
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Now i am really bored after talking to syafiq about the oil refinery trip and making my previous post to look better and nicer. :) and if you want ur pic removed pls tell me...

I looked at my traits about wad i like in the past and now and made some changes XD

In the past i would like physics, but now removed it cos it is quite sian...

In the past i would hate graph drawings, but now i feel that graph drawing somehow gives u a satisfaction of completing a question :) so now u tell me draw 5 graphs i also dun mind.

Oh yes i am no longer a DMC aka Infocomm club member. :( so i just removed it.

Really funny how time flies, before you know it. 1 more month to CL O level and about 5 months to O lvl!!!

Anyway look at this video is quite funny haha but no offence to MZ and HX btw...

Ok i tink end here for now! Good luck for upcoming CT2!! :)

** Somehow i dun tink the video is working but nvm XD **


9:11 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the jellyfish is back. today is another bright and beautiful day although it was a dark and rainy day in the early morning but nvm. :) seems like today everybody is in a good mood for some reason...

Anyway, this beautiful forecasting stone is a picture of pulau tekong's weather report. Don't you think that this is far more interesting than the news reporter?? :)

Today's lessons are like fantastic?

SS - tiger was like having quite a good mood and said many lame things (as usual) and showed many lame slides, and he nvr even notice somebody nvr handed in any assignments haha XD

EL - another normal lessons. but today SLLP is like very calm and proceeded with a super normal basic standard lesson. =)

PE - TC nvr come, so everybody slacked for no reason.

FC - i tink almost the whole class expected Mrs Poh to teach A maths during form class? but surprisingly she today SUPER HAPPY. we went through the examination conditions and tips and she was like not serious at all and the class reading she was like laughing no reason. after the reading of tips she even shared a lot stories about her cooking. her house, her children. her life.... dunno y she so happy anyway, happy until she can even skip teaching A maths which she NEVER did before. Anyway, she also PROMISED that if whole class passed upcoming A maths CT2, we will go her house for any reason... a bit strange sia. but it is good to be happy anyway :)

Phy - went through practical and the WS was like wow not bad :) at about 12.45pm then we left class, put bags in bio lab and off to SHELL REFINERY!!! will elaborate on shell refinery later.

===================== GO BACK TO THE PAST =================

i will only talk about major events XD


18/4 - EL and CL preliminary oral examinations. i make it sound so formal haha, anyway the CL topic was horrible and my teacher was Anteater Shen, dunno that is good news or bad news but i scored 20/30 for conversation which is like, GG!!!

EL oral topic was still ok as it is on traditions and peformances which i found quite easy to answer the questions. my examiner was RN and when somebody left RN table i found out no one was in front of me and everybody behind was like quick go!!! i walked to his table and somehow he gave me a "YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!" kind of look which i s frightening. let's hope i won't score lower than 26/40 for the oral...


4/4 - sports carnival

wow that day was very fun! mostly hanged out with william and TEAN on that day and watched the teams playing volleyball. anyway P1 Jun Guan's team won volleyball and wow congrats to them? anyway SY team was also not bad so dun be disheartened when u nvr win :) also i watched the teachers' basketball and soccer match? u can see islands of phuket playing basketball and Neozy playing soccer, INTERESTING!

i can also swear that the food and drinks stall earned lots of money that day, and also the councillors. when u tell me about councillors selling food on sports day, i can only say that what they did are - SCAMMING!

well, one can argue that "hey we councillors are doing our duties and sacrificing our time to sell these food for charity."

wow thank you for your kind effort and i should really think that selling food as a charity act is a good way as it also lets u learn about businesses' tips and ways, but 1 miserable hot dog for 1 dollar? TOO MUCH BA! at first i thought 2 hot dogs was 1 dollar and i tink that was already very expensive, but i got kind heart and i tink pay a bit more than usual nvm bah... so i asked yue cong for hot dogs and pay 1 dollar.

(J: me, Y: Yue Cong)

J: (saw 3 hot dogs in 1 plastic bag) WA! 3 hot dogs in 1 packet? worth it sia!
Y: Oh no no, it is 1 hot dog for 1 dollar.
J: Huh? (i took 1 whole packet) so that means these 3 hot dogs 3 dollars ar?
Y: Ya la.
J: WTH?!?!?!?!?!??!?>!?!?

and at that time, i got a thought of smashing the whole store into 2008 pieces, so i told YC, i dun take hot dog ba, u take the 1 dollar and pretend i nvr talk to u. then YC is like no no u muz eat the hot dog.

i can swear that the hot dog is the best and worst hot dog in my life.

