
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Thursday, January 28, 2010

the jellyfish is back!

Another GP lesson. Presentations are sometimes funny.

ZY and ZK's presentation about part of a song is funny! MY's showcase about the Hakka dance in New Zealand is interesting. :)


We learn to be people who will appreciate the arts, and so GP teachers are well-cultured people ^^

Tear down absolute: most are.

Jeffery: (something about music)... for bad-tempered people...

Stares at Richards. O.O

R: If you stare at me again i will whack you! >.<

Damn funny lesson, Jeff likes this! =D

Lol to Nat mei's panda, haha! ^^

5:08 PM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the jellyfish is back. Is the 3rd week of school, and tomorrow is the last day which the J2 will have peace before all the J1 start bombing in the school. o.o

Got sick on William's birthday, argh!

The past tuesday was rather interesting though. Went with WL, War and PH to the stone village (as said by WL) at SAFRA Jurong last tuesday. Ate the cream pasta with chicken sausage and the two types of croteque (how to spell?) namely pumpkin and sweet potato in a food-court with jap ambience, with some random CNY songs. Seems like a quiet place for stoning / studying though.

Another thing good about that place, if you eat there on weekday afternoons with a minimum spending of $4.50, u get a free flow of ice tea / peach tea / blackcurrant, isn't it great? [Quote Richards: YOU BETTER SAY YES!] =P

So imagine, eating the side dishes, having a ice cold drink and listening to CNY songs while reading a book, ar what can better than that? ^^

Oh the food there is quite cheap though! And it is nice! Do go there one day.


Today is another just another random day as usual. =.=

(Looking at WL's blog for something to post about)

"Life is like a dick. Sometimes, it gets hard for no reason."

Taken from WL's blog which is apparently a facebook group name? o.o

Comment: Jeff likes this.

Nice quote, today is somehow a difficult day to pass, although the lessons end at 1.30pm. A lot of ppl and things are obviously trying to be funny today.

Physics lecture - Half lost at electric field, but War is shouting he understood o.o

GP Tutorial - There is a random China Exchange Programme teacher coming into the 90 minutes GP lesson to witness a slice of boredom of life.

She was quite nice for the first 60 minutes of the lesson, going through the same stupid A lvl question of science and religion GP question (for dunno how many lessons, but that is nt the point). Halfway through the 1st 60 minutes, War, PH, me and WL were called out to do QTKI respectively on the board.

After war went back after explaining why "To what extent do you agree?" are the question words, the 3 of us had to suffer standing after explaining our parts while she kept repeating about the QTKI things, so I got bored and started looking at the noticeboard, and realised that there is a notice saying something about time management, is quite meaningful though! Should read the notice when i have more time.

After 60 minutes, the teacher-buff ended, and she was back to her original self, war wondered why, haha. Another 30 minutes passed, and she suddenly shouted I and PH should clear up something o.o I wondered why, so i asked her, and she tried to be funny by giving me a 'I want to hit u' look by saying i smiled at the presentation part. Ha! Maybe i chuckled at the funny notice, LOL! I just don't get it why PH also kena though.

Hope tomorrow GP don't die so painfully. =P

Geog Lecture - Watched the more balanced side of the Walmart documentary. Dunno wad is it really for if we still have to the research by ourselves.

"Save Money, live better" - Wal-mart

This quote suddenly reminds me that I have to pay for the GP TYS to torture myself for the rest of the year.

Chem Tutorial - Got back the hydroxy quiz which i did yesterday, 11/18, RFI. Jasimar tried to be funny at the end of the lesson, cos there was a part question asking to write a equation when a phenol molecule reacts with sodium hydroxide. However, the 1.30pm bell rang and she asked our class whether we had lessons, when nobody replied, she went oh ok and intended to go through, but our class whined and she was sort of irritated.

Haha, then she tried to make us feel guilty by saying she give extra yet nobody appreciate and said she want go back. I think the class laughed more than felt guilty. So she said if go through must extra 30mins, then Iskandar asked if 15 mins was ok. LOL! Haha Jasimar also laughed and just postponed it.

After lessons, PH, war, me and WL went to Botak Jones at a coffee shop in Bukit Batok* to have lunch. Ordered a set meal which cost $8.80 [!!!!!!!]

Must save money for the next few days. Anyway, i ordered a BJ's recommended dish which was sandwich with egg salad and tuna salad, along with coleslaw and the double-baked cheese potato.

