
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
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Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Sunday, November 23, 2008

the jellyfish is back. This is sure a bit boring. ^^ Cos no more exams to study, but hey that dosen't mean that i have nothing to do during Dec and Jan, cos i got a job!!!

Ya i am working at my father's workplace being a typist, ya just type and type and type and type... So if i want practice, i should actually log in to maple now and spam my guildmates chat =.=

Let's take a look at what i did for the week.

Friday 14th - Went out to play bowling and shop with william at orchard. Well orchard is seriously not very interesting nowadays, but at christmas time it should be very interesting ^^

Saturday 15th - Went out to chinatown for a GYNN blessing? If the temple was introduced to maple as a party quest, there will be many stages. Let's see the procedures in the temple.

Stage 1 - Collect 6 joysticks and make sure they all caught a bit of fire.
Stage 2 - Put 3 joysticks in a ash-filled bowl? Then pray with the other 3 joysticks.
Stage 3 - Walk into the temple and wish for something realistic using ur hands.
Stage 4 - Donate some money. (The boss stage as it is very difficult to part with ur money ^^)
Stage 5 - Collect a sweet from a bowl (Bonus stage)
Stage 6 - Exit.

After that we went to a fish farm near sungei buloh, and played pool. Well basically me being a noob can even score some balls, so there is room for serious improvement! ^^

Sunday 16th - Stayed at home and opened a shop in aquila. well that day earned 15m i tink :)

Monady 17th - played maple again.

Tuesday 18th - Job interview!

Well the job interview was quite interesting. Went through a typing test which to my horror contained CL words, but hey at least i still knew how to type. :) William was trying to be funny when he said that i typed 156 words per minute, which is a godly speed. No la i only a bit more than 78 words per minute. :) Aljunied station contained some cheap food which was nice and cheap. And i felt a bit sad for Keith, as he was the only person not working on 1st December in the morning shift.

Wednesday 19th - watched TV at home, slacked.

Thursday 20th - Watched Madagascar 2 with RJ william and ZH. ZH was nt very fortunate on the LRT though, he said that there was a 20 minutes delay, LOL luckily the movie haven't started yet haha. Once again the LRT got another maintainence...

Friday 21st - Played maple again.

Saturday 22nd - Played Maple AGAIN! Got loads of Gift card lvl 2 from platoon chronos though. ^^

K end my post here!!! Hope there are more interesting things on the next week!!!

12:27 PM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Finally the O lvl is oval and over!!! (quoted from SY) This fun and stressful 4 years have just been summarised within 4 weeks which puts an end to my secondary education. This post will be about O lvl and today ECP outing ^^

Let's talk about the serious things first!

Monday - Physics MCQ was not bad, room for improvement. :P
Wednesday - Chem MCQ was more difficult than expected, but not too bad anyway :)

This is my aim for O lvl

EL - A2, B4 would be nt bad too
EM - A1, no exceptions
AM - A1, no exceptions
CL - A1, A2 would be good too
Phy - A2, B4 would be good too
Chem - A2, B3 would be good too
Geog - B3, B4 would be good too
C.H. - A2, B4 would be good too

so if somehow my expectations come true o.O, My L1R5 would be a beautiful 9, if not it would be 15 lols. But ya 9 to 15 would be not bad, so to take the average of 9 and 15, my L1R5 target will be therefore 12!

Of course, some people would go, "excuse me, u noob trying to say that 12 is good? Must well u get 20 and say that 20 is good?"

My answer: "i like it :P" But of course the lower the better la, i mean everybody also hope to get all A1, but not everybody has the ability, like me, if i can get all A1 i will fly. ^^

So, this concludes the serious stuff! O lvl is just an obstacle that is over!!


Let's talk about today's ECP outing.

Unlike the previous planned ECP, today's outing is a success! Somehow most ppl were early, and it is seriously go together as a group of ppl. Including me, 14 people went ECP together!

