
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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COUNTERS (FROM 18 OCTOBER 2006) Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate
Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate

Thursday, September 28, 2006

today's EL paper is so amusing... with good topics like blogging and P.E. for O level subject...

wrote question 1... 360 words

should score quite averagely.

paper 2 is quite ok, except for the summary where you have to squeeze pancreatic and brain juice for points.

:D wonder why then puffy benjamin pufferfish is bloating just because he lost 0.3 marks for his EL paper in summary....

(sigh) know some of my marks/

Home Ec CA: 61
Home EC practical: 41.5/60
Maths CA: 85.2
Geog CA: 84

that's all. :D smile always!

7:15 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

the jellyfish is back. going to blog about today's prize giving...

today went tangent, i mean tansy, i mean tanglin secondary school to go and collect the


:D actually thought going there by ourselves, then who knows, (she) postponed her medical appointment and drived us there by herself. muz say that her car is NOT HIGH-TECH,

with all the gaga facilities and the sasa things.

her car is just plain, with a messy drawer and a messy place. :D

was sitting on the front seat, messing around her things and looking @ her stuff. then found out that i got 15+1 mark for maths olympaid. (how do u spell it?)

after me is chien siew and gabriel, 12 out of 35.

oh yes, i remembered 03 marks. the people who got bronze got 10 marks. the people who got honourable mention got 8 marks. the rest scored i think 6 or 4 marks. the 4 marks is a boy.

looking down at the list, found out that the highest is 16 (which is obviously me), and the lowest is a point. :D surprising>?

- after digression -

oh yes, when we reach tanglin sec, just sat down there... (with of course forgetting the registration due to (she) being careless.


then FIANLLY, after some inconsiderate people being late, the thing started. first, we had a boring speaker who spoke about the wrong topic at a wrong time to the wrong people. why do i say that?

he spoke to us about unemployment and satistical rates?
this is supposed to be a prize giving, not a econ class?
do you think that students will be interested to hear him?

nvr mind la, after enduring for 45 long minutes explaning to us things we aren't interested in... the thing started.

(mind you, the people around me were almost sleeping)

SPEAKING OF THAT, let's count the number of weird things that is happened today. that speech is one crazy and weird thing.

current counter: 1

the names are being called, people went up and take their prize. :D very normal, rite? everything is seriously smooth-sailing until the part where the 1st prize special individual.

after he collected his prize, there were very minimal clapping.

current counter: 2

halfway, some funny weird people actually went up there again without emptying their prizes and just collected another prize.

current counter: 3

after that presentation, it is refreshment. 'nice' refreshment with fruit punch, fishballs, chicken wings and brownies.


1. are the emcees prepared?
2. disorganization
3. too little guests.

funny day.


jellyfish swims in the ocean again

9:11 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

the jellyfish is back.

i have no startings already..... neh mind.... today we have home ec practical test today..... guess what? whether we pass or fail... (huh?) i mean scored goodly or badly (arrr.... goodly) WRONG! WE GOT LOW MARKS! (?! IS THAT SOMETHING WORTHY TO ANNOUNCE!) obviously... mdm yati deduct marks!!! i dunno this time home ec SA will score well or not. i dun really like mdm yati..... she is strict at giving marks.... i am weak at home ec.... BUT AT LEAST. it should be better than last year.

good things of today
1: at least 12 out of 15 for the written things.
2: our food got 3.5 out of 5... that means that the food is ok... :D well, the spaghetti sucks of course...
3: grill fish is nice.
4: at least the presentation is OK... not forgetting the forks and spoons of course.

bad things of today

1: should be more organized bah... we are like asking and asking...
2: at least some people should be more observant and not self-conclude... there is spaghetti there and she told me there isn't crazy... wonder why wiliam apologized to her, we did nothing wrong!
3: seriously wonder why the spaghetti sucks...

dunno la, in the end this cooking only got 8.5/15... sucky marks.

taste the other group's food and you will find out that it is seriously nice!

zhe hao's group:
fruits: the orange is nice tasting, with its juice.

vivien's group:
agar²: quite nice... :D except that the shape is seriously funny

ahmad's group:
the group's food which i ate the most.
muz say that their presentation is excellent, not forgetting the food too!!! :D
sheperd's pie: excellent! it is so good tasting. 9/10
cake: although it is seriously watery on the outside, the taste is great! 9/10
it is nice la... :D took extremely much lor!

our group: people said the jelly is delicious, but i think so SOMEHOW. it is quite all right ACTUALLY. but the spaghetti is NOT ok......
fan wei's group get high marks, SO GOOD!

good luck to the pufferfish' group.

end my post now... bye!

to see my last year post on home ec, click on this link.