Best: Did a kind act, quite delicious

The hot dog of tears =.= LOLX, so i suggest in future sports day pls pls pls bring your own food, but if u really want do charity acts then pls have a kind heart and donate. if you are the hungry type like me, BRING YOUR OWN FOOD or buy from the canteen vendors :)

After sports carnival I and TEAN go prata shop and buy different kinds of prata to eat, i can only say it is delicous!! haha, enjoyed myself that day.

P.S. one thing surprised me. i got a volleyball trophy as my register is an odd number and so i got champion for volleyball. =.= anyway i donated the award to SY as i tink he 1000% deserves it more than me :)


12/4 - Maths comp and band comp

As posted a long time ago, 2 competitions which i knew of fell on that day and true enough. :)

well the maths comp in Hwa Chong was a total failure but the written round was not as bad as i expected, at least can answer a few questions :P the written round was conducted in Cheng Yi auditorium i tink? and before that we have a sort of metal object to play haha...

the relay round was conducted in the hall and that was a super total failure. in order to solve question 2 correctly, question 1 must be correct or questions 2 would mostly be wrong. so imagine there are 6 blood-vomiting questions and tell me wad is the probability that the whole team would be surviving after the 6 questions?? (my team = Chien Siew, a girl whom i forgot the name but is from 3T1 and me)

1st questions CS said she guessed, 2nd question was left blank by the T1 girl and so i guessed the 2nd and 3rd question which is like OMG?!?! so obviously the rest of the 3 questions would mostly be wrong =.= well done.

REFRESHMENT - i can only say one word of this buffet - EXCELLENT! basically i just flooded my plate with sandwiches and swiss rolls and some chicken wings, oh yes another cup of orange juice. :) very nice!!!

BUZZER ROUND - not surprised, the top 3 teams are RI, RGS and Nanyang G high school. well their questions were like CRAZY!? if i go up i tink i scored 0 already except for 1 stupid relay round question which even sec 1 can even do. anyway RI won eventually and their prizes were some vouchers and a super GOOD AND USEFUL calculator*!!! So shouldn't they be happy?

*for their school


after maths comp, I, CS, and EMAS team went to National stadium by many means of transport.

1. Bus to Newton
2. MRT to city hall.
bought some breadtalk nachos bread at city hall XD
3. Bus to national stadium.

The gate was 2B i tink and u can see an array of colours flooded there! nothing interesting, unless u want to count the lower sec ppl being amused by a blackened pair of shorts :) derrick and XY was like blowing bubbles all the way and names like spongebob was being used to describe the yellow house people. how very interesting. =) anyway, we were all shouting cheers all the way and mrs poh was like waving to LBH in a Sean-ish manner, almost puked but i managed to control myself. XD

nothing interesting about our school band performing as we have seen it before, the sad part is our band left a lot of cloths behind. =(

5+pm see CKL do guard duty and it is very interesting to see loads of ppl trying to get past but failed. btw CKL mentioned that he shouted at a boy whom he thought is BP student then found out is not. =.= this incident made me and TEAN rolled into laughter aka ROTFLMAOWTIME.

7+ announced results and BP is like shocked when we knew we got silver. the school's reaction was like HUH!?!?!?!? but i personally feel that silver is nt bad already =) hey at least there is an award rite?

anyway quite enjoyed myself but super emo when on the bus and continued emoing for the whole night.

=============== END OF 12/4 =======================

Oh ya i said i wanted to talked about shell refinery. i tink mostly are pics here, the quality is not good but never mind. =)

[if you want ur pics removed pls tell me ty]

Another bright and beautiful afternoon in the jetty near Pulau Tekong...

Shi Yuan and Tean chatting and looking at the sea...

Shi Yuan Emo-ing and looking at the sea again, hey he looks so Emo-ish.

(But when u look at him in another perspective...)

Hey hey! Now we have Shi Yuan laughing aka Umm Chio-ing to himself. wonder why he so happy?

This is Zhe Hao looking so damn dehydrated, u see he is like "OMG SO HOT!!" haha joking, he is tired actually i tink. o.O so let's add a packet of strawberry milk inside the scene.

