I think the time is in the afternoon…

2. the powerpoint isn’t loaded fully, that means she isn’t really prepared.

3. she said too much irrelevant issues during the time when she is waiting for the powerpoint to be loaded.

And it goes smoothly for a while. And I spot one mistake which to me is quite major.

During the parts of the uniform group, we saw all the parts where so many uniform groups got gold. And she said, “it is like so many uniform groups got a gold..” for a moment, I thought she wanted to say it is very normal. But who knows, it comes to a slide where the scouts got silver only. Then she changed her sentence, it becomes, “it is like so many uniform groups got a gold and, (the scouts slide), and you can see that it is the first time the scouts got a silver and it is not easy to get gold.”

See the contradiction? :-)

The rest are quite ok…

Then we have the GOH’s speech and it was boring. Except for his little joke, just pretend to be very interested in my speech.

Actually, his speech is better than I had expected. At least it is not so long winded like some people who can speak so long for like 40minutes. =)

Finally, it is the time I went up on stage… , obviously. Basically, I wasn’t even concentrating on where I was going. My prize is a big envelope, quite nervous. o.O

Then sat down, and watched the rest of the performance.

- nothing interesting in the middle -

at the end, when we sang the school song, the sound system got lots of problem (>.<). So the choir was very messed up… then dismissed, went down reception, met my parents, ate dinner (fried rice, brownies, spring rolls), then it is home sweet home, bathe and blogging. No form of any celebrations at home. =) so, gradings for today! Food: 5/10 Performance: 6.5/10 School in the morning: 6/10 Happiness with prize: 8.5/10 Speech day overall: 6/10 Total: 32/50 B4 hahax.. Should I reveal what is my prize? =)

Basically, that is the end of everything. (sigh) tonight is another cooling and peaceful night.

Bye bye! (jellyfish swimming in the ocean again.)

9:14 PM

Thursday, July 27, 2006

the jellyfish is back. ok, things in my mind, so i have to blog it. :)

things to cover today:

1 - P.E on tuesday.
2- DMC on tuesday.
3-MPT yesterday.
4-cheering com.
5-DMC today.
6-AMC today.
7-stupidity of today.
8-speech day tomorrow. :)

1. P.E on tuesday was extremely tiring. (the obvious) ran 20 rounds around the corridors of the chemistry and home ec rooms. but at least, there are a few motivationers who motivated me to finish the rounds. so thanks: ren jie, shi yuan, benjamin, wei jie, and the trainee teacher. :D you all rock. (if any name is missing up there, pls inform me so that i can make changes.)

2. DMC on tuesday is so last minute. espacially when hui jin at recess told me, "jefferson, today got DMC, we got to go chestnut drive and shoot a few scenes." i was momentarily shocked! (correct spelling?) 2 reasons.

1. this is so sudden.
2. watching movie that afternoon.

so, after recess at a time, i told hui jin that i am watching a movie that afternoon. then, she told me a surprising thing.

"i pay the movie tickets, you go for the shooting, it is seriously important."

excuse me? is it really worth? $13! not $1.30! but in the end, i did go and shoot. :) (i am a good person.) and everything was smooth sailing in the end.

at chestnut drive: you couldn't imagine that josephine's house could be sooooooo bigZ!! it is like i am walking in a palace! it is seriously big and the material is so fine! staircase so beautiful! proportional! phosphorous! (??) just cool! there is golf, karaoake lounge...

did i forget that benjamin said that it is my fault because i bought the movie tickets beforehand? and he also said that i knew there was DMC long ago. so benjamin, please do not make assumptions, thank you. :) it is seriously last minute.

(sigh) i made hui jin pay my transport fees instead of the tickets. ($2.40 for transport) in a condition.

1. if she made another last minute decision like that, then she can kindly suffer and think of what to do next. because i cannot be sacrificing so much money like that just because of a few pathetic scenes. :p

that is the end of DMC for tuesday.

3. maths peer tutoring was fun yesterday, seeing ren jie and shi yuan doing the test which i set. :) they scored ok. btw RJ and SY, MPT will resume on 14th August. good luck for your CTs. :)

end of MPT post.

4. cheering com. a lot of people asked me funny questions like, why are you shooting for cheering com? it is because i am the editor of cheering com august. :) so pls, stop asking me similar questions again, thank you. :D appreciate very much. to 203s: co-operate with Demas and Chun Yueh, must be more optimistic... :) and don't make a fool of yourself like last year. (espacially when one part the class kept quiet, and i was the only one shouting at the critical point of time.)

end of cheering com post.

5. DMC today is crazy. with evaluations and yi hao directing and in the end we were shooting 10 scenes in 1.5 hours? he is so fast.... THRICE as fast as Chin Wen.

end of DMC today post.