8:16 PM

Friday, September 08, 2006

the jellyfish is back. going to blog about 'holidays'.

basically, the 'holidays' are extremely fun... :)

testing people in sec1s and the nervous look on their faces... not knowing how to check the tape and fix cam onto monopod... shuld take a picture of them. :D

4 days, tested about 57 people. failed only 2 of them. sec 1s are seriously pure innoncent. some amusing sentences in some amusing situtations i and them communicated...

1. a girl dropped the whole monopod and battery. i looked at her and ask, "monopod dropped? well well well, for proper use of monopod..." i haven't even finish my sentence and she said to me, "no! that was just an accident, you cannot fail me..."

2. this boy don't know anything about the monopod. "i don't know anything about the monopod. please teach me and don't fail me."

3. (extremely popular with a junior) a lot of them forgotten to remove the lens cap. i looked at the screen and joked with them. "excuse me... er... today i think is a bright sunny day, but your screen looks like a night sky..."

some sec 1s responses to this...

"oh! i see! i forgot!"
"what the??"
"ya hor... today is supposed to be bright..."
"erp. (and give me a 'please don't fail me' face.)"
"die already la..."

these are all those who realised the mistake after the 1st hint. to the 2nd stage.

i told them to check their camera... their responses...

"ok, thanks a lot(huh? u saying to me?)"
"fine, fine fine!"

hopeless cases after i told them to check the front of their camera.

"where got wrong!!?? the school camera spoil already la!!!"


and sometimes, i am just extremely fed-up with some and in the end got EXTREMELY SACARSTIC.

example some people who loves to ask questions which are so obvious...

obvious questions:
1. do I have to put the camera on the monopod?
2. do i have to put the tape in?
3. do i have to record?


giving a pass is extremely simple, but if you want to fail someone, you have to seriously look at the candidate's gender, face, temper, ability... etc.

1 i failed is a DMC member, which i failed on 1st september. another is a gentle, girl, a bit blur... so i think it is safe to fail her... (fine, i must admit that i am showing a bit biasity here...)

the girl which i failed is in volleyball. before lunch, Mr Ong told us to be more lenient. so more lenient lor, and then end up letting so many people PASS.

then yesterday debrief, say must give more comments and be stricter? so that they can give marks easily...

then this morning leh, go and check the examiner's marking, see me writing comments and marks, say must have more comments and marks don't have to write...

yao qiu duo duo... (lots of requests and restrictions)


these few days, breakfast have not been nicer than ever with 4 out of 5 days eating outside... recaping what i have eaten...

Monday 4 - Long John Silver Breakfast 1, $4.10 offer.
Tuesday 5 - Home breakfast, delicious! :)
Wednesday 6 - sausage mucffin with drink, $2 offer.
Thursday 7 - Fried noodles with hashbrown and egg.
Friday 8 - Delifrance Waffles...

Lunch is of course nice... (with only 2 days of healthy food)

Monday 4 - Mac Mc chicken
Tuesday 5 - KFC zinger burger meal
Wednesday 6 - Apple pie with 1 french toast sandwich
Thursday 7 - Mixed Rice
Friday 8 - Tuna Pie with wholemeal egg sandwich.

Dinner is even better...

Monday 4 - ate sesame oil chicken and fish soup
Tuesday 5 - Pizza with seniors! :D the 3rd DMC dinner...
Wednesday 6 - Glutinous chicken rice.
Thursday 7 - Tuna Pie
Friday 8 - French toast! Eh...the french toast is quite healthy... :) mummy made it for me leh...

basically, that is all... :D

* opportunity is oftenly like a chore in disguise. difficulty is oftenly like an opportunity is disguise. :)*

did i forget to do some marketing homework!!???!?!?!?

9:15 PM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

the jellyfish is back. Tonight, I am going to blog about yesterday and today.

Basically, yesterday was quite a nice day. :)

In the morning, funny funny person was stressing on the seniors, criticizing them with all his might. Said dunno wad on elimination or what respiration or whatever thing. And it is super boring.

Sec 1 had a basic video test yesterday, examined jian wei and he had 3 crosses. And then the sec2s also had to take the test for dunno wad reason, basically it is just a COMPLETE waste of time for the sec 2s to take the test.

Then meet up with him. And of course, he showed off his usual stupid attitude by

1.Nagging at me.
2.Saying that I am inconsiderate
3.Walk slowly.

Never mind la, must forgive his behaviour. Anyway, I am completely used to all this make-up cock and bull things. Hahax…

(For some particular reason, he wants to take the bus and not wanting to meet up with the class.)

