
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Saturday, September 25, 2010

the jellyfish is back. Today went out with my mei, YY and GL (short for Guo Li) at civic center.

Guo Li reminds me of many people.

Mr Chiam - his humour dosen't fail to entertain people.
RJ - can be a very socialable person with the girls. Hmm. ^^
SY - GL seriously looks like SY!!!

A nice personality, so is really nice to mmet him, lol.

Did the vectors MEP WS and Set K WS while in the library. Perhaps i watched too much Batsu games recently, until I feel that going out to study / play today is just like another batsu game, gaki no tsukai, smth like that.

Well, the library is so quiet, but when GL was testing my mei about bio, her responses are very funny, making me laugh... Half expected to hear "JEFF, OUT!"

After mugging for about 5 hours (somewhat more productive than studying with War), we decided to take a break and play truth or dare. Most of us chose truth, 1 example i tio was, "what was the most embarassing moment you had with WL?"

... So anyway it was rather fun, my mei sure loved the environment, picking up a lot of library litters. Good job! ^^ After playing in the library (ironically), we went to mac to eat. Just reached home, so taking a break later! ^^

That's all for today, I suddenly realised YY looks like YS. Lol!

10:21 PM

Friday, September 24, 2010

the jellyfish is back! This post is about the 1st 2 days of the HK trip which i went around 7 weeks ago? ^^

Departure Date and time: 29th July, 0640 hours


Day 1

- Plane flight to HK
- Hotel Stay
- Women's street visit

Slept at 8pm on previous night, after making, i mean watching 'Love' on TV. Woke up at 2.30am the next day.

Rode father's car to airport, nothing interesting there. =D

0430 hours - Reached the beautiful T3 Changi Airport. I tink long time never go airport already, therefore see already like very amazed. =P

0500 hours - Checked in the babbage and everything, then walked around T3, until about 6+. T3 got a random OSIM massage chair, and random posters for colouring. Cute sia!

0640 hours - Departure from SG!

Plane Info: Boeing 747 plane
Flight no? : UA896 (United Airlines)
Class: Economy

A guy was trying to be funny, losing his black bag on the plane, even before it took off. The plane was quite crammed, and sadly my seat was nt the window seat. =(

Fortunately the seat was quite near the 'TV' screen, so it was rather not bad, since the view of the screen is clear.

The plane then took off. The speed is damn fast, but for obvious reasons. The temperature of the plane has a strong negative correlation with the altitude of the plane, cos it got very cold up in the sky, but was hot when on land. O_O

Watched random feature films and National Geographic channels, some were interesting, espacially the urban part of the tallest city (is it 300 storeys?). Geog lessons while in the plane, fantastic and excellent. Got another one is about people slimming down, and for some strange reasons needed mice, turkeys to do experiments. Got one more is about agriculture, but i fell asleep halfway while watching that...

When i woke up, I saw the screen saying that the temperature is -53 degree Celsius, while the flying speed is 888km/h. A bit scary ya? =D

Breakfast was light, consisting of a peach cheese bread, a chocolate muffin, and cup fruits, with cups of orange juice, wahaha. ^^ The food was quite nice, espacially the peach chesse bread. The adults didnt really like it though.

A pity I didn't take any pictures from the sky, but all I can see was clouds, and more clouds. Smooth flight, and thats about all for the morning flight!


1030 hours - Hong Kong!

Reached this beautiful place, the weather is the same as SG for now, summer, or perhaps a bit hotter than SG.

We took a sky train (1 station only) to the arrival hall and then took all the babbages at a beautiful conveyer belt? ^^ After that took a bus for approx 30 mins to Royal Park Hotel. Saw HK's ports and beautiful mountains along the way. ^^

1230 hours - Reached the hotel, put down the things on the floor and went to the shopping malls to walk for a while and have lunch.

Ironically, the 1st meal isn't any special HK food, but tako instead. -.- For 32HK dollars, is not bad. (4 octopus balls, 1 jap pancake, and noodles)

Oh btw 1SGD = 5.3 to 5.6HKD. For convenience, Let 1SGD = 5HKD (c.c)

Cantonese is seriously important if you want to survive in HK. There were seriously minimal people who speak Chinese, and for English, don't think about it unless you are in the Airport. So for the shopping experience on the 1st day, i just remained silent, nod head, smile.

Halfway, went to a Coffee shop, which is a restaurant, to have some desserts / coffee. The coffee cup looks super small, although the adults said that the coffee is great. I tried the plain waffles, also look very small... The taste was ok, like nt much greatness, compared to outside. The price difference was significant though.