6. AMC today.

ok, today's paper is quite ok. except that i only figure out the last question only after the competiton: the answer for Q30 is 63. cos: 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12 x 13 x 14 = 63 x 64 x 65 x 66. T_T
checked my answers with a person who got distinction for AMC last year, in the end, out of 120, we only got 51 marks similar... (oops) target for this competition: 85, wish to get: 90.

7. stupidity today.

i would like to apologize to anyone whom i have irritated, with my stupid, childish and definitely atrocious behaviour of my favourite phrase today, "i am a genius."

and (sigh), phyllis, asked to claim $10 from class fund to buy paints. so i told her, demas' rule says that anything that is equal to or less than $30, go and give me the receipt. then she told me, demas agrees.

oh well done, how come the rules have been bent again?

demas came, and he told me he gave phyllis consent.

that is ok.

2nd rule: which i think should be very familiar to most people.

tell chun yueh first, and if he says ok, then you tell me.

then demas threw a tantrum, and what crap about me not seeing him as cheerleader.

me: "demas, can you stop shouting like that?"

demas: "i not happy what, what is your problem?"

and chun yueh did stop the 'fight', he explained politely to phyllis. (obviously demas does not want to hear it.)

nvr mind, but i cannot say that i am in the wrong. because firstly, i am only taking instructions and doing my job. 2. i do not set up rules. 3. i did not start the 'fight'.

but people must be more forgiving. and so, i must say that i should forgive demas a little bit, as he is having ovulation. :)

if you want me to set up rules, it should be EXTREMELY SIMPLE. :) do a vote, whether you want me to have new rules for the next 2 monthes. effect from 1stAugust. tag on my tagboard.

the rules are extremely simple.
1. for cheering com fever, if you have any purchases, ask demas and chun yueh for consent for ALL amounts.
2. other class stuff, which is more than $5, ask Vivien for consent whether the amount is fit to be withdrawn.

basically, that is all for stupidity. if you need to look at the tresaury book to update your knowledge on how did the money roll, feel free to ask me. :)

7. speech day tomorrow.

i am so excited! wonder what the pricee is. :)


jellyfish swimming in the ocean again.

9:19 PM

Monday, July 24, 2006

the jellyfish is back. Today, I am going to blog about speech day rehearsal part 2. :D and a um, scene?

Speech day part 2:

Today is such a stupid rehearsal. With all the singings, and all the what I call, ye English-speakin lessons. Why?

50% of the time MAY was correcting all the emcees, speakers, etc. for wrong pronounciation, etc. did I forget the parts about movement, timing and microphones?


Exp: the choir seriously got bullied by her. Espacially when they moved too slowly, or disorderly manner, and sigh! The choir moved into the hall 3 times because of all her NGs. Pity the choir.


1. how the emcees are supposed to speak. “you should not break up your words, you must go according to a smooth…” I mean, it is ok for the emcees to speak that way and she is making a fuss out of everything. Making a mountain out of a molehill. (chuckles)

2. how we should walk, and all the cues, and all the crazy stuff. It is like we are showing a very important person. It is only a person-in-charge, audiences, school stuff? That is all. We are not showing somebody important like a government people..? funny MAY.


Who did hear her shouting in the microphone just because the PA people ‘played with the bass of the microphone? (chuckles) and the poor emcees, cannot breathe in the microphone as there will be a boom boom noise, poor emcees, especially hong wei, repeating the beginning at least 3 or 4 times..

Today is just plain crazy. With quite a number of stuff going on, mood swings in people, and people claiming themselves to be famous or to be celebrities. Even MAO today went through step ahead textbook and workbook, it is just so amusing because we haven’t touch that booked for months? Weeks? :D

Events coming up this week.

27/7: new south wales maths.
28/7: speech day.

We are dismissed at 10.40am this Friday, so we can go home early and maple! :D hahax.. when is the last time I seriously mapled for a good long hour? (thinking…)

Read this scene somewhere, but I converted it to a non-real character form, but it is still visualisable and this is very CME.

Referring to someone in particular, but I will not reveal who. Unless of course, the person allows me to.

Now, let’s name this person, noddy! (cute name) now, noddy wants to join in the 1st class service job, and for that, he needs $70,000. (big amount!) and so, noddy called me for some tips? So I asked noddy, how are you going to raise $70,000? Noddy told me, “I think I will go for that sea-captain job. They pay quite high! And anyway, the pay is more important than my interest, what I need is the money, not the job.”

So I asked noddy, “noddy, I thought you already have a job? I think it is quite enough and since you are rich enough, you should be able to raise $70,000 quite fast.”

Noddy: no! that job won’t benefit me a lot! And at the rate for this job, I will have not enough to raise that huge amount of money! and besides, if I don’t join the sea-captain job, then what should I join? Fossil fuel picking?

