
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the jellyfish is back. Busy and tired days, espacially if you read between the lines of the timetable.

First of all, i would like to congrats Defa for being 09S16 class manager! Although i didn't vote for him...

I feel like a directory these few days for some reason.

Oh yes i also want to wish SY a happy belated birthday.

And i also dunno wad to post now... Enjoy the month!!! ^^

9:30 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

the jellyfish is back. The formal week of lessons has began! It's been a week, and is really a BUSY week, but hey accept it and u can enjoy it ^^

This post will be about PJ orientation, first week's lessons and about today. Before i really begin the post, just want to say something about constellations.

Ppl who play maple will know that Delphinus and Eriandus is going to combine, and so Orion and Perseus is going to meet, and PJ theme "stellar evolution" involves constellations too!

Here comes the link:

Orion is used in maple and PJ, aquila is also one of the constellation in PJ, and it happens to be in maple too...

Ok end of this lame link. Talk about today first!

Today went to study with defa at causeway point food court, well it was a bit interesting, but the chem questions were really difficult, so i ended up doing some physics and teaching defa some maths, after that, Defa was somehow fascinated by the SHE crowd and performance, so we left the food court at around 6.15pm...

We then left and then i randomly said that if regina is in CP... And somehow my crap went true and Regina REALLY appeared in CP, o lols. Then I and defa went popular and saw Serene being a temp there. ^^

Of course I and Defa were trying to be funny by buying 1 eraser each, and i can only comment that serene's level of service is excellenece. Firstly, she likes to save the earth, so therefore I and Defa had no plastic bags to put erasers. Secondly, she dosent keep customers waiting, so therefore I and Defa were pushed out of the queue despite me asking politely for a plastic bag and still didn't get one in the end.

Keep up your 'excellent' level of service Serene! -.-

Then we went back to the 3rd floor corridor and found Regina's gang there, herself, YF, SL and JM, and really, the CROWD over there is simply huge!

Well then the ppl around me really enjoyed the performance, which i found nothing interesting cos i nvr have the craze to chase idols (yet?). So i just photocopied YF's JJ maths notes, and then stared at my own maths notes and YF notes until about 8pm? o.O

After the whole performance is over, we 6 ppl went to mac and just sat there and talked a bit, for about 40 minutes i tink? lol night time gathering at mac is a bit interesting...

After that went home! And i tink thats all for the interesting and exciting stuff today haha...

======= End of today's events ==================

Talk about PJ orientation... ^^

11/2 is the first day in my new class, 09S16!!! The class was at first quiet of course, and our form teacher and co-form is Mrs Richards and Mr Koh. Everyone is supposed to say he or she is from which school and something about himself/herself, and somehow everyone said about CCA, except me of course, nothing much worth mentioning.

Then we went to LT3 for folding stars? PJ's aim is to form the largest logo using paper stars, and ya we managed to break or set the record in the end, thanks to the J1, the J2 and the OGL / councillors... ^^

After folding loads of stars, i can only say that folding stars is nt my forte, cos it is a form of origami = aka art, which reminds me of my primary 2 form teacher saying this in my report book, "He needs to show more enthusiasm in art and craft"...



In the morning aquila, cygnus and leo were doing mass dance and cute dance, the mass dance was of course fun to me! But i dont tink the cute dance was nice though... Well everybody really got quite high at the end of the dance though... ^^

Afternoon was the station games. There were about 7 stages? The 1st stage was the caterpillar game, where ppl have to pick up parts of puzzles to form a picture, didn't finish the game though.

2nd stage - butt hopping. I tink this was the most interesting game? Playing scissors paper stones on wet chairs was quite interesting haha, as u can sabo ppl and have some luck on games ^^

3rd stage - ping pong ball with flour. The ball scores were being multiplied, and it dosent seem fun to me...

4th stage - we went to the parade square and here teamwork is VERY important, we just have to pass a water bag? (sounds wrong) all the way from the beginning of the line to the pail at the end, well we managed to pass 3 of them ^^ and i loved my tummy on one round, cos i ALMOST dropped the water bomb, and lucky my stomach blocked it haha... XD

5th stage - spiderweb @ the hall. Well i managed to pass through the web using the biggest hole by crossing over (nt being carried), and the other holes were either ppl being carried or being crossed. Of course one guy was trying to be funny by jumping over, and the whole system nearly collapsed... :P

6th stage - pure scissors paper stone. Well, the person who lost was splashed with flour water, i was splashed... =.= But haha is quite fun, cos it involves fast reaction time!

7th stage - This stage is like a super mini obstacle race where u have to make urself giddy, then walk through slippery waters, climb under tables, and use ur little fingers to carry a ball. Well is definitely a game to make u wet and smell nice? (due to detergent)

End of station games!

