
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Monday, May 17, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

Tonight is the time for clearing junk! =D

Maybe this should be the timetable for tonight. Clearing these junk. (PH is amused by the phrase clearing junk)

WA denotes weekend assignment, PP denotes post-promo WS

1900 hrs - App of differentiation WA
1945 hrs - Intergration PP
2100 hrs - Maths random prelim paper 1
2230 hrs - Reivew: complex numbers
0000 hrs - Random 7 questions WS
0115 hrs - Functions PP
0245 hrs - Random prelim paper 2
0545 hrs - Wash up and go school =(

To survive through the night, maybe i should listen to the following songs...

Sunset glow by Big Bang
Pep shower by dunno who
Donald Duck 'quack quack quack' song by WL. LOL!

Oops, i suddenly realise that tmr got poverty test, haix, so maybe i should study for it?

Nah, wont. This is when ppl will start to say: "you are not being fair to GP, what have you done for the subject?"

Hmm, maybe i shouldn't do maths also then! =D

Quote Jasima: "Oh, so you are being fair to chemistry la." I shall use that quote for this case of maths and GP. =D

Random ironical phrase: Buying cash!

Happy evening! ^^

6:18 PM

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

the jellyfish is back. ^^

Contents of this post

1. Random test results
2. Weekend Working With William (4W alliteration!)


1. Random test results

These few weeks the recent test results are good! XD

Quote Alexis: "Oi humble ar!"

Maths: 25/27 [Not bad! The vectors anyhow do lol~]
Physics: 19/25 [I got 4 marks for the bonus question!]
Chem: 26/30 [I got 4 marks for the bonus question!]

So as many ppl can see, if dun have the bonus question marks, the results will not be that good. ^^

Chem is totally random sia, I was still expecting to just pass... Lost 4 marks due to calculation errors. T_T But very good already haha, cannot ask for more le.

Room for improvement!


2. Weekend working with William

Spent the whole Sunday typing out the CV of some 'famous' artists. (Which i doubt really anyone heard of them before)

The typing experience is fun, cos a lot of chinese words, then need translate this, translate that, and then keep the CV spacing need and tidy. The funniest part is that all the awards for the CV should be kept to 1 page. So some artists have a lot of achivements, and all their awards / exhibitions / showcases are to be typed in 1 page.

After I typed 1 random artist's achievements, it was about 2.5 pages, so i just changed everything to font size 6. And wow, everything could be seen so clearly, I just imagine how anyone is going to read that in any exhibitions.

Not bad bah. I realised that some artists are also obviously trying to be funny. Apparently I am supposed to receive some email messages about different artists so as to type out their info since last Saturday night. However, I still did not receive it up till today. I didn't know artists can be so punctual in their work. =D

(Showing duality again) Of course, some people may argue that the artists can be too busy to bother about all these small minor things. If that is the case, why bother to give a timing which you know you can't meet? Busy is not an excuse lol~

Luckily 1 day only. =P

Oh, for the 1st time in my life, i ate Starbuck's food items. Ate the Waffles and drank the hot chocolate.

The waffles are served with strawberry jam and butter.

The waffles are like quite ok, is just that they taste a bit nicer on their own. If you add butter to it, I think that KFC may taste better than Starbuck's.

The hot chocolate is nice! =D Only if PJ actually sold that quality of drink, I would buy it every other day, wahaha. XD

Swimming in the ocean~ (WL don't take this as my catchphrase, haha!)

7:46 PM

Sunday, May 09, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

Felt very sleepy, espacially when I was looking at WL's blog, so I went to Defa's blog to have a look and view the archives...

Suddenly felt awake after looking at the physics post. o.o

"For the last time - class stand" - Defa

Somehow suddenly got a chain of thoughs

For the last time -> reminds me of the "Shu Bao Tai Zhong" drama serial
Drama serial -> Miss Cheng was once a student before.
Miss Cheng -> can do!?
Can do? -> Silence in the class
Silence -> Chem class was rather quiet last friday
Quiet chem class -> Jasima's lesson
Jasima -> Guys must have high EQ
High EQ -> Bing Han!!! -> Thanks ar! -> Illya

Then i realise Illya is an enthusiastic person, and is rather optimistic like Defa.

