
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Designer/Layout Phyllis
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COUNTERS (FROM 18 OCTOBER 2006) Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate
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Sunday, April 25, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

Percentiles (Rounded off to nearest percent except maths)

GP - 62
Geog - 12
Physics - 96
Chem - 92
Maths - 99.8

Richards asked how come chem never get A, then i said i actually expected 60 (the truth is i expected lower).

About me studying hard? Not true ya?

If i don't score well for GP, she will feel sadder than me. Suddenly feel guilty that i don't feel sad for my GP.

She advised that i study 1 hour everyday for geog, which is a torture. However there was an enlightening statement.

"If you can do so well for big subjects like chemistry and physics, wad is H1 geog to you?"

Ah-ha! =D
(Picture taken from google which I tink is from maple anime about kino finding stones?)

1:13 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the jellyfish is back! These 2 days have quite a few funny things happening for dunno wad reason... XD

Yesterday during Maths, OCC was going through complex numbers, so i like stone a bit, then we went through a question that requires us to find 'a' and 'b'.

A few different methods, then MY suggested a method which OCC hear already, then like say until is very long...

Come to think of it, it is seriously very long! Lol!

So after she say already, then i realise that the question is i teach MY de, so just bombed my way through by saying: "Good wad! Short and sweet!"

OCC: "It's not short and sweet! It's long and, SPICY!"

Wth!? Lol!!! =D Totally amused for the day.


Today the permanent secretary for MOE came to our school to give a random talk, maybe sort of give us advice or something that helps improve our lives, how to be a better person? ^^

Speaking of to be a better person, she was late for 1 hour, not due to traffic jams, but because it was too hot and she was tired, and therefore needed an hour to drink a at most 600ml drink. =D

Anyway we waited, and then Mr Suresh gave an announcement to ask a few specific students to come up to the stage for an urgent meeting, i noted down a few haha!

The talk was sian, i can see that the teachers look VERY bored, even worse than the students. During the Q and A part, i noticed that the asking question by students part is VERY spontaneous, as if being very eager to go up and ask. Something tells me that this Q and A is VERY FAKE, reasons being:

1. The questions are quite long, which i don't tink can be formulated by students in a mere 20 minutes?
2. Nobody knew what the speaker is going to talk about~ Oh well!
3. The people who went up were those in the urgent meeting, hmm...
4. The 3rd person who asked the question was super eager to go back, when the perm Sec asked if there was anything else, he was spamming no in the mike, lol! How enthu can that be? XD


Feedback form was the last item before the whole talk was over. Listened to some parts, and since the duration is halved (from 2 to 1 hour), the duration is actually quite ok. The last question was a simple question, and brings out the whole point of the talk.

Q: "What key item did you bring from the session?" [Something like that]

When passing the form, i looked through some answers, which were like wth?

1. (Blank)
2. The government is doing something for us.
3. JC may still be better than poly.
4. Leadership is key [Look through the question again]
5. Very happy

LOL to the answers! I think most ppl are stoning instead of listening, one of the funny answers is mine, but definitely not the 'very happy' answer!

Fail things haha!

Quote PH: "Funny ar!?"
Quote WL: "Is like what the, diao...!"
Quote War: "Any-hau!"
Quote myself: "Obviously trying to be funny!"


8:11 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

Old memories of BP! Reminded of the 50th dinner coming soon! XD

I also remembered one of Mr Chiam's probability question, which i actually remembered until now, since it is a relatively simple to memorise question...

Q: Assuming that out of 3 people, what is the probability that EXACTLY 2 people have the same birthday? Also assume that a year has only 365 days.


I then tried to improvise. which is like huh?

Q2: What is the total number of combinations for EXACTLY 2 people to have the same birthday in a group of 3? Same assumptions as above.

Q3: Prove that the answer to question 2 is the same as 1 / (Answer to question 1)

Q4: What is the probability that EXACTLY 2 people in a group have the same birthday out of a group of 3? Assuming that a particular person's birthday is on Christmas.

Q5: What is the probability that EXACTLY 2 people in a group have the same birthday out of a group of 3? Assuming that at most only 2 people can have their birthdays on 29th Feb.

Happy solving! ^^

Btw, is there anything wrong with the questions?

10:59 PM

Friday, April 16, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

PW Results: B

Fantastic! ^^


WL can be a fast runner at times! Last sat, I and War went to BPP to study electrochem. During the afternoon, WL came to BPP and returned me my things i left in school, cos i forgot to bring home. (Thanks WL!)

At around 6+, we decided to go home, so WL saw his bus 180 arriving in the interchange, so he ran all the way to the berth (i will reward him a gold for shuttle run), then skali the bus just went to park, and totally missed the berth.

WL sweated a lot with his hand gestures. LOL! Better luck next time! =P


Can do? I also dunno wad to post lol!

