
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Saturday, August 30, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Today is an exciting day for all the maths pro... Cos today prize presentation see loads of maths pro in the auditorium. LOL. Anyway i WJ and a foreign talent combined got the 18th team award out of many schools, which is quite good. :) The Vietnamese was the best, followed by me then WJ.

The project festival was as boring as usual. With the projects 'ChAnge oRDer' and the 'mirror, mirror on the wall', u will either be stunned by the 'ASTOUNDING' and 'USEFUL' formulas and presentation on the screen, or you will be sleepy by listening, or you will be distracted completely by the homework or handphone in ur hand... ^^

When we went up the stage the VIP was like congrats and my hands were like very cold for some reason. And the Vietnamese was fascinated by the triangular-base pyramid trophy and his seniors for some reason... o.O

Anyway the money that was won was in terms of a cheque... (but nvm theres a 60% chance i going get back money in cash anyway), the trophy was being taken back by Tai (Disappointed Vietnamese) and the buffet was like ^^ nice?

After eating buffet, we went beauty world and i ate the ham with eggs meal. (The ham was thick you know?)

Overall: i tink i enjoy myself, but i tink WJ enjoys more. (cos he keep laughing at me being tio owned by my father, with all the acidity and so today my pH value has decreased to 2.0 for the time being).

But hey i must thank my father for being the SMO 10-yr srs for me, so today is quite an enjoyable day.

==== END OF SMO / SMS thing ===========

Let's talk about my prelim results....

Reflection: This time i did i tink a bit better than my CT (only a bit).

Detailed analysis:



Oral: 31/40 [wow!]
Compo: 17/30 [!?]
Letter writing: 20/30 [nt bad :)]
compre: 8/25 [!?!?]
summary: 14.5/25 [luckily this section did well]

Overall: C5 (i tink?)
Dropped 2 grades since CT, but nvm since CT is only the letter writing section :)

E maths

P1: 68/80 [nt bad]
P2: 73/100 [happy cos my pen no ink, so pleased with this mark :)]

Overall: A1
Same grade as CT, but i will be more happy about this time A1. :)

A maths

P1: 72/80 [^^]
P2: 85/100 [^^]

Overall: A1
Same grade as CT, not much difference anyway... :)


O lvl: B3
oral: Distinction

This time prelim i scored C5 lol, but who cares, O is more important!


MCQ: 25/40 [no comments]
P2-A: 26/50 [dunno how to comment]
P2-B: 10.5/30 [extremely disappointed]

Overall: C6

Compared to CT, this is the 1st ever major test i have passed, so it is an improvement from fail. On the pessimistic side, C6 is really bad.


MCQ: 24/40 [no comments]
P2-A: 17/50 [i wonder wad happened]
P2-B: 20.5/30 [^^]

Overall: C6

Same grade as CT, nt at all pleased with my chem marks, but lucky i managed to scrape a pass.

Combined Humanities (SS + lit)

SS-SBQ: 11/25 [as expected]
SS-SEQ: 6/25 [!??!!?]
Lit-F451: 12.5/25 [T_T]
Lit-prose: 11/25 [T_T]

Overall: E8

Compared to CT, this is an improvement of 1 grade, but this is really disappointing. The SEQ is like OMG, ppl who did the governance somehow all failed the SEQ part extremely badly. And how did i get the 0.5 mark in my lit, it is due to a spelling error. Yeah, i suck at combined humanities...


Physical geog: 25/50 [^^- first time i passed a major test]
Human geog: 26/50 [dunno where to be happy or sad]

Overall: C6

Compared to all my tests, this is a major improvement to me ^^, so this subject i feel the happiest among all subjects. :) I remember when i got back human geog, i was like omg 6 to 7 pages only score 26/50. Then when want to get back physical geog i was like "PLEASE LEMME GET A 24 mark!" Then in the end scored 25 =). The tension and suspense i tink at the moment is like the tan curve. i tink my total tension = (tan 89.9)% / 100%

So lets see the overall change (CT: prelim) in the order EL EM AM PHY CHEM CH GEOG CL

6:6 (dun simplify it to 1:1)

Overall L1R4: L1R5: Total subjects score (CT above prelim below)

14: 23: 39
16: 22: 36

I would like to thank the people for giving me so much (to a certain extent) success for prelims.

Father: Give me confidence lols.
Mother: Guide me lols.
Miss Phua: Make me pass my geog!
The marker of my EM P2: for letting me get an A1 for overall E maths
William: For revising SS with me (but i still failed anyway)
CL: Peng Peng cos i scored B3 for O lvl
Shi Yuan: for teaching me somethings about EMI, and about the draw charge thingy.
Zhe Hao: For critizing my mistakes and always give me condescending look.
Mrs Poh: For saying Im the worst in class when i am far far away from the bottom.

Other people: who helped me in one way or another ^^

Thats all for results.

Oh yes, for some reason, i became easily irritated (i am not a rash) these few days and somehow the ppl around me are somehow becoming more emo significantly. Lets hope the emoness runs down, or i will be always claimed emo by a very emo person for no apparent reason.


8:52 PM

Monday, August 25, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Today is a very sian day dunno for wad reason. O.O

Cos of one worrying thing: Prelim results.

My geog P2 is like a 26 / 50. And after getting this result, i was like dunno to be happy or sad.

Happy because this is the first major paper i managed to pass in 2 years. LOL
Sad becasue i tink P1 will do worse, aka overall fail =.=

Funny how the mind works sometimes.