Defa -> class stand! -> end of thoughts.

How? Can do?! =P

10:20 PM

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

the jellyfish is back! April is over and May is here! So happy May haha! ^^

Contents of this post: [Anybody got any interesting startings?]

Hmm maybe i shall copy the physics lecture notes style.

Readers should be able to:

a) Show a 'huh so random!' expression after reading about Jeff playing pool last week.
b) give a zzz expression and criticise on Jeff slacking during the long weekend.
c) do their best and give a neutral expression about Jeff's experience during the NAPFA test.
d) shout "wa zhen de jia de?!" after knowing about WL's pro-ness in PE. (Applicable to Jeffery only)
e) say 'lol!' to the random content


a) Show a 'huh so random!' expression after reading about Jeff playing pool last week.

Last week went to play pool twice! Went to BB CSC with WK and PH on tuesday, and chess club people on wednesday.

Tuesday - 27th April

Never touched the pool table for dunno how long le. So obviously i suck in playing pool, but WK quite patient in teaching, so aiya in the end managed to at least poke the ball and let it move to a desired position (with a lot of uncertainity). PH also quite new i tink, but still better than me. Oh well!

WK is a good player sia, and very interesting. After playing for a while, WK suggested using the pool table and play 'kill people', which is to choose the ball numbers u want, and make sure those numbers do not go in the holes.

I and PH in the end gang up and went against WK, lol! I tyco won the 1st round. Pro rite? XD

2nd round I and PH draw, cos quite tired already. That day was fun! ^^

War and WL next time u all should play, is worth it! =D

Wednesday - 28th April

Played with 2 girls, Gab, CT, and SG. It was very fun, since we all 5 (excluding SG) are nt very pro, so scoring is like wow! and nt scoring is a 'haha better luck next time bah!'. SG is quite pro, since his balls are fairly accurate. At that time, i felt that was maybe the best time i had in chess club.

After that SG and 1 girl left, and Ifan joined in. Oh well, since Ifan is quite pro, there is nt much playing involved among the rest of us left. So I, gab and CT went to another table, leaving Ifan and the girl alone. Somehow at that time playing with gab and CT proves to be about 20 times more fun... ^^

After that took a chess club group photo, and that is the end of the formal CCA sessions, the rest of the sessions after that should be quite informal bah!

Ty WK for teaching me to play pool! I did enjoy myself for that 2 days! ^^


b) give a zzz expression and criticise on Jeff slacking during the long weekend.

Sat - 1st May

Tried to clear some maths homework! Along with a bit of chem and physics, didnt really make much progress though!

Sun - 2nd May

Played maple full day. My Xbow lvl up 3 more times le, wahaha!

Mon - 3rd May

Did a bit of complex numbers with Warren in the morning, afternoon went to watch Iron Man 2 with PH and War.

Iron Man 2 nt bad bah, except a fair bit of talking at the starting of the show, if nt it should be rather interesting and the storyline is clear! Nicer than Avatar at least. The military troops at the end is quite random, and the boss of the movie a bit easy to defeat ya? I was expecting Pink Bean style. Oh well!

There was a random little prick quote, but i forgot what is it! Anyway, Iron man 2 is worth to watch! =P


c) do their best and give a neutral expression about Jeff's experience during the NAPFA test.

Today NAPFA test: CUI!

The last round of 2.4 is the most difficult to run sia, cos chiong like siao. (To some my speed is like taking a walk in the park, but nvm)

At least didnt hit the bad timing (in my definition), but it did past the good timing either (once again, in my definition). Oh well!

Running last tends to grab a lot of attention for some reason, cos i am the only one left at the track for the last 1.5 minutes. Thanks to the people who actually motivated me to run the last round at a faster speed, which includes the class girls, the girls at the different exchange zones, Mrs Wee, Ms Alexis Yeoh, Mr Yaw, Mr Kwok, and some others who i may have forgot to mention. And oh ya, must thank Koh-Koh crunch who made me get used to the number of rounds during PE.