The bread, and tuna salad was ok.
The egg salad and coleslaw were very delicious! I think the sauce was in the right quantity haha.
The double-baked cheese potato is fantastic! If you ever eat at BJ somewhere, do try out the potato even if you do not want to try out the main dish! The cheese matched the softness of the potato, and it is nt recommended to add ketchup or chilli to the baked potato, cos it will spoil the cheesy taste. ^^

Halfway eating, got this random guy who wanted something, which i actually thought was food, so i was deciding to give the potato or the egg when PH said the guy wanted money, so i though giving him a coin would be good, so i opened up and realised the only coin is a dollar, so i gave it to him...

PH said he was not an honest person, and oh well fine, with the Proof by Imagination: "Well, We'll pretend its true." (Taken from WL's blog once again), i was just giving a wth expression and stoning at the leftover onions and potato.

A few mins later, this man came back and i just shook my head, and this random guy came to me and said, "if u give him the money, he will buy fish and chips."

Totally sian diao. So i started using the real metal knife i was holding and started to poke the plate, saying that if war failed my integration test he will be poked haha XD

Anyway, a few mins later, we saw 2 policemen holding the man and brought him to the staircase. Justice to my 1 dollar! Oh well there goes my extra coleslaw money but nvm, I am too nice, LOL!


Totally sian, feel like watching Walmart video haha!

*Thanks war for the typo-spotting. Spot more if u can XD

5:13 PM

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

the jellyfish is back. Finally is been a new year! ^^

2009 has been fun! (yea rite) Now left less than a week to school. =(

Only a few interesting events happened haha

1. Metro SIF!

I suck at folding balloons! LOL! Up till today, i only know how to fold the stupid dog and giraffe, but oh well, someone appreciated my fail dog and donated $10 ^^

The shoppers in Paragon are much more generous than the One in Causeway Point's though. Most of the shoppers in Pargaon, after knowing that they need to donate money for the balloon / magnet, they still donated the money. Whereas the people in CP, after knowing about the money part, they run like as if escaping from tsunami =.=

I still remember got one woman in CP. The child was taking the balloon, and she was like taking a few more and prepared to go off, then Farah said the balloons are not for free, she quickly asked the child to put down the balloon and left with the quickest walking speed i ever saw. O.O

I salute Farah and PH for their balloon sculpting skills!

Jeffery's super long sausage, i mean his long sausage dog, i mean the long black sausage dog balloon is very cute, although is as fail as my failed dog.


2. Christmas lunch / dinner

Ate with War, WL and PH at BBQ Chicken @ CitySquare mall after WL's Metro SIF. Ate:

Appetizer - Mushroom soup
Main course - BBQ chicken with olive rice and coleslaw
Side dish - Fried chicken strips
Dessert - Rainbow ice-cream

The mushroom soup was ok, nothing special.

The mushroom chicken was ok also, quite tender.

Olive rice - small portion, but nice! ^^ Dosent taste strange, olive rice goes well then.

Coleslaw - Nothing special.

Fried chicken strips - Taste a bit bland ya?

Rainbow ice-cream - Nice!!! =P

Luckily got the meal deals, if nt the price would be godly. ^^


3. Watched Avatar and Sherlock Holmes

The opinion: Avatar is nicer than Sherlock Holmes
The irony: i watched Avatar more times than SH.


Watched Avatar in 2D and 3D once each.


Watched the movie in bugis on a weekend nite. (some ppl will go WTH!? that is freaking ex!)

Yea it is ex, much more ex than i expected. Anyway about the show, the effects are quite ok, but the 3D glasses has a weird vomit smell, and it decreases the movie EXP sharply.

The show started at 9.15pm and ended at 12am, so i missed the last bus. Well so PH and War shared a cab home, and WL came my house to stay over for a night.

14 dollars for that ticket, my wallet was cursing. =P


Watched at Causeway point with Tean, SY and ZH early in a weekday morning. (Super contrasting time)

Surprisingly, i found the 2D better than the 3D, and really watched the movie as if i watch the 1st time.

I like the quote, "You have a brave heart, but stupid!" LOL!!!

And oh ya, 6 dollars for the ticket.


Watched SH with WL, War and PH yesterday at West Mall. Found this movie better than Avatar. ^^

Pity Watson, always kena the bad things when he go with SH in his adventures. XD


K end of post, dunno wad to type le. Have a happy new year everyone! ^^

2:25 PM