1430 hours - Room 709

Got the hotel key! The hotel room is quite spacious, 2 beds, TV, cabinet, fridge, and a toilet with a bathtub!!! ^^

Of course, being a super mountain tortoise, I went to use the bathtub. Stayed in the bathtub for 10 to 15 minutes, and since it was very boring while in the bathtub, so hmm...

Watched Tom and Jerry Cartoons in the afternoon... Thinking back, childhood memories are great!


Approx 1800 hours - Women's street at night!

Women's street: A night market shopping experience, espacially for women.

This is a place where you must go if you want to shop for cheap clothing / cheap but nice food. ^^ Went with 2 of my father colleagues and parents, namely T and K for convenience. So just walked around, with all the clothing, shoes, luggages, souvenir, etc. My mother loved the place, for obvious reasons. ^^

Dinner eat a proper dinner, so ate some street snacks, which contained quite an amount of meat? Siew Mai, chicken mid-joint-wing and beef.

5 Mushroom and pork Siew Mai for 8HKD. So bought 2 sticks of these for 16HKD. ^^ (Estimated 32 cents per siew mai) The taste is ok, since nt many roadside siew mai in SG have mushrooms in it. The chicken and the beef are the recommended ones, since their flavouring and taste are both awesome!!! The beef was a bit spicy though, but most should love it. ^^

Also tried the 'Dan zai', which is actually just toasted egg crisps, the taste quite zai, just like the streets. (It works both ways)

My father was finding some sport shoes since it was rumoured that it is relatively cheaper compared to SG. Lost our way there, so wasted about 30+ minutes just trying to find the street with the shoes, and of course we found the street at the end. Seriously, the street is really filled with shops selling shoes. By turning 360 degrees, you can see more than 15 shoe shops...

Bought quite a few pairs in the end. One pair is 228HKD approx. (thats SGD45.60) It should be cheaper rite? =D After buying shoes, saw an ice-cream truck, so just bought a soft vanilla ice-cream and indulge. ^^

After the long walk in the streets, we went to mac to have desserts (the nearest place we found and rest). The mac things are seriously cheaper compared to SG.

One extra-value meal: Around 4.80SGD (Not MacValue lunch time btw)
6-pc Nuggets meal offer: Around 3.50SGD (wth!)

The Mac in HK sells sausage Mcmuffin with egg in the night, so i ate that for a snack. After resting, we bought some roasted chicken and goose to go back to the hotel and enjoy.

A tiring day, but hey at least is a shopping experience! I tried the chicken, it was nice! Didn't try the goose though. Watched Tom and Jerry at night again lol.

2330 hours - Sleep! And this ends Day 1 of the trip! ^^


Day 2 post: Just below
Day 3 post: Not done!
Day 4 post: Not done!

11:49 PM

the jellyfish is back! Posting about HK trip day 2! ^^

- Breakfast in the hotel
- Ocean park trip!
- Night at mosque street!

Day 2 is my favourite day for the entire trip, since it really involves fun that involves me and is really a part of HK. Haha. ^^

So it is another bright and beautiful day near Royal Park Hotel, and my whole family woke up at around 8am for the hotel's breakfast. The place is at 2+2 cafe? At first, i thought it would be some Random Dim Sum (^^) or some chinese food, but surprisingly it ended up to be a western breakfast, with trace amount of NaOH, I mean chinese food.

The food is generally not bad, with special features such as pancake machines and a counter where you can order diff kinds of eggs with random toppings! ^^

Ate loads of waffles, they tasted really nice. ^^


- Ocean park trip!

The highlight of the day! ^^

After breakfast, all 5 of us headed off to Ocean Park in a taxi, and got caught in a traffic jam. Aw. =(

The taxi ride cost about HK$157.5!!! omg lol!

Surprisingly Ocean Park was not a water-theme park like Wild wild wet, but more of a fun-theme park like Escape Theme Park. Quite a lot of ppl on that day though, probably is because is a friday and therefore there would be field trips! ^^

Ocean Park is divided into the animals section and the fun and games section, with a cable car of tram servicing between the 2 stations. We went to a few sections, namely the entrance (duh), the asian animals exhibitions, and took a view of the fun and games section, didn't really try the theme rides though.

The ballons were quite fascinating, and there were a few performers with very big eggy costumes performing some tricks and stunts. Fascinating! ^^ Somehow there were a lot of gift shops in Ocean Park, but all with rather different themes.