Oh, i realised the evening sky is quite nice, and the cooling weather made the run better I tink?

Congrats to Bing Han who got a gold for NAPFA, jy to PH for the retest, cos u can actually train to run de, haha! At least got more hope than me to pass rite? XD

War ar - haix... =P (If War see this, he will be 'liddat la!')


d) shout "wa zhen de jia de?!" after knowing about WL's pro-ness in PE. (Applicable to Jeffery only)

Once again, I think that WL can run very fast. =P


And oh, WL did 2 chin-ups, i totally shock dao. O_O

Must show duality: Of course, some may argue that doing 2 chin-ups is nothing, since it is only a pass, however, for a person who never did a successful chin-up before, getting 2 immediately is a very great achievement, since the percentage improvement is [2/0 x 100%]. How many people can do that? ^^


e) say 'lol!' to the random content.

Before the NAPFA, I, PH, WL and Warren were very bored. So WL decided to show his bio knowledge by showing his sperms to us.

I mean drawing some sperms, and oh he also drawn more bio things which we were like huh?

So WL drawn a super big mutated sperm, which we were like laughing how WL is going to eject that super big sperm out.

I suggested how the sperm is going to fertilize the puny size of the egg.

Lol! =D

PH was dam funny at the cafe, apparently the cafe is busy on tuesdays, cos tuesdays are potato days, and so the potatoes were sold out quite fun. I should use a drama scene to illustrate wad happened at the cafe.


1st Cafe Auntie
2nd Cafe Auntie
Cafe Uncle
I and WL [Minor characters]

Uncle: Ar sorry no more potato le, so there will be muffins and honey-baked sandwich on offer.

(The queue moves)

1st Auntie: Yes boy, what do you want to order?
PH: Can i have a baked potato?
Uncle (who happened to be listening): Ah boy ar, sorry no more potato le, if you want have to wait for 20 minutes, you can buy the muffins or honey-baked which are on offer.

PH: Oh ok... (Dunno what to eat)

2nd Auntie: Ah boy, what is your order?
PH: Er, still got potato?
2nd Auntie: Should be bah, eh? No more potato le, if you want the potato need to wait for 20 more minutes.
PH: Oh. So no more potato already ar?

[WL and me gave a 'zzz diao!' face]

2nd Auntie: Ya, no more potato already. So what do you want?
PH: Oh er, can i have 2 more potatoes with chicken?
[Auntie takes out hammer and whack PH's head into bits and pieces]


Ok lol the last scene is a joke, lol PH! At least this funny incident brightens up my day, wahaha =D


SY asked me these questions....

Q1: Who was the last girl u sms to, and what was it about?
Q2: Describe the scene that is common when you talk to a girl.

A1: My maple mei mei, Morning! ^^

A2: I shall use a drama scene to illustrate again.

Scene - Jeff sits in the cafe alone doing physics, suddenly a girl walks to him.

Jeff: (Thinking) Sia la, got one chio bu walk towards me wor. [Smiles and waves at the girl]
Girl: (waves back)
Jeff: Hi!
Girl: Oh hi!
Jeff: Why haven't you go home?
Girl: Oh i am waiting for my friend, how about you?
Jeff: I got CCA later, want to sit down and wait for a while?
Jeff: Ok sure!
Girl: Oh ya, i got something to ask you.
Jeff: [Wondering what is the question] Haha sure! [Expecting the girl to ask to go out]
Girl: I actually wanted to ask you the question for a very long time le...
Jeff: (Excited) Oh what is the question?
Girl: You know during the complex numbers lecture, do you really understand what the lecturer is saying, cos i seriously don't get the part on the argument...

[Jeff takes out a super big hammer and smashes the girl into pieces]

Now then i realise, most girls who call me / talk to me is about studies or maths. Oh well!


Haha! Ok end of post.

And yea WL i have just finished the post. =P

9:00 PM