Look at Zhe Hao enjoying the milk. :) Anyway these are all pre-visit pictures. i can't take the visiting pictures anyway as Shell refinery is a very restricted area and so all handphones must be off. unless u are dying to see ultra fireworks

Ok, time to go to the ferry!!! And you can see how nice is the ferry and how united our class is into going to the ferry. :)

The tunnel that leads to the ferry :)

A nice view from the tunnel, look at the sea and the bright and beautiful sky.

A view of the inside ferry. There is even a movable electronic notice which i dunno the full name. anyway the thing is quite interesting and displays many interesting messages. Example:

"Think safely, work safely, you work for your family. And your family needs YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!" Something like that haha, i wonder wad is the purpose anyway.

The middle rows people, all waiting for the ferry to arrive at the Shell refinery stop.

TZY is so enthu about the view outside? Wow kenneth is looking at i also dunno wad haha...

End of the ferry journey pictures. When we reached the refinery station, we went to a lecture theatrete with our handphones off and hear a 'tour guide' (i forgot the name) who briefly went through the history of Shell and about the components inside this island. :) the shell logos are very fascinating, from colourless, to a coloured shell with the word shell to the logo we all see today :) he also asked for the best in maths to calculate the estimated amount of oil in 1 barrel, so i lucky lucky guess is 159litres/barrel and surprisingly is correct. O.O

After the briefing, we saw 2 videos. One is on the development of shell and its works. the other is on oil extraction processes. of course a lot of ppl slept for some reasons, but personally i found it quite interesting =)

After the videos, we set off in a bus to tour around the whole refinery area and OMG it is super super super big!!! and there are like many workers there and we waved to them, getting a warm waving back in return. some interesting attractions include the cleaning of a giant cylinder and see it being lifted, or the fire which never ceases. the 'tour guide' was extremely humorous and i think many ppl enjoyed themselves.

REFRESHMENT TIME! the time which many bored ppl waited for. :) along the way to the refreshments, we passed by a chalet which is only applicable for shell members or workers, and imagine a chalet 4D/3N for only $50!!!!!!!! And the refreshments consisted of chocolate cake, samosa which tasted like curry puffs and orange juice. :) Although i ate very little, it is still delicious!

After the refreshments we went back via ferry and bus. All good things must come to an end anyway... =( However, i would deeply recommend the ppl who have the chance to visit Shell to bring an enthusiastic heart to enjoy ur trip there the fullest!!!

Oh ya i took some pictures during refreshments. (HP can be turned on now without causing fireworks XD )

A scenic view! Isn't the pool and the coconut tree blending beautiful?

If u sit on a relaxing chair, this is the view of the sea u will look at. As if you are flying =)

And here are some interesting photos... (including bus trips)

Falling Coconuts! Keep Away! i dunno y this notice is here as i didn't notice that the coconut trees have coconuts =.= and some more the coconuts are near the swimming pool?

MZ and HX having happy times handphoning. O.O *i invented this word by the way, so pls dun use this word in essays. Oh ya, i can even make a story with the pics.

MZ and HX always shared happy times with each other by looking at handphones to let HX learn a new skill...

One day, HX and MZ discovered a strange discovery and they gave weird expressions =.=

While MZ was still looking for tips, HX gave a umm-chio look... and when the sun light reaches the Earth...

Avada Kedrabra! HX learned the laser eyes skill!!!! =.= look at MZ's astonished look.

Ok i know this is very lame but it is for ppl who have a lame sense of humour like me... XD

Ok! End my post here!!!


8:54 PM

Thursday, April 03, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Finally it is reaching April and this means half a year more to O lvl!!! tomorrow is the sports carnival and hope it will be fun. blogging about last few days or weeks as usual...

Monday - Napfa. very interesting run, espacially when u are helping someone who has breathing difficulty and walked him for like a few minutes?? some say that i should not be helping so that i can have a better timing but nah, i still feel it is better to help. anyway my timing is 19:21 and is like a snail cos my stamina is like ..??? anyway TY to Jun guan, kenneth, Tan zheng yang and other ppl who motivate me to run at the last stretch? and TY to hong xun for running with me during LAST WEEK PE session.