Next was the war game, well the war game was fun, maybe the same amount of fun as station games, the only thing that was bad is that it was too short! T_T


We learned fun dance in the morning, with the song "it's the time to disco?" Nice dance, but i still thought mass dance was better haha... ^^

Then after that we had OG time and clan time, and it was the most slack period, cos we were almost doing nothing, except learning a few cheers...

Evening time is the presentation of the stars, well as mentioned it was a success and so oh well well done PJ. :)

The night wasnt as fun as i had expected, the dinner was a buffet and it was quite nice, but the 2 things i dont like is the time and the way of serving food. For the time, everybody waited for about 40 minutes just to eat, and the J1 were getting really impatient, and the food, well i asked for extra dessert, but it was rejected by an OGL, and when i said i dont want the noodles, they OGLs were like pleading me to take, dunno for wad... o.o

The finale was... well nvm. But the 2nd last segement, which is the dances, were fun, as everybody danced without proper steps... But yea it was fun!

The J1 then went back to the hall, Leo clan and Cygnus clan then went up together through the walkway, shouting Leo and Cygnus, then suddenly RJ came by and shouted Orion, and here comes the phrase, "Orion lost in Leo's Cygnus"... :P

The last segement was the video made by OGL and councillors i tink? Well the video is just bascially a collection from 11/2 to 13/2... ^^

So thats all about it for orientation. Anyway we should thank the councillors and the OGLs for their great jobs? ^^

==== End of orientation =====

Talk about the lessons! Take a peek at my timetable...

Monday - 8am to 6pm (1 hr break)
Tuesday - 8am to 3pm (1 hr break)
Wed - 8am to 1.30pm (0.5 hr break, CCA day)
Thursday - 8am to 2.30pm (1.5 hr break)
Friday - 8am to 4pm (2 hr break)

So basically only tue and thur, wed and fri middle, and monday latest. Now take a look at the subjects i take...

H2 - Maths, Physics, Chem
H1 - PW, GP, CL, Geog
H0 - PE :P

Maths lectures were quite interesting, but nt really the tutorials, my teacher is an old man.

Physics lectures were quite interesting too, the tutorials really made my physics work look so useless =.= cos all my methods were like wrong.

chem lectures and tutorials are equally standard for some reason. But i am quite inspired by Mrs Jasmir cos she really talked about the satsifaction about being a teacher, oh ya just to share this tip i got from geog file, "share the load of reading and studying with other students - you will learn better by teaching them, and you will be exposed to ideas you didn't come up with your own." But the chem questions are really not easy!!!

PW - Nothing proper yet. But Wednesday was really a fun day for S16, cos Mrs Richards was absent, and therefore we had about 2.5 hrs of slacking that day... ^^

GP - I dont like the tutorials, they seem boring.

CL - We had only 3 lessons, and somehow all were quite pleasant...

the 1st lesson we had an old lady who really brightened up everybody's mood by smiling and talked about some real life examples which in the end were all helpful to a person's character ^^ But the sad thing is she is not our teacher. T_T One such example is that she said that she is very pretty, which made the whole class gave a o.O look, until she said that it is in the past tense, then she commented that our mothers is also beautiful ppl, even though it may be in the past, cos they worked hard for the family until they get old. Wow that's really true... ^^

2nd lesson it was a male teacher, his lessons are quite ok though... ^^

Geog - i dont like the lecture and the tutorials for dunno wad reason, maybe because i dont like geog already haha...

PE - PE was quite fun. But next week is not going to be easy!!!

Ok then, thats the end of the long post! I should have a good night rest ^^

9:30 PM

Monday, February 09, 2009

the jellyfish is back.

~ I have updated some links, please tell me if your link is not updated ^^ ~

Today is an EXTREMELY TIRING day. Cos because i ran 4.4km!!! Well for normal ppl maybe 4.4km is nothing, but to a super low stamina person like me, the distance is godly! Ya it is nothing compared to NS, but is still tiring! Oh ya, i want to thank the following ppl who encouraged me to run finish, or try to force me to run / jog.

Outside school: Tan ZY and Alex (Not the madagascar lion, but is TZY friend)
Inside school: RJ

well anyway i almost died of burning lungs, and then i almost crashed hard onto the bus stop pillar due to inertia, force and acceleration.

The lessons dont make things nice either, we had 2 content knowledge subjects, 2 lectures in the hall, and 1 PW work which was quite boring except for those interesting videos. ^^

Here's my final subject combination:

H2: Maths, Chem, Physics
H1: Geog

Ar nvm about geog, live with it... Too tired to complain any further.