Me: erp. Or you can try for the class B. it is only $45,000. I think it is enough for you. And it is good enough.

Noddy: no! class A is my expectations. With my standard, I will be wasting time in class B.

Me: erp… dotsz..

~End of Scene~

now, I would like to ask the readers.

1. do you think noddy should join the sea-captain job? Why?

That is the end of today. So long!
(jellyfish swimming in the ocean again.)

10:02 PM

Saturday, July 22, 2006

the jellyfish is back. ok. :) back to usual blogging. :)

few things to cover today.

1. credits to phyllis for designing
2. beauty and the beast
3. others.

let's start

topic number 1. firstly, must thank phyllis for designing the blog. :D (althought it is not a tempelate of a jellyfish) 8.5/10. late after the deadline, obviously. but it is still ok. as a saying goes, something that is lately done is better than never being done.

topic number 2. beauty and the beast

shooting with DMC.

18/7 - shoot front stage with eugene. ok, except that i find victoria theatrete creepy.. at about 8 something started the real shooting. shoot C.O. and the band.. took up a lot of time, espacially the band, and it is exceptionally noisy. (no offence) 8.33pm or something like that, started the first scene, and it seriously took up EVEN MORE TIME. ok. time-wasting is what i called. 9pm went home, meanwhile the seniors happy-go-lucky with the shooting. :)

19/7 - report to school at about 6.50am, packeted lots of snacks. :) wait at foyer, expecting to board the bus by 7.10am. then Mr Tom Chan (MTC) said that the bus is delayed, so we went back to clubhouse. slacked there until 10am.

10.45am, boarded the bus, reached victoria at around 11.30am. supposed to go overview (circle seats) and shoot, but when i went up there, it is so high. arrgh! (for a moment i thought i am going to die) :p seriously! so i went to front stage (right) instead, with baoyi.

it is good.
1. working with a junior is easier, regardless of gender.
2. no heights!
3. i dun have to suffer being looked down and being scolded all the time by proud people. :) (no offence)

12+ lunch time! nice lunch. :)

then do quite nothing.

2.30pm rehearsal! shoot the kindergarden kids, being so noisy.. espacially during the show. exp: when belle is trying to save her father, the beast was behind belle, and is approaching her. 2 sentences which the kids said:

1. lion! lion!
2. lion / beast, go away!

so childish lor. (fine, they are children)

and on the way: i dunno why is the monopod so loose.

reported the problem to seniors, and they end up saying it is my fault. oh well done! but i must admit, a handle did drop off, they said a circular ring is missing.

what i saw and did: when i was walking around (bit slacking) when baoyi was shooting, i looked, and she asked me to shoot (or what happened?). so i was shooting, and the handle suddenly went off. not turnin, not twistin. i went to a room filled with lights and fixed it, voila! done! how will i know that something is missing?

and that is not all, the monopod was already so loose.

treasure hunting, but in the end, no success. dinner.

8pm, shooting. quite ok. intermission: ate, saw lots of o3s. :)

10+ went home, nothing ammusing.

reached home at 11.50pm, slept at 12.08am.

sigh, DMC is just like this. fortunately, mr ong and mr lim, are EXCEPTIONALLY in a good mood on thursday. the monopod circular cylinder they will pay for it. :)

yesterday have DMC. extremely slacky there... nothing really serious to do. crystal absent... and yesterday was an exceptionally fun day of shooting! :) no noise pollution,etc. (no offence)
but seriously: it is so extra to have more sessions. :(

3. others!

homework and compo is piling up. i have created a set of homework lyrics, by the song, be our guest, walt disney. :)

pencil case: ma chere, saladlosse. it is with deepest pride, and greatest pleasure, that i welcome you tonight. and now, we would like you to be stressed, let us pull up a chair, and the study room proudly presents... your homework.

be our guest, be our guest.
but our standard to the test.
put your pencils on the table, sadie
and we provide the rest!

congruence, standard form,
why we only live to solve.
try the problems, it's difficult,
don't believe me? ask the teachers!

they can sing, they can dance!
after all, mam, this is once!
and a homework here is never second stress!
go on open your planner, take a glance and then,
you'll be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!

literature! geography!
maths and english, what is that!
we'll prepare and serve with busters,
a manly disaster!

you're alone and you're scared,
but the assignments' all preapared!
no one's happy or relaxing,
while the homework is progressing!

we bomb sums. i do chase
with my fellow pencil case.

calculators: and it's all in average that you can bet!

all: come on and lift your lens,
you got your own free pens.
to be our guest.

if you're relax, it's more homework we suggest!

be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!

pencil case: life is so unnerving, for a casing who's not functioning.
he's not whole without soul to wait upon

ah, those good days when we were useful,
suddenly, those good old days are gone.

ten years we've been weakening,
needing so much more than sharpening.
needing exercise, a chance to show our use!