Did i mention about ancient civilisation? the whole class met him @ about 1.30pm and he was like very civilised? O.O (i'm being very sacarstic) anyway i wonder y he keep commenting about our class and said something like if no one will control us and if we grow to be leaders and he will stop us. like ya, u r only a teacher and wow u control the world? and he kept talking about uniform... appearance... even if we talk among ourselves about other things, he will go like, "u see, now you are talking bad about me."

like we want to talk about you.

Anyway let's hope island of phuket come early every Day 6, or there will be a world war of 20+ ppl VS 1.

========== END OF MONDAY 31/3 ===================

30/3 is ZH birthday so let's sing him a birthday song... anyway that day BB is quite fun? o.O and u can see William, RJ, SY, WJ and a stranger VS another team. while i, kip and CS were like watching... haix our team lost but nvm. there is still room for improvement =)

========== END OF SUNDAY 30/3 ===================

28/3 is E-learning day. so basically just stay at home and do all the online homework? O.O and it is like so fun. MSN online rate is 41/55, and the exercises are quite easy, except the 99 questions geog which are like the old syllabus? finished at around 10+ so go play maple after 10+ haha...

========== END OF FRIDAY 28/3 ====================

27/3 is kip birthday so let's sing him a birthday song...

========== END OF THURSDAY 27/3 ==================

Oh yes i should talk about ZOO. 22/3 is crystal's birthday so let's sing her a birthday song... seriously a lot march babies haha XD anyway zoo is trip, considering i RJ and william reached there @ about 7.50am? and so go take pics, see william play with rubber bands near water, or trying to play kakuro or rubik's cube...

then all the 11 ppl went in and 10 ppl get a 50% discount thanks to RJ. while RJ himself get a 100% discount. =.=

so we all go see animals, monkies, polar bears, sunbears, white tigers...

monkies are very funny? considering some with red backside or u see two monkies rolling over each other. O.O or as wad ZH claimed to see, a male monkey used his hand to hold his 'bird' high and chase after a female, and the female quickly ran away... (ZZZ LOLX)

Lunch was not bad? ate KFC. (Zinger burger, cheese fries, coleslaw, ice milo) and then celebrated Crystal's birthday by singing a song and cutting a HUGE chocolate cake. and all the people eating keep staring at us? O.O and forgot to mentioned, william got knocked by a tram and wonder how he survived with nothing wrong... =.= (think he iron body?)

after lunch we want to go see an animal show but MISS!!! (ROAR~~~) so we go see butterflies, and there is one super ridiculous butterfly who is attracted to 03ians. while i solving the cube and going on to last 3 steps, it flied onto my hand and i was like, if u stay there how can i solve the cube? very funny and very meaningful :)

then it rained afterwards =.= so a lot ppl are sharing umbrella. while i shared with william? and it was very funny to see a whole bunch of ppl like a train trying to walk... finally we reached some sort of a shelter with i tink is crocodiles? and there are a lot ppl there... so just stayed there and wait for reduced numbers of lightning and thunder.

after like 20 mins, the rain is still very big, but L and T has ceased, so this time i solo an umbrella and walked all the way through to the entrance. took a video but nvm, it is about everybody being wet!!! and nearer to a sheleter before the entrance, the road is LITERALLY flooded and it was OMFG!!! socks were wet of course and when we reached the entrance, we felt wet =.=

Anyway i enjoyed it XD hope my birthday can go bird park but argh, ISP during June first week... nothing interesting after zoo trip!

============== END OF SATURDAY 22/3 =====================

forgot what happened before saturday already...

Anyway Mrs Poh go introduce a game, form in groups of 8 ppl, then a test avg mark if your group lowest then must stayback after school. and she said ppl who pass all 5 tests can choose whether you want to join in the game or not. and i realised i was the only one who passed all 5 tests =.= but i joined in anyway XD

test (partial fractions) : 32 / 35 [not counted for the game]
test (differentiation) : 26 / 30 [COUNTED]

anyway my group avg (7 ppl only for some reason) is 17.0 and i counted if without me, the score is 15.5 and my group will be the lowest =.=

anyway grats TEAN for FINALLY passing his A maths test and JYJY to score better marks!!
and grats to Yuming for improving? from dunno anything to getting at least a reasonable mark for his standard. JY to passing!!!

although yuming nt my group, teach him also can wad... XD

OK! END OF POST, go choing all my A maths exercises now, realised i haven't do about 4 to 6 exercises =.=


4:51 PM