There is a famous CL writer who came during CL period to share her travel EXP with J1 today, well the EXP were rather memorable and interesting, and each story had a life value behind it, is just nice. ^^ What i liked most is the Cat story and the Desert camel ones, it is simply amazing to see cats being trained so well and camel drawings were mis-interpreted as birds and chickens. ^^

Anyway physics was quite interesting today due to too many absoblute uncertainties... The main thing i learnt today is that there is no way to make perfect measurements, so due to being super bored, i came up with this expression about errors, let's hope i am not copying anybody!

"Errors are supposed to be accumulated, even if u get rid of all the errors, u still have zero error in the end."

Arr, archery results is coming out tomorrow! There's a 10% chance that i will get in, so ya is prepared for entering chess club. Of course, there is one particulary weird statement which i heard from someone not long ago, "chess club is for losers who don't have any other CCA to join."

That's seriously a very insulting statement to me at least, some people just have passion to play games like this, so it's not really nice to be criticizing about chess-lovers ^^

K enough of school stuff.

Played maple recently, and i found this very interesting quote from magatia.

"Ultimate Knowledge is only an experiment away"

Well, this quote is quite nice, but a bit weird for SG School's Science Dept vision / mission. But hey, for those sci dept who got boring quotes, y nt have this quote in their websites... :P

Ok! End my post here! Going to slack cos i have nothin better to do haha... ^^

8:39 PM

Friday, February 06, 2009

the jellyfish is back. Finally at long last! A long week ended! It is not exactly a fun week, but hey at least is quite interesting, espacially with all the happenings in PJ...

I realised more ppl called Pioneer Junior College PJC rather PJ, but ar i am still nt used to it due to JJ influence, so everytime i took out that C, so oh well... Adapt to the new surroundings!

Well PJ is quite big a college, the non-teaching staff are rather friendly, some lecturers are pro to me, some are friendly and nice in my opinion, some of course deserved to be nicknamed in rude names, but nah lets dont nickname them, is nt very nice. ^^

Ar, some lecturers are pro, well they really explain concepts clearly, i particulary enjoy the chem lecture on thur, the teacher shared some interesting facts, and even shared something about the mole day, which makes mole study more interesting ^^

Some lecturers may be pro in teaching, but seriously lack in IT skills, well they may need some time to learn, so fine... ^^

Of course, some lecturers are really making the subject worthless to study. For example, a teacher even said, "you should have taken H2 in this subject instead! Taking H1 only cuts down a few topics and u are wasting enough time as the H2 students!"

Well, that lecturer should really talk to their HOD about this, enthusastic ppl like Defa dont mind taking the Chemistry-Physics-Maths-Geography all H2 combination, and somehow this particular combination is not even offered! So the lecturer is trying to be funny by making the H1-waste-of-time comment...

Not all people are like this though, as PJ's quote goes "Compassionate leaders, commited learners", commited learners for chinese has loads of chance to learn something new, and somehow the CL department is encouraging even the B3 students to retake chinese, which creates a nice opportunity for chinese-enthu people. :)

Ar, i forgot there are no more Newspaper reflections in A level, is just narrative, even primary school style exam formats are back! Work hard!!!

Speaking about committed learners, i realise that PJ is really caring about students! PJ said that the teachers are claimed to be 'compassionate' and 'kind' , and some nice words are even said by seniors! Well, whether that is true or not i dont know, but i seriously know that PJ is caring about their students. Yes, really caring.

Let's take TEAN for an example, he did not meet the requirement to study H1 Econs, but hey he posted with good reasons and he got his appeal successful! Thats a big congrats to him and hope that he will continue to be committed in learning the new subject he appealed for. Compassionate people to let committed learners like TEAN to learn. :)

Sounds nice eh? Is just too good to be true! I never know that PJ students are categoraized!!! Arr nt many people knows about this, cos is just too small a matter.

categorization - Appealed PJ students VS Posted PJ students.

Some people know what i meant by appealed and posted, but to summarize the whole story, i shall quote this from a compassionate teacher in the school, yes, very 'COMPASSIONATE', "Priority is given to students who are posted in..."

In the end, i did not get the subject which i appealed for LONG AGO even up to today! And the compassionate teacher was like chasing the appeal students away with a miserable form with no guarantees. For some reason, i somehow think that the appeal i made was just too difficult to process. Changing from H1 Geog to H1 Econs, people who dont know me and heard me appeal may even thought that i am requesting to take 5 H2 subjects with L1R5 20 :P

... Compassionate leaders and teachers indeed...

I dont have the mood to post archery yet! Hope to update soon!

10:37 PM

Monday, February 02, 2009

the jellyfish is back.

Experiencia de Magique!

That's JJ Most memorable phrase in my mind, after today's first and last day at JJ. Tomorrow i will be transferring to PJ cos it is nearer to woodlands.

