
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Monday, June 28, 2010

the jellyfish is back! Maths is so boring, therefore i decided to take a break and read something random, and saw this interesting thread.


As wad SY will say, UNFAIR!!!

Jeff like this =P

Today physics how? Can do? NO! T_T

8:27 PM

Friday, June 25, 2010

the jellyfish is back. =D

Today's geog...

Litho how? Can do? Er... No.
Urban how? Can do? Safer than usual!

[In War's definition, getting 2 marks is much safer than getting a mark]

Hybrid question how? Can do? Not bad, I must get the maths questions correct!!!

Global how? Can do? NO! (Or as wad WL would say, "Cannot la! What nonsense!")

So how many marks do I think i can get...

Expected: 20+ marks
Realistic target: 35 marks please... (At least must be better than CT rite?)
Unrealistic target: A subpass please!
Godly target: A pass please? =D

Geog is godly hard and boring to study, i realise this is my attention spam for the following content subjects, assuming i can concentrate without distractions. =P

Average values of course. =D

Subject: (reading notes timespan / doing work timespan)

Maths: 30 mins / 3 hours
Chem: 1 hour / Around 1 hour
Physics: 30 mins / Around 1 hour
Geog: Less than 5 mins / Less than 10 mins

Today geog keep kena distracted by surroundings, dunno why.

At least geog is over! For now. Litho and urban into the bin, until further notice! ^^

Oh, today i experienced a queue that has 317 people in front of me. Waited like siao, then i realise the wonders of stoning for about 1hr+ without doing anything. O_O

8:47 PM

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

the jellyfish is back! Yesterday had a fun time, therefore nt much time to blog.

Must learn from the 'Oh Carol!' which i watched yesterday.

Modified version: Who is the funny person who always tell lame jokes that almost paralysed everyone, be able do to maths but not able to excel in sports, and who is good in almost everything except the one who he is not good in, and also had his birthday yesterday? Me. =P

Ok la that is super lame, and after that part was shown, me and WL were like diao haha! ^^

Contents of this post

1. 1st June birthday celebrations
2. SMO and OCC's extra lesson.
3. Thanking everybody =D

1. 1st June birthday celebrations

had a good sleep ytd. woke up at 7.10am ^^

Ate a bit of breakfast with my parents, which included prawn dumplings, bee hoon with egg and sauasage and some char siew chee cheong fun. =P

After that travelled to PH's house, and i actually thought WL and Warren reached already, then in the end PH asked me: "Eh Warren leh??"

I like gave a O_O face, and then Warren reached at 8.45am, giving a 'ya la i am late' face. Haha! ^^

PH suggested bowling, and we had some chocolates along the way. I tink i kena the orange and one random flavour. Not bad. PH was thinking that the place may be flooded and we have to wait until 2pm for a bowling lane, then i predicted there would be nobody.

Result: There was really nobody. Because there was nobody, nobody but you. Ok that's lame.

We then played for about 1.5 to 2 hours of bowling. Warren was not bad, I suck at bowling, PH is too godly... I and Warren were predicting who will have the most gutters, and oh well i got the honourable title. Mine and Warren's combined score was lesser than PH's, which is like wa... Anyway it was fun! At $1.50 per game and the cold air-con, it was really fun! ^^ Pity WL did not come for the bowling, or it would be more fun, haha!

After that we went to PH's condo and swim, or as wad PH and WL will say, playing with water.

Long time didnt swim already, so yesterday was an opportunity to revive myself with water, and as wad Nat would say, "Kor go back water and swim le!" How appropriate!

WL came about 10 mins after we were in the water, i tried to splash WL, and Warren was sort of chasing WL all over like a monkey. Lol! We also tried the water slide and jacuzzi, which were like wa not bad, PH can enjoy that everyday! ^^

After playing the slides, we went to the 1.2m pool, stoned there for quite some time.

About 2+, we left PH's house for Chong Pang BBQ. Reached at around 3+, then we realised there was no customers (probably it isn't lunch nor dinner hours?). So oh well, we took the whole place and the food there were like all ours, wahaha ^^

It seems like 1st time Warren's first time cooking, cos he put too much oil, and wow the whole thing went boomz, cos oil was like splashing all over, and the meat burnt super easily. It was also the 1st time i realise that CP BBQ has eggs. Random eating for about 2 hours, WL and War ate like as if nvr eat before, for some reason. =P

War said he is not a great eater, i dont really think so though. O_O

Did i mention we got free potong ice-creams? ^^ The aunty said the reason was because i brought more people to eat, cos is the 2nd time i go to Chong Pang. Must partially thank RJ, lol!!!

We then walked around Giant, which was quite small. Then went home and enjoy the good good night. ^^

Played maple during the night at the guardians / chief guardians of oblivion instead of studying for maths. =.=

1st June then came to an end. ^^ Happy 18th birthday to myself! =D


2. SMO and OCC's extra lesson.

Some people will be asking, "SMO how? Can do?"

Answer: No. T_T

OCC's lesson was interesting as usual, and she also asked the SMO question. Haix, nvr study, then must suffer the consequences, oh well!

Got back the random hard complex numbers test, which i got 22 / 27 for some random reason. Super satisfied! OCC then said something about "making all those who always get A to know that overconfidence by not studying will still give u an A is wrong."

War then stared at me, i wondered why. O.O

SY passed me a gift during the lecture, which turned out to be a shoe bag! Thanks ar! ^^

After that went to pizza hut to eat pizza hut. (Eh? This phrase makes sense though)

Dinner ate with my parents, and thats the end of 2nd June ^^


3. Thanking people =D

Usually my FB / E-mail is like almost nothing, only got the rubbish e-mails and some random advertisements. But then i went to FB and my email account like Wa!!! Tio flooded! Suddenly i felt happy / guilty. Happy because there were many ppl who remembered? (Hmm or maybe from the reminder on FB) Guilty because i am not a person who always go write on the wall for greetings. So oh well.

So thanks to =D

- Haslin, Benjamin, Shafiq, Yian Lu, Gladys, WJ, Gordon, HJ, Sean Chan, WanTing
- Farah, JL, ZY, Defa, Bing Han, Celine, TY
- Geraldine, Ken, Kenneth (Senior)
- Yusoff, ZhongSheng, Tean, Wai Leong, RJ, SY, ZH
- Min! Alesair, Lazer, Ninja =D [They are nicknames in maple]
- Yong Loon, Priscilla, Bork Hang, Guan Wei
- Marissa (aka monkey), BS =D [JJ OGL =P], Amanda [aka Creature!]
- My small aunt ^^

And others! There is 1 number which sms me, but i change phone then i tink bo save contact. T_T

Oh ya, then must thank PH, War and WL, celebrate this year's birthday with me. =P

And last but not the least, my maple mei aka Nat. =P

As your kor will say, you are obviously trying to be funny! Tell me you are sleeping early then do so many things to accompany me until midnight. O.O And yea i enjoyed this year, so ty! ^^


End of this post! Have a great month. =P

(The post has been completed!)

10:10 PM

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

the jellyfish is back!

Happy 18th birthday to myself. Thanks to all who wished me happy birthday haha! ^^

Birthday how? Can do? =)

11:00 PM