10:44 PM

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

PJ has this english speaking programme to help correct the commonly mispronounced words among teenagers, although some were repeated, nevertheless it gives infinite value (although it is not an ideal voltmeter) to the J1s. One sentence was:

"Wednesday is my favourite day."

Indeed! =D

Contents of this post

1. Today's slack lessons
2. Tuesday outing to Lavender
3. Turf City Chong Pang BBQ

1. Slack lessons

Today's lessons are super slack! Only had Maths lecture, GP Tutorial and Chem Tutorial.

Maths lecture -> Just listen to OCC talk, seemed to understand almost everything.

GP Tutorial -> There was no teacher present! ^^ 90 minutes of freedom. da-bao chicken cutlet rice to class and eat, along with clearing a bit of complex numbers and the compre corrections.

Chem Tutorial -> Listen to Jasima talking about halogens, seemed to have a lot of crosses on my paper though.

Assembly (not counted as a lesson) -> Hear Principal talk about CT results, university admission points, and how should we improve bla bla bla...

One sentence went: "Some of you all when you reach home, you just on your laptop / com and go into facebook, some will go blog, do random things..." Then i am suddenly reminded that i had went into facebook and checked my lucky status, and of course do random things like going to others' blog. Oh well!


2. Tuesday outing to Lavender

Yesterday went Lavender with PH, War and WL, cos WL lost his IC and therefore needed to make a new one. The building is so interesting, we were required to surrender our bags for X-ray checking to see any suspicious things inside or not, then PH made a joke that if the person saw our geog scripts all scored U grades through the X-ray (since u can like see through?). Lol!

After that we went up to the 3rd storey, WL took 4 photos of himself for $5.35. At first PH said that WL needed to wear home clothes to take photo, so when WL came out of the photo booth, i was like "Wth u go in change clothes take photo and now u are back in a few minutes?" Seems like that isn't necessary. Haha!

While waiting for WL to settle his IC matters, we just stoned at the seats, see War play LocoRoco on my phone (no he didn't play well).

Finally, the whole thing was settled, WL had lost $100. We then attempted to walk to Bugis to find some delicious foodstuff to eat. However on the way, due to over-hunger, we stopped at Banquet instead.

Nobody knew what to eat, so i just ordered a mushroom omellete to eat for $5. Didn't take a photo of it though.

The rest also didnt know what to eat, so they just ordered cutlets, and WL ordered spaghetti. The lady was rather friendly, and attempted to sell her chicken balls for the price of $1 for 3 balls. So I was shouting: "Anybody want to share balls?" Somehow the ppl near me gave me the awkward look, oh well! ^^

In the end War bought 1 stick of balls from her, and we sort of shared the balls. The chicken balls were quite big, and somehow there was some liquid oozing out from the balls (not the stick). The taste, hmm... A dash of pepper, imagine the minced meat in the minced meat noodles being rolled up into a ball, with nicer flavouring inside! It is worth to buy the balls! If you ever walked past the Banquet food court near Bugis, be sure to check out those balls! XD

Strangely, many western food stalls used the canned mushrooms for their mushroom omelletes, however, this stall used xiang-gu (chinese mushrooms?) for the mushroom omellete. Another place where I can think of using these mushrooms is in the Al-Funghi (is it spelt like this?) dish in PastaMania. The omellete is very big, i was the first to eat, but the last to finish. Even WL finished his spaghetti earlier than me, LOL!

After lunch, we went to Bugis station to take the train. Apparently me and WL did not have enough money in our ez-link cards, so i had to take the bus and WL borrowed a few more dollars from War to take the train. I then walked to the bus stop which brings me to Woodlands, then i realised, that was the bus stop which i was stranded at during the last time i went to Watch Avatar with PH, WL and War. Curse that bus stop. (Adds Jeff's angry face here, but nobody seen me angry before, so no illustration / visualisation here, haha!)

On the bus, looked around, read my notes (si bei boring), at 5pm i saw BPP through the bus window. Wth sia.

Then that's the end of another Tuesday outing! It sure has been eventful! ^^


3. Trip to Turf City - partial 03 outing - Chong Pang BBQ

Friday 2nd April went to Turf City to Chong Pang BBQ restaurant to actually celebrate ZH's and Keith's birthday. However, Keith was not present.

Went with ZH, RJ, HJ, WJ, SY, Willam.

5pm - stoning around CCK, then took the train to Clementi.

5.30pm? - met up with HJ, RJ then mingled with her. Hmm...

6pm - the bus came? We then boarded the bus, admired the scenery...

Finally reached the place! The place reminds me of a chalet kitchen, except bigger! Then you can see loads of tables (duh) and is designed in such a way that almost any number can go in at once, from couples to super big extended families. We chose the table which has approximately 7 seats.

We then chose our food to eat. There are a few stations?

