
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Monday, June 30, 2008

the jellyfish is back. blogging about oral? lols today oral can only be described in 3 words. Cold! But easy. :)

Q: The government is prohibiting store owners to put their items in corridors.

And for the first time in these 4 years, i tink this is my best oral. :) I actually thought how difficult the oral will be, and i will be stunned, making me unable to move. But hey, its really nt bad! Although this is a cold topic, and plus the venue is in the library, people who dunno how to say this will be officially FROZEN! or as wad many ppl say (leng diao)...

If i get distinction for oral, i muz really thank PYK aka peng peng aka islands of phuket.

Anyway, SY said that i was the luckiest boy he ever met? cos, if my name is C-J instead of J-C, i will tio last week CIP topic, and that topic is hot, but for me is difficult to say. And just 1 more person in front of me gone in the class register, today i will be moody and worrying about my oral. LOLS...

Have a happy week!!!

8:23 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

rthe jellyfish is back. These 3 days have really been 3 slack days. Cos yesterday and today are somehow similar.

Wake up, eat breakfast, watch tv, do hmwk, watch tv, eat lunch, watch tv, in front of com, eat pancakes, in front of com, sleep.

lol this sounds like a super lazy holiday. Anyway, VVG BBQ was nice? Loads of food, loads of ppl, loads of games? The band ppl came, and ya many interesting happenings... Like HJ being amazed of the minesweeper game, or SY finally losing his temper due to lack of basketballness, or AH scoring many balls...

Just sharing, with no offence to anyone, the annoying habits i seen in the past and i want to post it here for some purpose.

1 - bootlicking. Not literally, but is people who tries to interact with teachers well and talked nicely to them, aka trying to be in teachers' good books.

Example: Let's imagine Mrs PKYW sitting at the teacher's table during form class period, and a quiet class reading their RD magazines or doing their unfinished homework. Suddenly, 2 students (name them X and Y) talked to PK. Mrs PK, don't u feel stressed about being a teacher? Mrs PK, how is ur husband like? Mrs PK, u want to know about this... that... bla bla bla... etc...

The next moment, the whole class gives a CONDESCENDING look to both X and Y. lols. ok this statement is very unfair to X and Y, let me rephrase it. *Dont you think that X and Y behaviour irritates the people around them?


2 - smart alecks (aka ppl who loves to counter-argue things or answer many questions in their style - mostly wrong and always try to get their way)

sure u have met someone who loves to answer questions in a class or in a meeting (whether they answer correctly or wrongly is another matter) or someone who loves to challenge facts. Well, some people will say, "wow they have the courage to speak up, isn't this great?" However, another group will say, "if they keep bombing questions or challenge facts, how is the class going to learn in this rate of learning?"

Quote RN: Many people don't like to speak up, cos they are afraid that people will call them, 'smart aleck', 'teacher's pet', 'trying to act smart ppl', 'bootlickers', etc...

well i won't disagree with his sentence, and it is not entirely good to be shy and timid and not bravely answer questions. But just imagine, the next moment everybody tries to speak up and then there are conflicts and arguments about a certain thing. And also face it, in the real world, u will not be awarded with a 'ANSWER MOST QUESTIONS CORRECTLY AWARD' during speech day, instead u will be disliked or HATED by many people indirectly. XD (I'm being too evil)


3 - indecisive people in normal decisions (normal decisions as in deciding a time for lunch or whether to go for a simple game of basketball)

this is extremely COMMON in the present situation. Let's take a normal conversation that pissed me off before, i am going to be J, and my friends are U, V and W.

- ON MSN - (10.00am)

U: Let's go for a basketball game on 3.30pm at block 219!
J: ok, confirm wif me later on.

- J logs off for while -
- U asks V -

U: V wanna go bball?
V: Who is going?
U: still asking.
V: i will go if J and W goes.
U: lols ok.

- U asks W -

U: W wanna go bball?
W: who is going?
U: still asking.
W: ok i will go if V and J goes.
U: wth? like this everybody tell me nt sure then how i confirm?
W: dunno leh?
U: zzz...