14 people includes me, SY, william, Keith, AH, SW, Vivien, RJ, CS, WJ, Jane, Crystal, Benjy, Joyce

At first it was raining and everybody was like shouting at william on the weather, cos whenever william leads the way, it always rain! LOL such a conincidence so tough luck on william :P

After that we ate at subway, or rather because of me half the people stayed in the subway (no nt the train but is the fast food outlet), so ordered an egg mayo set which was nice!! Meanwhile, Ben, Crystal and AH went to burger king, i assumed AH went there to give out some warm light? Haha smart people will know what i mean, those who don't know what i mean then nvm ^^

We then wanted to cycle our way through the day. When we passed by the 1st bicycle shop, there was an uncle, who named himself scorpion, was somehow advertising his bicycle offers, "actually is 6 dollars 2 hours, but today uncle give extra 1 hour." Sounds like a good offer? With 2 dollars per hour? Well quote my father, "Look at 3 shops to compare the prices." Well true enough, the next shop offered 3.5 hours for 6 dollars! Well of course everybody chose the 2nd shop, while Keith was like making up names like butterfly and centipede to remember the scorpion king. humourous.

Then we started cycling for a short stretch to a jetty. At the jetty, the girls were like crazy with the blue frisbee and benjamin was busy taking his pictures. The boys were totally bored, well except Benjamin and william. So we looked at the girls play and see william emo near the sea. After a while, we cycled again for an even longer way. ^^

My god, the distance was REALLY and EXTREMELY long, bascially it can be divided into loads of stretches. If Maple has a party quest called The SG park quest, there would be a few themes.

Theme 1: The road of the sea
Theme 2: Darkness trail
Theme 3: The bridge of the trail
Theme 4: The abandoned forest
Theme 5: The other forest.

Well there could be more but we turned back at theme 5. But just imagine, cycling from theme 1 to theme 5 was horrifying tiring! Without RJ's moral support and gear help, i tink i would have been dead tired at theme 3.

LOL at theme 5, u may be wondering wad i meant by the other forest. It means that after crossing the traffic light at theme 5, you would be going to another tree place to changi beach? Everybody i tink actually wanted to go pass theme 5, but when i saw the notice that going to changi beach required 6600m+ of cycling, i literally shouted! LOL. this is really too much, so ya cycled back again ^^

After we cycled back to a shelter near the bicycle returning place, it was near to 4pm already. So basically the boys slacked in the shelter and the girls somehow wet themselves in the sea. Well William and SY were playing cards as usual, which i thought was rather boring. An intersting thing happened though, a key to the locker was lost! So frantic searches happened to the people who used the lockers. :)

Well they didn't manage to find the keys in the end, therefore the people using the lockers lost a total of 25 dollars! Sad for them.

After ECP trip, we wanted to have dinner. And somehow loads of terms and conditions apply.

Crystal: No fast food! NO mac! NO KFC!
Ben: Please go somewhere else to eat, prefably shopping mall

And really there is a place to eat. We went Funan the IT mall!! Well, in the end is really not a fast food outlet, it is not in ECP, and it is in a mall, we went food junction =.=

Well imagine spending a whole deal travelling from ECP to town just to eat in a food court! LOL that is insane but we managed to do this insane thing anyway. Since i am not hungry and i have not enough money, i just drank a drink. While drawing WJ comics lols, u can see the 03ians munching and playing their PSP AGAIN! Duh i am bored anyway, WJ's complaints about his noodles and value gave some ideas of some comics frames lols.

After the trip at the mall, i keith and WJ took the MRT home. Well in the MRT was making loads of funny expressions, like SYL look and Miss Chow's look. But one thing that was quite disturbing was the condom advertisement in the MRT train =.= I mean, like why put such an advertisement in a train?

Speaking of SYL, i realised that WJ and SYL have loads of common characteristics!

Eg. Both are good in maths, both love to roll their eyes and make funny expressions. Both are good in science (one teach physics and one is a triple science student), both look almost the same o.O, both are known to be physics pros, regardless of past or present.

Haha, today's trip is concluded as successful!


Talk about maple things...

Well update on my major 6 characters, from 5 become 6 lols

Sniper: lvl 100
Sin: lvl 71
F/P: lvl 52
Spear: lvl 47
Cleric: lvl 47
Wanna-be-I/L: lvl 21?

The cleric is new! And my sniper is seriously broke, who rich pls donate some money to me pls ^^

Oh yes, just to share some interesting thing i saw in forum. If you see the D and D section, there is a post on the mano FFA thingy. lol is quite interesting, go and read and decide whether mano is noob and is it for FFA.