Station 1: All the fried food, french fries, buns, bread, fried wanton, along with some random curry and 'shark fin soup'.

Station 2: The place where u can take more butter / plates / cutleries.

Station 3: The chilled raw meat, there is about 6 varieties? Satay chicken, black pepper, normal chicken chop, beef, spicy varieties... I scooped the meat up into a plate as if is char kway teow, haha!

Station 4: Vegetables u want to put in your steamboat. Ranging from mushrooms, to green leafy vegetables, to fishballs and beancurds.

Station 5: Drinks! Sadly no non-gasy fruit juice, so i stick to ice cold water most of the time.

We then started to cook the meat. I, ZH, RJ and HJ shared one 'cooker', while WJ and William sticked to the other. I ate the french fries, a bit of bread, satay chicken, black pepper chicken, chicken chop, fried wanton. RJ is seriously a pro in checking whether the meat is cooked or not, whereas WJ and William cooking can be described as chaos.

The french fries is not crispy, and a bit cold, I think that is for appetiziers while waiting for the meat. The bread is ok... The wanton is the nicest among the fried food i ate, small and sweet. ^^

The satay chicken is not bad! A bit strange taste, but it has the satay taste haha! However, I found it a bit spicy, maybe the satay chicken had some spices added inside?

I like the black pepper chicken the most! It is strangely not as spicy as the satay chicken, and the flavouring is just nice! The meat is tender, I think that credit must go to RJ.

Ate a few rounds of these similiar foodstuff, soon after SY came, and he joined the 2 W for dinner. =P

I ate the chicken chop the last, cos everybody is full towards the end. The meat is super tender, i regretted not eating that early... T_T

A funny thing happened towards the end of the BBQ though, I, ZH and HJ went to the toilet, and when we came back, we saw a rising fire and I was thinking: "who trying to be funny go set fire lol!" After that we saw WJ backing out literally from the table, oh so the fire is at William's table! Immediately the stuff came and put out the fire. Damn funny sia.

Staff: "Later the fire burn your eyebrows, your hair then not nice already." LOL!

William apparently added a bit of coke to the cooker, and this increases the height of the butter oil layer, which somehow touched the fire of the cooker, therefore combustion occured. XD

[Extra: For chem enthusiasts, write down a balanced equation for the reaction(s) that occured above.]

After we left, William was obviously trying to be funny by leaving his wallet and phone and then walked off, sounds a bit like his basketball playing, hmm... So I and SY played a prank by keeping it and not reminding, luckily William remembered after a few minutes. =P

After we reached Clementi again after taking the bus, we wanted to watch a movie, so off we went to West Mall. Once we reached the top floor...

A super long queue greeted our eyes. All of us totally sian diao... So the movie was cancelled and I went back home.

A great outing haha! A pity Keith didn't turn up. Happy belated birthday ZH! Oh, if you want to go turf city to eat the bbq, go during the evening, per person is about $18, and there is a shuttle bus at the bus interchange near Clementi station. Check the website for any more information (wa as if i advertising for them, nvm). ^^

Happy advanced birthday Defa!

Swimming back to my aquarium!

3:56 PM

Friday, April 02, 2010

The jellyfish is back! Some random pictures taken over the last few weeks. ^^

Went Qian Hu fish farm, and saw this random duku tree in the middle of nowhere.

Tortoises in the farm, reminds me of myself running... Hmm...

Safra Jurong Jap Pancake!

Random LT4 table, apparently the tabletop is gone.

Dog prints on the pavement. Guess where is this?

My father bought a very big pau. This pau cost $3. Don't have another object to compare the size of this pau. Oh well!

Anyway this is a chicken pau with mushrooms, egg and chinese sausages. I used 3 small meals to clear this pau. Lol!

11:25 AM

Thursday, April 01, 2010

the jellyfish is back!

Results of my CT... hmm...


Compo: 21 / 50
Compre: 25.5 / 50

Total: 46.5% [E] (Not bad, Room for a lot of improvement!)


MCQ: 23 / 30
P2 (short): 18.5 / 30
P2 (long): 26 / 40

Total: 67.5% [B] (Super satisfied)


MCQ: 17 / 25
P2: 60 / 85

Total: 70% [A] (Excellent!)


Only paper: 94 / 100

Total: 94% [A] (Excellent! Too unexpected already lol!)


DRQ: 9 / 25
Essay-P: 9 / 25
Essay-H: 5 / 25

Total: 31% [U] Hmm...

Anyway i got 4 marks for the random castle koppie, although the answer was tors. Oh well! Don't tink i should complain since these 4 marks are bonus marks.

Satisfied with Results! As usual geog i failed, maths was the best among all my subjects... Work hard for mid-year then! ^^

Nat i re-linked you! Jeffery i removed the "I want nobody, nobody but U!" thingy. T_T

Quote Nat: "Swimming back to my aquarium..." lol!

10:57 PM