- J logs on, J asks U to confirm - (12.30pm)

J: U, so how? Anyone going?
U: V and W all say nt sure.
J: huh? the bball game is like a few hours and not confirmed?
U: dunno leh nt sure...
J: nvm i help ask.

- J asks V -

J: Oi V, u going bball later or nt?
V: nt sure.
J: 2 hours later bball already u tell me nt sure ar.
V: dunno la. see first lor.

- J asks W -

J: W u going bball?
W: dunno later then decide.
J: when? christmas?
W: nt sure la, maybe got something later on.
J: like wad thing?
W: dunno, currently nothing.

How do you tell me nt to get pissed off like this? Yes i can also be indecisive at times, but hey juz imagine seeing loads of events where 90% of the people give u a 'huh i nt sure' reply. ANNOYING!


4. Punctuality

Often people are late for many events, regardless of major, minor or insignificant.

Quote and example, during a bball game on a bright and beautiful sunday. People A B C D E F, all agreed that they are going to turn up. F being a punctual one came very early.

J: Hi F, you're early.
F: haha i am always early, when u nt around.
J: =.= ok where the rest, left 10 mins start le.
F: wait first lo...

- 3 mins left -

E: wa, only 2 of u all?
J: ya. where the rest?
E: dunno, they always late de. i surprised that 2 people already arrived.

- the rest are all late, lets see their excuses - (in order of early lateness to late lateness)

A: Never mind la, u see so many ppl haven't arrive yet.
B: Everyone is always late anyway, so i late also nvm wad.
C: late only wad? start the game lo. D says he later come.

(80 mins after the game has started - VIP Person D has arrived! XD )

*Take note that i am eliminating the excuse for person D has he has no excuses. o.o and also take note that i am implying sacarsm into the 3 letters - VIP

end of small minor meetings by small minor meetings between groups of people

let's talk about big important events! (criticizing most VIPs here)

Wedding dinners are no strange events to us. If you are one of the early types of people who obeyed the punctuality rule, you will find out that wedding dinners ALWAYS delay the time by a few hours. Why? Cos many people are always late! Including VIPs! Isn't this amazing?

To the chinese, by going to a wedding dinner early, you are showing that you are 'greedy' for dunno wad reason, but i guess it has something to do with the peanuts on the table. Wow, this tradition is extremely important, by going late, u are not greedy!

i can say only 1 word: BULLSHIT!

if being punctual is considered greedy, then i suggest that the lovely couple in their wedding day changes their reporting time for their weddding time 2 hours earlier, then hey everyone will be punctual. :) just imagine everyone being there, and hey the wedding starts ASAP, and the couple will be blessed and do not have to endure the long tiring hours of waiting! XD

lols i am being too imaginative...


5. Ppl who always try to act 'great' (regardless of good or bad incidents) - lols

Imagine talking to 2 people called H and I. When talking to H about an incident, I suddenly says that he is involved in such a situation before! Or better still, is involved in a MUCH BETTER incident which does not have any 2nd linkage or amide linkage to the discussion topic!


J: You know, the bleeding of the leg is just very scary, u can see the person's pitiful look.
H: wa, then will the person die?
I: won't want la, u know hor, i last time rite, fell down and hurt my leg, u can see that the whole leg and body is bleeding like hell, but i still alive, and this is much more scarier than J's person incident!

another eg. (I and J are discussing about how I's subject combination ended up him into class delta)

I: i dun like class delta.
J: ya i know, i like my class beta! anyway, cos u choose bio history, thats y u ended up in class delta! many people like u ended up in that class also wad. o.o
I: ya la. and btw, if i choose physics and geog, i will end up in the same class as u lor. because... (reason 1), (reason 2), (reason 3)... so u see... (conclusion). [talks in a i control which class i go manner]

I dunno y i dun like such behaviour. imagine if somebody talks to u, and the next moment he boasts about his past injuries, his achievements in basketball, tennis, bowling, PS games like gundam seed or naruto... No end to it, and no questions asked!



