
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Friday, October 23, 2009

Promo results!


Compo - 24/50 [Yay?]
Compre - 22/50 [^^]

Promo: 46% [Excellent!] - ME


Promo: 86% [O_O] - ME


DRQ - 5/25 [!!!]
Essay - 4/25 [!!?!]

Promo: 18% [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] - Super AE (L)


MCQ - 21/30 [^^]
P2 - 37.5/70 [Not bad]

Promo: 58.5% - ME


MCQ - 17/25 [Not bad!]
P2 - 43/90

Overall: 52.2% - ME


Compo - 43.5/60 [^^]
P2 - 65/100 [Not bad!]
Oral - 28/30 [Too good already :P]
Listening - 10/10 [Cannot complain any further, =P]

Overall: 73.3% [Excellent!]

So overall, happy with results, although it dosen't apply to all the pros. So by looking at the change from mid-year...

GP - increase 2%
maths - decrease 8%
CL - increase 13.3%
Physics - decrease 5.3%
chem - increase 5.4%
geog - decrease 24%

So 3H2, 1H1, CL GP is ACD,UAE

Not bad, time to improve on physics! Geog also dunno wad is wrong but nvm... =.=


I won Distinction for AMC! It turned out that OCC made a mistake and forgot to told me to go up for prize giving. So oh well! 69/135. Excellent! ^^

Now doing PW, and looking at Eugene amusing TY with hand gestures, back to PW!

1:51 PM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the jellyfish is back.

The Internet connection is not working as usual, espacially for these past few days. So post everything here so that i don't forget. 2 things just happened recently, Promos and IHG.

There is a chinese idiom that goes: (“If you want to grow a plant, it won't grow well, but if you do not put your heart and soul to it, you will get results!” (Poor translation, bear with it!)

The 1st part of the idiom applies to promos.

How do I think i do for promos? I think and hope is better than mid-year? Cos mid-year i didn't really study, and promo i did study some haha. However, I somehow feel that it won't produce very good results, maybe pass can? o.o!!!

GP compo, hope can pass. GP compre die. Hope can just pass ^^ [ME: 45, EE:50]

Maths a lot ppl said it's hard, but strangely I don't really think so. I think is everyone got used to the 2008 promo paper, like me. =P Got spammed that particular night on whether I will get 100 or not, which is like huh? Nah, I only see a small small ray of hope to get 100, but realistic a bit, I tink 85 would do? [ME: 85, EE:90]

Geog, I went in with 0 content knowledge. Dunno how I will do, BUT if the rumor is true that you can pass 3H2 and just pass 1H1. Then I won't care about this stupid H1 subject. =P [ME: 45, EE: 50]

Chem, hope I don't let Jasimar down! (Like as if i am a pro student, but haha) I thought P2 was easier than P1, and even planning question i wrote some crap! So at least give me 1 mark, or 2, or more also can ^^ [ME: 55, EE: 60]

Physics, dunno wad to say. Don't think is easy. =( But this subject, CANNOT fail. T_T Cos fail already then die. [ME: 50, EE: 60]

Don't really care about Chinese. Cos must work hard for A levels! [ME: 60, EE: 70]

PW i got back I & R draft 1, got ME (L), not too bad! Hope draft 2 gets better. [ME: ME, EE: EE]

Promos, imagine if can get promoted, how good is that! For the 1st time studying, i suddenly feel that there is a chance not to get promoted, cos always took promotion for granted. Haix...

Ok that's the end for all the crapping about promos, I won't see it for 30 days! ^^

The 2nd part of the idiom applies to the Inter-house games today!

I, Warren and Jeffery took part in the board games section. And somehow we won 1st haha. ^^ (I can only say too lucky!) Because...

Firstly, Warren isn't really good at Chinese Chess (so that part gone!) So we expected 0!

Secondly, I am not very good at reversi / othello (whatever you call it), so i expected to win 2 out of 5 matches?

So if 2 games are down out of 3, even if Jeffery won anything, it would be useless haha...

Surprisingly is not!

  • Jeffery won almost every match at IC! (too pro =.=)

  • Warren won 2 matches! (wow! ^^)

  • I won everything at Reversi. (If Alexis is seeing this blog, she will sure shout “Oi humble ar!”)

Haha actually is lucky win de. Almost lost 2 or 3 matches. =.= Cos some are really good, but because they forgot see something then just put, so therefore i win. If they see properly sure win de!