most days we just lay inside the drawer,
slacky, tired and hazy,
you saw us, and oops a daisy!

eraser: it's a guest! it's a guest!
sakes alive, well i've be blessed!
water's been poured and thank the lord
i've had the pens neatly prepared!

with mapwork, she'l want string,
and my dear, that fine with me!
while the calculators are calculating,
i'll be rubbing, i'll be blackening!
i'll get black, friction hot
heaven's sake is that a spot?
clean it up, we want the principal impressed!
we've got a lot to do-
is it one work or two?
for you our guest!

all: she's our guest!

eraser: she's our guest!

all: she our guest!
be our guest! be our guest!
our command is your request!
it's ten years since we had anybody looking
and we're obsessed!
with your work! with your drinks,
yes indeed, we aim to please
while the electricity's still flowing,
let us help you, we'll keep going-

all (esp: pencil case):
work, by work!
one by one!
til you shout! that's it! i'm done!
then we'll give you a copy of reader's digest!
tonight you'll prop your feet up,
but for now let's sit!
be our guest! be our guest! be our guest! please
be our.. guest!

(end!) :D

12:40 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

the jellyfish is back. :) ok, um/.. the blog will still be under construction as usual. :( until further notice... but first, i will post aboaut things in the last few weeks.

things are ok - maths test got 24/25 :) (satisfied)

today took bio test, quite ok, except for one pathetic question which i dun even understand. hahax...

yesterday was fine.... except that william has an injured leg. (he purposely wanted me to mention it on my blog) :( and TC accidentally kicked the ball out of the school to the expressway. (or was it somewhere near?)

sigh... next wednesday is the funny beauty and the beast concert. so i am goin to be busy... things are all piling up. espacially homework by mianmian tan. (or whatever it is spelled). so much homework and yet so little time. he is seriously out of proportion... (no offence)

not talkin bout' sad things anymore..

today went speech day rehearsal (part 1). i am lucky number 8 in the seat. :) sat down there, looking at mrs angeline Ye... and she dunno ask us to do what procedure...

she said: 'the emcees say, it is my pleasure to welcome Mr Ng Yong Heng...' she wants us to stand up when she said 'my pleasure'. we just nodded.

the rehearsal started. she said the sentence, and after waiting for us for 3 seconds (due to our tiredness), we still didn't stand up. she was shouting, 'OI! what are you all waiting for?' we all laughed.. :D so funny lor. (joke number 1)

MAY pronouced the first person's name wrongly. (forgotten the actual name) let's name the person 'paper', pronounced as pay-per. she go and correct the person reading out the name and taught her that the 'correct' pronounciation is 'pa (as in father)-per'. we all laughed. :)

another word is 'three'. as the announcer was too fast, she did not hesitate to stop him, and wanted him to repeat after her.

MAY: the-ree
announcer: three (fastly)
MAY: the-ree
announcer: three (slower by a little bit)
MAY: how many times do you want me to teach you?

announcer: (ignoring her) the-reeeeeeeeeee (very slowly)

all laughed again. bascially everything is in a mess today. absentees, wrong name, wrong pronounciation, wrong number, wrong seats, wrong arrangement, wrong order....

that is all... trying to fix the tempelate! bye!

(jellyfish swimming in the ocean again)

8:25 PM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

the jellyfish is back. few things to blog about.


topic number 1: constructions

so many things are undergoing construction. corridor, shelter, pencil case,blog... etc. wonder when will all these sites be gone.

2.no comments about holidays. basically, i feel that i dun have any holidays.

3.today is so crazy, espacially the part on checking of the treasury book. (btw, today is not really a smooth day for me) mr neo kept giving opinions, on dunno wad, um.. the donations end of year then add up, or what august class fund $2 give back to joyce first then collect back a few weeks later. -.- so lame lor... he thinks that i will be confused by 2 bucks. (excuse me? i think that even a baby would not confuse 2 bucks. it is so simple, total in amount add 2 = total amount. confused?? nvr mind. ) a lot of contradictions.

1. a)he said in class that my account is transparent, even a 5-cent record i also wrote it down.
b)he should put all the donations into another account so that it is not messy.


2. a) i trust jefferson 100%.
b) i am worried that you will be confused, even now.


sigh, and more... and i tink he made a misunderstanding until quite a number of people ask me. how come there is a minus sign in the account?

ANSWER: because, i haven't add up the april and may class fund money, due to some funny people's mindset: 'i dun want to pay class fund'. that is why there is a minus sign. if not, how come benjamin and jane can claim their money today?

to mr neo (if seeing): no offence. :)

4. yesterday was fun? watched movie with william and ren jie. :) then went and do maths homework with william. :)

5. tomorrow care and share, how fun. :D

hope my blog gets back soon!

9:46 PM