Next few irritating habits:

6. Ppl who have too much moral values
7. super sacarstic people - like me?
8. Ppl who love to interfere, in conversations, or while u walking. :)
9. Ppl who just loves to be formal and law abiding. :) [quote: wo zai zheng fu bu men de ri zi]
10. stubborn people [i say and it means yes]

10:37 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Finally, this week is the last week of June HOLIDAYS. :) Next week it will be back to school with all the bombing of homework, SPA ... Oh ya revision for O lvl...

Anyway, last week was fun at ben house, watched some movies and see people play gundam seed which is like getting boring by just looking... anyway happy belated birthday to ben. :)

Anyway, Kung Fu Panda is a great show to watch. For those people who haven't watch yet, go watch, it is nice and inspirational?? And i suddenly feel that the panda is super alike to me, in terms of character and ya... don't need the mention the rest of its features...

3.5 years (not exact) of life in BP has just ended. Juz now go look at wad Demas posted in the o3 class blog, and wow i just remembered how childish i was when i was younger (more childish than i am now). And the memories of the signing up of the singing competition failed, how caslin was furious on how the class does not have the covalent bonds and etc other happy memories... :)

Oh yes, as wad SY mentioned not long ago, fish = newcomer, and this makes me realised about how i created the silly fish family during sec 1. and linking back to SY words, the fish family = the newcomer family. LOLX just by reading this term. That's how i got the name jellyfish. J for jellyfish. The newcomer called jelly haha...

0.5 years more to go!! And it will be a rough journey to the end... Have a happy last week holiday! :)

* Updated the previous post due to william's request*


1:18 PM

Monday, June 02, 2008

the jellyfish is back. :) I am finally 16 years old lols, and ya of course happy, i have grew 1 year old and so muz be more mature and more sensible and TRY to be less sacarstic and acidic to ppl... (yeah right).

Anyway, 1st June was fun as i went with RJ WJ william kip and SY for present hunting, zh didn't come as he was watching his bird at home =( but nvm XD

Lunch went pizza hut and ate hawaiian pizza and the oreo ice cream, the orders were like crazy and there were loads of misunderstandings. (E.g. 1 pizza can eat 2 ppl) or (there is no mushroom soup). I pity the waitress talking to us, she had a hard time. Anyway it was a delicious feast and then all came my house and played their whatever games that were super non-related to my likings. Anyway that day was fun and my mage lvl 30 already. XD

Oh yes, i would like to thank the following people for wishing me a happy birthday.

lalalanders - Hong Xun, Wan Ting, Sean, Zhe Hao, Shi Yuan, Jun Guan, Kenneth, Derrick
o3ians - Benjamin, William, Wei Jie, Candice, Crystal, Ren Jie, Chien Siew, Vivien, Keith, Demas
Others - My cousin (i name her A), Jason (Pri school friend) :)

And the people who wished me whom i forgot, pls tag if u want me add ur name :) And ya Ty for remembering my birthday :)

Also muz thank ZH for giving me chocolates and gummies for present, WJ for giving me a packet of $1.60 marshmallows, and also william for the $5 note. =) lols...

And also not forgetting my parents' presents also. :)

========= END OF BIRTHDAY THINGS ==============

Finally! ISP has come to a delightful ending. :) And today Indiana Jones movie was nice? i will rate it 8 / 10. XD Go watch for those ppl who didn't watch, its nice! And Lido's cinema can only be described in one word.


The environment, graphics, sound system, seats are just too good. :) It is worth going there to watch a movie.

======== END OF MOVIE AND ISP THINGS ===========

Btw, just to share wif ppl who read my blog (which i doubt so), SY found a word called fish, and WJ found a word call prawn. Let me give the definitions for the following words.

Fish - Someone who is younger than you, or is a person of a lower rank than you (o.o) [Defintion by SY, i am writing it]

Prawn - WJ invented it, this is nt real, it is just a word to make the word fish sound funny. XD Prawn is the opposite meaning of fish, except it is nt known and nt used in other countries. :)

*Please don't use these words during formal sessions, unless you want to see people giving u a HUH WAD U TALKING look. :) End of post! Going to slack bye bye!!!


8:12 PM