Anyway, this post will be about a day's experience in JJ as a whole newcomer.

It's another crowded day outside JJ at Corporation road, while people are rushing to work via PIE, or there is a silence in Hummings, the jam outside JJ is simply chaotic. Anyway, after entering the school, i was greeted by a girl who asked me to pick one paper from a box, which ended up to be a discount coupon for a pair of shorts. O.O

Along the way to the canteen, the J2 boys were creating warm welcomes "Welcome to JJ" to everyone new J1 people. Met BH in the canteen, then we were asked for a favour to move up to the hall. The hall was super different from the Unity Pri or BPGHS, it has air con! So it was extremely cooling, and i realised that i lost my way and i dunno where to sit. Just then, a J2 boy asked me and BH wad is our OG number, BH said 3, and i went 'huh?'

Never mind for that, i was then sent to a room to find out my OG number, in the end it was lucky number 13. So just sat at OG13, looking at the emcees trying to be funny on stage, where every few minutes said they are pretty (which was of course a joke). ^^

7.40am - Morning Assembly! OG 13 then went down, and stood on the synthetic grass on the field. The principal i tink was trying to be funny during the hairstyle check cos he went shouting to the J2 people just to find a boy with unsuitable hairstyle.

8am - We went up to the hall again, and had some bonding (not covalent or ionic) with other OG 13 mates. Well the names which i could remember now: Weng Kang, Satya, Analysis (how to spell?), Kachi, Andrew... Ar i forgot my OG13 Leaders Names!!!

I think JJ love clapping, almost all the activities today involved clapping, and their clapping really have many levels, normal claps, macho claps, 11 claps, and one particularly disturbing 'tao yan' clap... There are some OGLs who really demoed really well, should give them a 20 / 10 for their effort. :P

Anyway we played some uninteresting games, and after abt 30 minutes, it was time for many many talks.

1st talk - Principal's message. Quite a warm welcome, just briefly intro to JJ and about how the 3 main programmes. His message is somehow not boring, cos there is some humour added inside, like how JJ is an original name which apparently is other ppl who copied the nickname. :P There are other humourous things, like about JJ keeping a low profile, unlike schools which even report picking litter in beaches in newspapers. =.=

2nd talk - School rules' talk. Nothing interesting.

3rd talk - SPA talk. Short and sweet.

After that we played catch the mouse game, and the game was extremely confusing. Just like the concentration game, except this time everybody take turns to continue the chant, "catch the mouse ar catch the mouse, catch the mouse ar catch the mouse, catch, the, mouse, ar, how many? (A number), catch, .... Well nobody seemed to understand that game, but after about 20 minutes, we had another few talks.

4th talk - Scholarship talk. Basically the talk is made by a female teacher, whose voice is highly irritating in my opinion, and she reminds me greatly of Professor Trewalney in Harry Potter. The university school fees are sure scary though.

5th talk - Chinese language subjects talk. I think this is the longest, but the speaker is seriously patient with the noise level, and even tried to lower the noise level by creating some humour, i seriously admire her for using a creative way to reduce noise, normally other teachers would show u the bull face hinting you to keep quiet.

6th talk - The most interesting talk of the day! It was made from a senior senior senior senior senior JJ person, talking about the interesting orientation next week. Well he said that JJ's orientation programmes ARE fantastic, i tink thats mostly true. o.O And he also explained y is there synthetic grass instead of real grass in JJ's field, interesting reason lols. :P

Then it was lunch! Families 3 and 4 (Shoyru and Alex cartoon) went for lunch while the rest of J1 people stayed in the hall for payment and looking at the subjects noticeboards.

at 1pm, it was lunch! Ate a chicken burger and a bottle of green tea and a dark cookie for lunch. Extremely delicious food, and the friendly hawkers made lunch a wonderful experience in JJ.

After lunch, it was 2 more talks, which were both short, sweet and direct to the point. The female speaker made economics seem a super interesting subject, while the Head of subject combination staff explained things super clearly.

at around 3.20pm, there was a minor conflict on releasing me early to go PJ interview, but anyway, i would like to sincerely thank the female OGL 13 for helping me out in the case, couldn't have handled it without you!

3.40pm - Everybody in the hall did the mass dance. Well i thought it was rather boring, and it really proved to be boring, except for looking at the OGLs dancing.

5pm - Rush to PJ!

Anyway, thank you for the OGL and Andrew who gave me a wonderful time at JJ today, i would like to specially thank the male OGL 13 for trying to make me talk to other ppl, and i would like to sincerely thank the female OGL13 (BS) who really guided me through today! ^^

I shall put the BBQ on 30th Jan and the interview EXP at PJ on my other post.

- Shoyru, Alex, Fawkes and Uni! -

8:59 PM