Well i personally think that being polite and have manners is important, so if there is somebody then ya respect them and let them kill and take the loot, they deserve that kill for waiting so long ^^

K end my post now! Have a bright and beautiful day or a starry and cooling night! :)

9:49 PM

Friday, November 07, 2008

the jellyfish is back. Edited some links, so pls feel free (not asking you to donate some money to make urself worth 0 dollars and 0 cents) to tag ur links on the tagboard ^^
Anyway, this week turned out to be better than expected. :) Cos this terrible 3rd week which i call the 'boss week' is finally over! Do some reflection on the different papers...
SS on monday- easier than expected, and once again i did governance in SG. ^^ Quote SY: "Wa you are the governance boy sia, from sec 3 to sec 4 always do governance", lol thats because i read governance most deeply, the rest all just walkover without paying much attention. :)
Lit today - The F451 question at least i can answer, and somehow i go do the poem which i thought got quite a lot of things to write. Overall i tink lit nt bad, and combined with SS which I also tink is ok, at least an A2 would be nice, if nt a B4 will also be good. ^^
Chinese on wednesday - anyhow do can also get B3 anyway. ^^ Anyway the paper i thought was better than mid-year, an A1 would be nice, A2 would be good also, if nt it will be back to B3. o.O
Geog yesterday - I think it it better to put more hope in combined humanities, cos i tink Geog P1 will pull down the geog paper yesterday.
Anyway, the next 2 papers are so slack ^^ So basically today everyone is in the holiday mood, maybe except the people in triple science, who may be chionging like mad even at the time when i am typing this post.
There is nothing eventful this week, unless u count the syndromes invented this week, which are almost all crap. ^^
I shall put another 'intersting post' below, it is about famous laws in our lives. :)

9:30 PM

This post is about some famous laws which almost everybody knows. You know that laws and rules are very important, without these limits and regulations, the world will be in chaos. As a saying goes, "a government has its laws, a family has its rules."

Well study and enjoy the laws closely! :)

Famous and non-famous laws/theorems/rules/principles/syndromes

Laws in a country are definitely very important, this is to ensure that the citizens in the country live together safely. Below are some laws that are very important.


Murphey's law -

Murphey's law states that some things are just not in our favour, because of our character. Example: When you are in a hurry to take a taxi, no taxi appeared, when you are very free, u see thousands or maybe a few taxis waiting at the taxi stand. ^^ Murphey's law can be seen commonly in our everday lives. [It helps when we are guessing answers in multiple choice questions]

Lenz law -

Lenz law states that the direction of the induced electro-motive-force opposes the change producing it. [Physics candidates sure need to know this law]


Imagine a world without theorems, everybody would be confused on what to do, and explaining a simple object will be so difficult.

Pythagoras theorem -

Pythagoras theorem states that for a right-angled triangle, the sum of the square of the adjecent side combined with the square of the opposite side is equals to the square of the hypotenuse side.


In the recent social studies papers, the principles of good governance are being emphasized once again, this shows that without principles, there will not be stable leaders, and thus the people will be in chaos, lets take a look at some important principles stated below.

Principle of Conservation of Energy -

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form of energy to another.

Principle of Moments -

The sum of the anticlockise moment about a pivot is equal to the sum of the clockwise moment about a pivot.


Now here comes the major section we faced in our everyday lives, no they are not strict as laws, but they are no pushovers, they are RULES! Let's take a look at some rules which are very important in our everday lives.

The 1st rule -

This rule 'The 1st rule' is a movie, this rule is very important as it increases the liveliness of the movie-watchers and give them a memorable experience at the movies, which in turns decreases the chances and temptation for people to buy pirated movies, so isn't this rule very important?

The Meter rule -

This rule is used to measure distances suitable for distances of divisons of 0.1cm :)


Syndromes can be said to be very dangerous as once a person is contracted by a bad syndrome, his health, life or any other parts of him will be affected badly. In this section, some syndromes are self-invented, and if you dun like the syndrome in some ways for a valid reason, i will remove it. :)

Let's take a look at the consequence of contracting the following mentioned syndromes...

SARS Syndrome -

The famous 2003 syndrome, which caused many people to be sick or die. A syndrome which should not be taken lightly.

Defa's syndrome [SI] -

This syndrome gives a person an over-confidence level, similar to Harry Potter's novel of the overdose of Felix Felicius. High chance that a person when contracted with this syndrome, he / she will be terribly sad of the product or outcome of a situation.

Sean's syndrome [SI] -

1st part: When a person says that he will not do well for an item, in the end he did exceptionally well.

2nd part: When a person says that he will not do well for an item, in the end he did exceptionally badly.

What is the difference between these 2 parts, the 1st part is about lack of confidence, which sometimes may prove even himself/herself wrong, or it may be thought on purpose to irritate ppl XD The 2nd part is seriously a lack of confidence, and true enough it really happened. T_T

When a person is contracted with syndrome, he has the high tendency to irritate people easily...