Section 1 - Animals section.

To be precise, Asian animals section. The animals consisted of alligators, crocodiles, seals, racoons and pandas.

There is a very dark enclosure for pandas, and somehow the panda was rather GL, since it only walked one round and everybody was seeing it sleeping through the TV. The enclosure was quite cool though, a very cooling temperature, dark, and a greeny scenery for the pandas to live in. ^^

Another enclosure was very bright, but yet MORE COOLING than the previous one. I bet a lot of money was used to cool the place, since it was really huge! The enclosure contained more pandas, along with alligators and racoons. Just imagine the Singapore Zoo's snake / bird boardwalk, where u can sort of experience the 'natural' habitat of the snakes, except that this time the boardwalk has a cooling device.

The alligators sure can sleep under the sun, while the racoons played under the bridge. =P Of course, there was another large spot for pandas. The pandas were considerably more active than the previous ones, and some even played together. Aw so cute. ^^

After the whole enclosure, we went out and there was a whiteboard to spam wadever random rubbish u want! Followed by another panda gift shop, and a panda cafe restaurant! (Photos are in other posts) ^^

After the panda exhibition, we went to see some antique chinese decorations, quite nice, but nothing significant at this point.

Watched the seal show before lunch! An excellent show, although the language being spoken was in Cantonese, it was still rather enjoyable to see the seals doing stuns and playing with the small kids! ^^

Section 2 - Fun and games section!

We took a monorail to the top of Ocean Park! The monorail ride itself was ok, but it has an underwater theme. The monorail is pictured as a submarine travelling through the ocean, but got stuck due to creatures knocking the glass wall, and in the end enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ocean. ^^ A short but free ride, interesting!

The fun and games section can be considered quite large, consisting of many standard rides such as roller coaster, teacups, skytower, etc... Did not play any of these, since there were a huge number of people waiting for the rides.

We headed to the cafeteria and gift shop for a break. I suppose that is one of the biggest gift shops of Ocean Park, since it consists of many items sold in various smaller gifts shops. Bought a few dolphins, panda, over there. For a short snack, we bought some fries and a coke-floats, Normal taste, nothing much interesting.

After lunch, we walked around for a bit, then went to watch the dolphin show. Woah to the number of people over there. The show starts at 1400 hours, yet at 1320 hours it was filled with people already, in the end had to stand and watch the show. This show is supposed to be the highlight of Ocean Park, hmm... I found it a bit boring though, a pity didn't take a video of the show.

It was about 1445 hours when the show ended, so we decided to leave the place, but halfway, we saw a jellyfish exhibition!!! ^^ For once, i saw my brothers in Ocean park, lol! =D

A lot of ppl who went for the show also went to the jellyfish exhibition, loads of various types of jellyfish were over there, just walked through the darkness of the exhibition, with dazzling colours all over the place. The jellyfish gift shop is rather small though! Drank a random green float with longans, pineapples and other tropical fruit cocktail while walking... Refreshing! ^^

Went back to the hotel after the Ocean Park trip. The entrance was FLOODED with people, wished those ppl good luck while waiting for their turn to enter. ^^

This concludes the end of the Ocean Park Trip!


- Night at mosque street!

First impression: Mosque street is just like Women's street!

The structure is almost the same, the things sold are almost the same. The only difference i noticed was that the things sold in Mosque Street was more appealing towards guys compared to Women's street.

For dinner, we went to a 'ban mian' stall and ate. Apparently the stall is really famous for its spiciness, but the irony is that we didn't order anything spicy, but rather just the noodles itself.

I shared with my parents a bowl of plain soup chicken noodles, cos we thought just eat a very small portion each, thereafter can enjoy more delicacies. ^^ In the end, the bowl was damn big. For those who ate JE ban mian before, the bowl is about 1.5 times the JE size. The noodles looked very plain, but surprisingly the noodles tasted EXTREMELY nice, even nicer than JE's. Price = approx SGD$4.

The shopping experience is the same as women's street, so i will be talking more about the food. The food is quite ok, i bought a coconut drink, which was seriously very thick with a strong milk flavour. The uncle was a bit blur though, mixing up a lot of orders, haha. I think he thought mine was a special order, and therefore make the drink very concentrated.

Packet some roast meat, siew mai, and prawn dumplings to go back to the hotel and enjoy. The Dim Sum stall at the roadside was somehow quite cosy, and the paos they had were really big! Smells nice also, mmm. ^^

The siew mai were quite ok, the prawn dumplings were great!!!!!!! Up till today haven't found one nicer than that one. The roast pork were ok, nt much difference with the SG ones.

