
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Saturday, August 28, 2010

the jellyfish is back! Posting something which is short, that is part of the trip of ocean park, the experience of the trip will be in other posts!

One of the section features, and the first thing that came to my mind?


A deep enclosure of pandas awaits. But hey, actually there were 2 enclosures, this one was sleeping away, in the cooling environment, despite the brightness of the sun!


This one a bit GL, walked out from its hole for about a minute, and then walked back. For some reason it reminds me of a boss being spawned, and the kena killed. Lol.


The gift shop after the panda enclosure, this one is dedicated to my mei! Have a panda day! Wahaha! ^^


Who says Panda do not make good food? They do! ^^

Haha, end of panda post! Other parts of the HK trip will be posted!

10:43 PM

Friday, August 13, 2010

the jellyfish is back! These few days were quite ok, compared to Wednesday at least! ^^

Yesterday started off with a very sian day, since I have the mindset that GP will be another period of suffering, since I have to present something about the 25th hour.

All changed, when PH said during break that me, him and Warren need go for engineering exhibition. Fantastic and Excellent! ^^

The NJ trip was nothing very special, except that we really walked one VERY BIG round, just because War refused to walk through the school. =P

Same sentiments though, try walking into NJ with PJ uniform.

The exhibition was quite ok, but is seriously not as big as i expected, though they managed to cram some specimen booths for ppl to see. ^^


I heard ZY got suan-ed during GP, is that true? o.o

Talked to WL until 11+ last night, although i said 'sleeping in 10mins' at around 10.15pm. Talked about random rubbish, preferences, and personal experiences (which are like lol of course rite?).


Happy Friday the 13th, today ironically is the luckiest day among these 3 days. The day was pleasant and smooth-sailing. Maybe perhaps there was no GP.

Did some fieldwork tutorial during geog, which some of the skills were covered in maths, lol! There was one comparison which i thought was rather interesting.

Copying notes VS Counting the number of people.

There was a slide with some global fieldwork techniques which required copying, so I suggested taking a picture, and War did take a picture.

So Miss Tan was walking around, and see if we were done. and War said he took a picture already. This action was done with the assumption that War will copy the notes at home, but she then saw him copying from the picture into his notes.

Miss Tan: Eh? I thought u said you took picture already??
Warren: Ya... (Copies from the phone)
Miss Tan: Then you take picture and copy from the phone?? Wa I don't understand...



After that we went through some urban fieldwork techniques too, something about counting the number of people walking in / out of Lot 1. Obviously you need more people to ensure that the number of people you have counted is correct.

True, so some suggested using a camera, to ensure counting is done properly, since you can recount again? =D

Shawn's suggestion: Count the number of people from the camera on the spot.



Took a nap just now, cos very tired. Having a nap is really nice lol. ^^

9:00 PM

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the jellyfish is back!

As the day started off with the maths lecture projector being spoilt or something, OCC said: "Today is not our day."


Today GP was extended by 100% more [OMG!].

I got 16/50 for the time essay!!! What the Fxxx. Ok fine I have War to join me, good job!

Next tuesday kena night study for GP, such a 'blessing'.

It rained during GP lesson, it stopped after the lesson. Appropriate!

For some reason mark chem P3 like almost all wrong sia.

Today the pizza hut staff gave me more pepsi, although i dont like it.


Well, today is a bad day, but tonight's going to be a good night!

Irony: I am chionging banded lecture WS!


Happy birthday Demas! (Ugh who is reading this blog anyway? ^^)

8:27 PM

Thursday, August 05, 2010

the jellyfish is back! As some ppl may already know, i just came back from HK!

Oh, is fun! Shall post some random pictures, and blog about the content in future! ^^

Enjoy lol~


This one is taken at the Avenue of Stars during the day, where there are nice buildings, probably the CBD area?

Since sample size n=30 is quite large, by Central Limit theorem, the height of these buildings follow a normal distribution. Agree?


To do well in chem, i should study...

Oh this was taken at Times Square, perhaps one of the featured shopping center to visit.


Vulgar? Yes.

This picture was taken near the Avenue of Stars. Bored at that time while walking, so took a picture of this interesting bank. ^^


I am not going to be packed in a souvenir. =P

This was taken near the jellyfish exhibition in Ocean Park. ^^


The most interesting 'Please do not eat in the platform or train' advertisement. ^^


Blogging the other content in future!

9:57 PM

Monday, August 02, 2010

the jellyfish is back! These are some of the pics which I have took during the HK outing!

This post will be showing the random pics I took during the 4 days, except for the trip to Ocean park. :)

Enjoy! ^^


1st day!