Anyway, Hai-ge (as called by Sean) kept saying these few days dunno wad reflect on ur strengths and weaknesses, work hard towards ur goals, somethin abt ur momentum... Then said dunno wad do ur best in ur prelims and O lvls.

Just for the fun of it, here comes the ironical part.

- It is natural to strive even harder for ur O lvl than ur prelims.
- It is natural to do your best in ur prelims.

Therefore u have to do better than ur best in prelims?

And now here comes the english ironical part

- The best means it is the maximum point, so is it natural to do better than the maximum point? I don't think so...

In conclusion, Should we put in our best efforts for our prelims, or did we put in our best efforts for our prelims, or are we supposed to do worse than our O lvl for our prelims?

LOL, thats lame since i have nothing much to post abt. hope tmr is a bright and beautiful day ^^

9:42 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Lol, now is the prelim period, and it is smooth sailing generally.

I remember when i was primary 5, i saw the word prelim on the whiteboard, and i was like OMG prelim = end of the world. and now prelims are just some tests which u may choose nt to care.

Anyway, tomorrow is just chem P1 and friday is just CL P2. so basically today is the last day of torture. XD

Just a brief description on each paper...

EL P1: quite ok.
EL P2: the passage is quite interesting.

EM P1: very easy. but i nvr get full marks lols.
EM P2: halfway pen no ink, nvr finish paper. =.=

CL P1: who cares abt the paper anyway. :)

Phy P1: quite easy. :)
Phy P2: avg?

Chem P2: a little difficult for me.

Geog P1: wonder where my mark range goes to...
Geog P2: miracle i wrote 6.5 pages on this exam, longest record. Hope i can score well for P2... XD

Lit: I like the F451 question but nt the unseen question.
SS: Into the hands of fate!

AM P1: quite easy.
AM P2: the paper is super tedious.

Well, these are my targets for prelim. Hope i can achieve it. :) (well most probably can't anyway, but who cares i just like to set targets)

EL: A2 would be nice, but B4 will be nice too :)

EM: A1 would be nice, but judging by the flunked P2, a B3 would settle for it.

AM: Hope it is nothing below A1...

CL: who cares, anything below B3 will be fine. :) [if nt i cry cos O lvl get B3]

Phy: A2 would be nice, but B4 will be nice too. :)

Chem: see how P1 is like first.

Geog: B4 would be nice, but my physical geog will pull down some marks... a pass would be nice too... :)

Combined humanities: Into the hands of fate! Just let me pass lol...

Anyway these are updates on my maple characters...

Sniper [A] - 96
Sin [C] - 64
F/P W [C] - 50
Hunter [D] - 42 (i tink? i abandoned my hunter anyway)
Spear [C] - 38
Archer [C] - 18

lol my sin and archer will be inactive. my hunter is abadoned anyway. :) These lvls are correct up to 20/8/2008 9.50pm...

Anyway these few days i suddenly have an 'upsurge of emotions' for jumping quests and scrolling.

i successfully completed all K and S JQ for some reason o.O, and my 30% scrolling seems quite lucky XD , but of course for another strange reason, i seemed to pass all the 100% scrolls (=.=)

Oh yes i forgot to talk abt EL oral...

The EL oral topic can only be described as strange. Cos in the conference room, me outside can see the two invigilators playing with their pencils and erasers, and they are like laughing for dunno wad... And yes 1 funny incident occured.

During conversation, she was asking these questions.

1 question - Describe a comp u attended.
2 question - Benefits of outdoor activities?
3 question - Why children loved com games.

1st question is extremely normal, although i a bit thicked-skin but nvm :P

However as we proceed to the 2nd question, things start to get strange. i was like talk abt outdoor activities how good, how it benefits ppl health, improve bonding bla bla bla bla bla. Then she asked me the 3rd question which was super totally random. Then i tell her cos nowadays with more creative ideas, add new dimension to games etc etc etc... And she was like giving me a o.O look.

Then when i finished answering the 3rd question, she asked this shocking question.

"So you think computer games are better than outdoor activities LA."

lol look at the word which is in capital letters. EL oral u tell me Singlish lol. But i was like nonono, outdoor activities can be just a simple sport, or it can be a chalet bla bla bla...

Dunno wad she was pissed off by, but after i just said the two types of outdoor activities, she was like "ok u may go now".

How rude, but i still dun get it, how my oral pissed them off, or is it just an illusion of mine lols?

K end my post here. :)


9:41 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Got back O lvl CL results, and i got a B3 - D. T_T

As predicted, oral i really know how to say, then paper nt so good, so really got Distinction for oral and B3 for overall...

When people knew about my results, some were like, "don't get disheartened", some were like "hey at least u got a distinction for oral, like this u more pro than A2 merit sia..." while others were lke "oh ok."

I would like to thank the people who told me nt to be disheartened. Although it dosen't change anything, at least it is some form of 'consolation prize'.

For the 'more pro than A2 merit part' , i would like to say that i prefer to get A2 merit than B3 distinction. if i more pro i got A1 liao lo.

Of course, i would like to thank William for lending me a cloth (and almost tried to frame it), and my parents of course. They are like WOW u scored a B3!? that's very good!!! [i tink partly because 4 years in BP i nvr even got better than B4 before, so... yeah naturally they will be happy.]

Anyway i think i will totally flunk my CL prelim, but who cares anyway. F9 for prelim but O level still secured a B3 ^^

That's all... I hate tomorrow's geog. Well i hate geog anyway... XD

8:46 PM