So morning played with a Darwin guy who was not bad! Then a Keller girl who had a group of friends supporting her who is even better I think? After that is a Nobel girl who was a reserve that replaced a guy. Those 2 are damn pro! But cos the guy helped the girl halfway, so like she confused. That's what I tink haha? If not there is no chance for me to win de. So win already, it is my favourite time of the day again – Lunch. =P

Lunch ate chicken chop rice, nothing special. ^^

After lunch i supposed to play with a Polo guy (not the ones u see on TV). So somehow is a walkover then. O.O Therefore i played one informal game with Gab, and i lost. T_T Oh well, there is someone better than me! XD Like lol obviously? Tried my best, so no regrets!

After the informal round, play loads of informal games with Shawn, Farah, and quite a lot of ppl. Quite fun! Then also played some IC, CC with Warren and got owned =.=

If we win the semi-finals, it is a sure win for medal! If not, more stressed at finals!

After that is the semi-finals? Which we were told Semi-Finals is Byron VS Byron! Which dosen't make sense at all. Oh well, we took the challenge in the end. So,

Jeffery VS an Ambassador club girl for IC

I VS one also another very nervous guy (i think?) for Reversi

Warren VS Ace for CC (Is the name spelt correctly?)

So obviously, Warren got owned totally, no questions asked. The guy i played with is also like trembling? So we took a 5 mins break halfway lol! Cool down, if not continue at that rate sure die, but now come to think of it, why get so nervous? Maybe can get 3rd? XD

After i told Jeffery I won, I and Warren rushed to Cafe to buy hot dog and eat. =.= Dunno for wad reason, then we were predicting Jeffery will win or not.

So after eating, we went back, and Jeffery's game only had 7 / 32 pieces missing...

Killed time by playing omok on Reversi chess board with Warren, 8-1, 8 to me. =P After that, Jeffery said he won! Haha extremely happy! Cos at least got something to bring home. I and Warren were then happy and kept asking when is the finals?

The finals is a fake, don't even have a finals in the end. =.= Made the whole Byron house so tense at the semi-finals. (Byron house in this case refers to only 6 people)

Nothing interesting happened... Except Byron tio 4 demerit points... o.o

Prize presentation in the evening, 357 medals given out... And only a miserable few given to Byron. T_T Nvm, this shows that there is a lot of room for improvement for next year.

Board games was given out last, and the 1st position got it the last! So aka is the last of the last. So when announce 3rd place Board games, people around me is shouting prepare, then I see 2nd place, starting to scare myself is it me go up? Then when announce our house, I see the 3 ppl whom we beat at the semi-finals stand up and running up. Let me try summarise my feelings in 50 words or less (prepare for Chinese A-levels)

When I saw the 3 people went up, I felt shocked and surprised, because I thought is me and Warren going up. My mind went blank and I forgot what i needed to do. I also felt happy for the 3 people because they can receive an award. (48 words) [10 / 10 answer]

Ok that was lame. Just I and Warren thought nvm and everybody is asking why I never go out, the 3 people came and ask us why my team nvr go up. More shocked... So I and Warren tried to go up, and then the prize presentation is over, and it is going to be EXTREMELY embarassing to go up. So aiya, low profile, claim after PP. Almost screamed at Warren for discouraging me to go up, but then also remembered i also thought is 3 people. =P

Asked KKK for our prize (dragging Jeffery along) and said we forgot to take prize, KKK gave the diao look, and then there was some confusion, which I thank my lucky stars that Warren was around!

6 people, 4 medals awarded to Board games!!! I think the preparation for board games failed. =.= Just imagined if I went up, I think Mrs Tan would ask: “What are you 2 monkeys doing here, I just gave away the medals.”

Super embarassing, if that happened. Lucky! So in the end, my team got the proper board games 1st award. The other team 1 got the proper one, the other 2 chose the sports they wanted. o.o!

I rather get the board games, cos I am NOT a sports kind of person, and my sports suck, nt even deserving of bronze.

Hmm, happy that i got the medal! 1st time leh! (And maybe the only time) Haha need to thank a lot of people for giving support. =P

Jeffery for contributing so many points to go for semi-finals.

Warren for NOT skipping school after several failed attempts and contributed to winning!

Farah, Shawn, for guiding in Reversi?

WL for accompanying me and Warren for so many boring hours.

People who gave support? XD

And all the PJ thank you words which I don't bother memorizing.

Oh ya, parents who also motivated me the night before in one way or another. XD

That's all! The medal hangs on my pikachu money bank which has no money inside. Hope there is a beautiful day ahead tomorrow! Don't think is interesting.. o.o!

8:45 PM