One of the airport advertisements, credit card! Welcome to HK! :D


The train to the other terminal, that would arrive in a minute


So cute! This was taken at the walkway to Royal Park Hotel.


I heard this store sells one of the spiciest mian xian ever. o.O



The day and night view from my hotel! Awesome!


HK parking meter, cool!


Electrical fault, closed for a day. 


Day 2!

Ah, evening view of the HK streets! (Above and below)

Many stores do sell their merchandise at a ridiculously cheap price. If you a lot of money and you can actually spend on the items here, what you would bring home is a container of souvenirs~ ^^


NCC - but definitely not selling army items~


Night market, items everywhere!


This big bowl of noodles can be shared between 2 to 3 people! Tastes nice, like the Jurong ban mian, and only costs SG$3.80! Try to finish it by yourself, and may happiness be with you. =P


One of a very big pau which I bought from a dim sum stall on the way back to the hotel. This pau costs about SG2? Compare the size to a remote control! I think SG has a few stalls that sells pau of such big sizes, perhaps should try them again on a random day. 

Didn't manage to take pictures of other dim sum, but it looks similar to the ones in SG, except its cheaper! ^^


Day 3!

Morning breakfast! Decided to take this picture only after a few days. Imagine this western breakfast everyday for 3 days. Awesome right! =D


The following pics are taken from the train station! Differences with SG? :)


Awesome MTR map! 

After you enter the stn, control your appetite
Ater you leave the stn, bon appetiet! 

I can imagine the burger saying: "you cheated on me!" XD


Awesome number of levels in this shopping center! After we shopped at the basement, we thought that the few levels were the end, until we saw this view after going up to the ground floor. Nah, no mood to go up.

A curved escalator, cool!


 Monster furnitures. Surprisingly this shop dosen't have anybody inside...


View from the Avenue of Stars! The performance is rather disappointing and not as fantastic as said by others. By oh well, nice view, and the music is great! =D


Nah, no day 4 pics! Nothing interesting to take during that day! =D

That's all for the few days pics! The trip to ocean park will be on another post! 

1:00 AM

Sunday, August 01, 2010

the jellyfish is back! These are the pics of the Ocean Park trip! =D

For the rest of the pics, its in another post! :)


Awesome cab fare! HK$157.50! The uncle even gave me a receipt, so nice! :) 


Part 1: Different sights and views of Ocean park! 

Welcome to Ocean park! The friendly otter welcomes you! :)

Cable car, in such a cute shape! =P


A very random hot air balloon...


*Some of the land exhibits and other views*

Apparently there is an exhibit of Asian animals, which dosen't have many animals in the first place! The decoratives they put in this place are rather cool though!


Water exhibits and stages! :)

The water stage at Ocean Park! Although the show starts at 2pm, this place is already crowded and full at 1.30pm! There's another one in a cave, but I didn't take that one due to lighting problems. The other place showed the performance of seals and penguins I think. This stage shows other water animals I think? An awesome show! ^^

Resting place for the water animals


This was taken outside the jellyfish exhibit. Taking pictures is prohibited in the jellyfish exhibit, so oh well! Jelly spectacular! Oh, the place is strangely crowded, very very crowded. :/


A random fish from nowhere...


This is the view from in the monorail cabin that links the bottom and top of Ocean Park. Inside the cabin, they would various slideshows of marine creatures, making people feel that they are travelling underwater. Incredible! 

A random robot that is linked to the water theme?? 


Ah, some views from the top of Ocean Park.

I forgot the location of this tower. Somehow it looks like the Carlsberg sky tower in Sentosa. Agree? 


Haagen Dazs ice-cream otter! Cute!

"I wanna be with you for the rest of my life."


For some reason, Ocean Park is famous for the pandas too! A whole lot of visitors are simply rushing in and taking pictures of these black and white bears. Heh, if Nat mei is here.

Drawn by me in the Asian animals exhibit! Ya la, ugly drawing la. =P

Ah, nap during the day, how refreshing!

This panda came out and walked for 1 round before going back to its cool air-conditioned place and sleep! For some reason this panda is at the top of a small hill, unlike its above 2 brothers at the Asian animals exhibit. o_O

Woah! A whole family of panda plushies! 


Plant pandas. For some reason they remind me of Maple's MLTC panda sign...

Even cafe also must put panda at its signboard sia. 

Er... Wired panda? 


So with these pics, we left Ocean Park in the afternoon, and this was the crowd on a Friday afternoon! The popularity of Ocean Park is just simply awesome! :D


That's all for the Ocean Park Pictures! ^^

11:58 PM