West coast park

Ate 3 slices of pizza. 2 Hawaiian and 1 super cheese. (Wonder why the pizzas have some sour plum inside.)

Food: 4.5/5 :)

Credits to Mr. D Tan and Miss K Wu)

layed the usual traditional games.

Haha… Benjamin was gobbling up the cookies within the first round. The funny moment. The rest was all crazy. That dressing part was the funniest. With Benjamin dressing up like an auntie advertising pizzas… :D

Games: 3/5

(Credits to demas)

Then demas calculated the scores, everybody had their free time, and Benjamin left. And that is when the real fun starts!
I was sitting there with miss wu. And she started talking about common test. >.< I did not even do well, and she is there babbling about biology, obvious giving me a nightmare about a giant Venus flytrap.

Then, I cut the conversation by telling her that I am going to buy drinks. So we went to Mac and I bought one large green tea and one corn cup. Actually thought that corn cup only 1 buck. Then the cashier told me that it is only 1 buck with Evm. So paiseh… but luckily the cashier said never mind and then counted it as only 1 dollar. (Seriously must admit that the cashier is kind.)

Did I forget to mention that she treated me the drinks and the corn? :)

Then we went back, and I slacked.

After a swamp of girls came and crowded around the table, I decided to go to a place with a lot of ropes to practice what I call ‘physical fitness test’.

Fine, passed everything except the part where you had to jump quite far… (I failed my standing broad jump, remember?)

Then played

- Concentration
- Pushed other people to play the um… what I call, um(desperate to find a sentence) oh yes! tarzan game! this is just what i call. i never know the proper name...

while playing the tarzan games yesterday, some seriously selfish delayers girls kept keeping the swing to themselves. If they don’t want to play and want to rest, they should just let other people play.

Basically, that is all the free time games we played.

FT games: 5/5

I wonder how come nobody cycled yesterday.


Duration: 4/5 (it is seriously too short, such excellent outings like this deserve more time.
At here, I must definitely admit that demas is seriously a good organizer. It is not easy to organize this alone, and conduct it alone. Fine, Vivien did help a little. :D

Total marks: 83% :D

That is all for west coast. Hope there is another excellent outing like this. :D

Today’s prize presentation.

Today is basically another bright and beautiful day. Went inside the cooling auditorium. Sat down there and wait for the presentation to start. Meanwhile, I borrowed chien siew’s solution book to read. Interesting book. Found out that special round I got 2 questions out of 5 correct. :D

Then the ceremony started. With the usual ‘interesting’ and ‘meaningful’ speeches. After the speeches, they presented the project festival prizes. And after the presentation, the project winners presented the projects.

- Phfizzy donughts
- Noitcelfer (opposite for reflection)

Basically, the project and project presentation is ‘interesting’ and meaningful. It takes up only ‘a little’ bit of time. I was ‘barely awake’.

Then, it is the junior section presentation. Went up there, shook the guest of honor’s hand and faced the auditorium. Then I just realized, there is seriously a big chunk of people present…

Then went back to seats and opened up the envelope. Inside consists of

- 3 certificates (obviously meant for 3 people)
- $100

excellent. Cash prize is good. $33 for each person (except a $34 share) is good enough. I was actually hoping that it is not a cheque that is addressed to the school, because if it is, I am going to cry out loud at home. But since it is cash, it will me more than exciting… :D

I have a plan to spend it…

And a trophy. Beautiful trophy. But anyway, it will still be given to the school, if they ask for it. (if they don’t, it is best to keep our mouths shut and not talk about this like a big stupid parrot.)

And for the money, um… I don’t think I will donate any part… if they want, then hiya, I should be kind. 2 dollars should be enough… :D (obviously, if not how much you want?)

Or to be more specific. I will donate 2 bucks of my part. If the rest wants to donate 10 bucks each, it is up to them. Not my problem.

I think that is all. I bought a solution book also. :D

That is all. These 2 days are actually good days.

Holidays are obviously here.

But that dosen’t mean that I will have a holiday.

5 days DMC. Why?

Monday – marketing
Tuesday – IPW video test
Wednesday – IPW video test
Thursday – IPW video test
Friday – IPW video test

(sigh) you may ask, why does DMC need to bother about this IPW video test when it isn’t a little related to it? Well, my answer is that the teacher-in-charge is obviously making use of resources which is us. We cannot object, or he will be saying.

“if you don’t help me in this situation, then you can find another CCA, because you are not committed to do your part.” Or something like that…

seriously pathetic. And anyway, if he don’t use us, he can only find other people, with lots of begging and effort… which of course, people who will help him, will be mostly reluctant…
this the end of post. Hope that the projects can be done quickly.

8:46 PM