Ji Ting's syndrome [SI] -

Can be summarised in one word - uh. (in a deep tone)

Undiscovered harmful consequences, so boys who are growing mature should try contracting JT syndrome to have a deeper voice. XD


End of this post, btw SI means self-invented. :)

9:23 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2008

the jellyfish is back. The 2nd of week is just another bright and beautiful week, well not really as some days consisted of some rain lols... Anyway, the 2nd week was quite a wonderful week, regardless whether it was about O lvl or not... :)

Talk about the exams first, Physics P2 was nt very good, but it was nt bad too... :) Hope at least can score a B for Paper 2 haha, and into the hands of fate for paper 1.

E Maths P2 was excellent, and i got a huge sense of achievement for drawing a not bad graph, although my gradient was off by 0.25 but nvm =)... I tink A1 got loads of chance ^^

But after the good things, i am quite depressed now cos tmr is the HATEFUL SS paper. Quote BW: "Never mind you dont like SS, but i like it, but dosen't mean you need to like the subject..."

This sentence is just so logical, oh yes compare and contrast to William's quote.

W: "I don't like SS, although i do well for the subject! (C5 - Prelim score)"

Ya, this sentence is just so logical too, oh wait both sentences are so logical, they just convey one meaning, do well for the paper, regardless whether you like it or not. ^^ So ya into the hands of fate for tomorrow again. :)

K end of exam things for the few moments, (as in time, not Fd) talk about Joesephine's friday b'dae pt, Let Josephine be J for this post.

J's pt was quite fun, and her pt's guests contained of ppl from different classes. 4T2 got YZ, YH, Demas and the famous Eugene.

T1 got Crystal
P1 got me
P3 got RJ
M1 got william and J and XY

Well when I, William, Demas, RJ arrived there, the rest of the ppl were in the K lounge singing their hearts out (not all of them). Initially, everybody was inside listening to ppl sing, then slowly groups of ppl went out...

1st group - crystal
2nd group - J and XY
3rd group - me, RJ and william

We went outside and emo and it wasn't soon that anybody realised that more ppl were outside than inside, and Eugene suddenly burned in fury that his 'singing show' was spoilt and there was no audience to support him. ^^

Well i feel sorry for him but somehow I was reminded of the Doraemon comics for some reason...

Well Eugene's singing was so ... well, that ordinary ppl can... survive by listening to him, ppl who listened to him would be so ... blessed. But hey at least he like to sing and i thought his jokes were much more better than his singing... XD

Demas's singing was nt bad? But when he and Eugene combined it was definitely chaotic, cos pitch differences = the beauty of the song being disturbed, and with some chance a larger reading in the voltmeter would be caused due to the different reactivity of the metal. O.O

Dinner was nice, the dinner consisted of beehon nuggets 15% burnt sausages (estimated), vegetables, and the strange black tapioca cake with mushrooms and other dried food. o.o

Well the nuggets were nice, (but definitely not nicer than mac), the sausages tasted like sausages, i didn't eat the veg :P, the beehoon was nt bad, the mushrooms IN the black tapioca cake was nice. :)

During dinner there was like more than 20 jokes being cracked, like how RJ tricked crystal in saying ty for the food.

And then the cake cutting 'ceremony', well the cake looked quite delicious, although William claimed that the cake was super hard. The photo-takings were very smooth, if u exclude the confusion of who to take pictures, who are jokers in the photos, how should the photo theme be and how the photo should be taken. ^^

The cake was delicious too, with the bottom of the cake with a *ferero rocher* feel, it costs 35 dollars a cake for dunno how heavy, and i think it was from leaves leaves leaves leaves.

We left J's house at 11.30 (excluding RJ and crystal), and the night walk to the bus stop was somehow smooth, like there was a lot of ppl active at night.

12.10am the bus came and me and YZ boarded the bus to woodlands. Wow i never knew that all the huge and gigantic vehicles were still so active during midnight.

That night was intersting and i tink it was the most interesting event of the week. Anyway, happy belated bdae to J and happy november to all. :)

Before going i would like to add something...

Lot 1 now has a famous amos cookies store! Buy 200g and get 50g free! And also someone pls tell me halloween is 26th, 30th or 31st october. thanks! =)

Happy Mugging and enjoy the crazy sensation of the exam and holiday period. :)

*Post edited correctly thanks to RJ ^^

8:46 PM