After the meal, watched Tom and Jerry for a while again, and then went to sleep! That concludes day 2 for the HK trip! ^^


Day 1 post: above
Day 3 post: Not done!
Day 4 post: Not done!

11:48 PM

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the jellyfish is back! It's finally the end of prelims! ^^

A summary of how I think i have done for the prelims.

For this week,

Chem P1 - Can do.
Chem P2 - Can do! ^^

Maths P2 - Definitely can do!

Physics P1 - Hmm... To me a bit hard, like about 10+ questions of guessing, no hopes on this one.

Physics P3 - Should be can do! ^^



Hope can get a B for chem, since it is rather ok. ^^

Aiming A for maths, no exceptions. (Heard from OCC i got 89 for maths P1, if thats the case P2 just get 51 can le)

Physics - Hope can get a C...

GP - Hope can pass.

Geog - hopeless. Haix.

Pinning my hopes on chem and maths then! ^^


Today went to watch Legend of Chen Zhen? Or smth like that. ('Meng Xiang' as quoted by Warren)

Recommended to watch, NC16 though. =P

That's all for today! Packing up my table at the moment!

9:31 PM

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the jellyfish is back. I went to fb and saw this interesting post from Demas.

*Was studying at Mac where there was a Mac birthday party. The little kids were quiet when "Baa Baa Black Sheep" was played... and after a while were singing "Bad Romance" in unison. Epic win.*

Wa seh, lol! Now that's random! A change of culture indeed.

10:20 AM

Saturday, September 18, 2010

the jellyfish is back! The 1st out of 2 weeks is gone! At last. Posting about 2 things!


1. 1st week of Prelims
2. Outing with my maple mei yesterday.

1. 1st week of prelims

Half of the papers were horrible for the 1st week.

Geog P1

Sure fail. My pen halfway no ink, just like the maths prelim 2 years ago. Is really very random, when my pen suddenly had no ink at 9.30, and this lasted for 15 minutes. At 10.30am, it had no ink all the way.

If i pass, it is a miracle. I regretted studying for test, but not being able to do it. Easy paper some more sia!

Grats to War who finally had his share of volcano essay questions. Haha ^^

Chem P3

Good! Except for Q2. Hope to score at least 48 for the paper bah. ^^

Physics P2

=.= May have a chance of failing. I have let War down for not knowing forces. The planning i anyhow do, ran out of time. I love the diffraction question though. It is fun!

Maths P1

Ok la, except for DE. Majority of the people do not have the same sentiments as me though. The DE i just simply anyhow do, even though i stoned for 40 minutes at the question.

WL so good sia, didnt attend the maths P1. Hope can score at least 85 for the paper bah! (Yeah,hmm...Somehow i doubt it)


2. Outing with my maple mei

*My maple mei is not my gf, in case you are wondering*

1700 hours - we went to city square for dinner at the chicken BBQ restaurant. Somehow there was nobody, so i created the impression of me booking the whole restaurant^^

So we were looking at the prices, and prepared to pay about 10+ dollars per set... After looking for very long then i realised got a student set, which contained all the dishes we want. LOL

I ordered the chicken mushroom chicken steak (Lol why steak?) while my mei ordered fish and chips. Mmm, simply delicious! I really enjoyed the chicken for the first time. =P

Talked a lot of random rubbish, I drank mineral water... =P

1830 hours - Went to plaza Sing to watch a movie, only realising that my mei watched almost all the movies recently. Woah...

We watched Love Cuts in the end, after the choices were eliminiated to Devil VS Love Cuts. A touching movie, my mei cried for having a warm heart. Aw. =(

I stoned, yes it was touching, but i did not cry. A nice movie anyway. ^^

2130 hours - I asked mei to take a photo with me, for memory sake, shun bian bought a midnight snack. =P

2145 hours - We walked along the street by the river and had a romantic time.

Ok fine the 2145 hours was a joke, we went home in the end. Haha! =P


Reached home at 2300 hours, played maple, taught MY maths and chatted with WL, SY and ZY random rubbish until 2am.


That's the end of this post!

9:45 PM

Friday, September 10, 2010

the jellyfish is back.

This week was totally burnt, although i didn't leave it in my oven for too long.

Monday - Studying chem T_T
Tuesday - Studying chem again =.=
Wednesday - Mock exam, slacked almost the whole day =P
Thursday - Physics consultation, slacked almost the whole day =P
Friday - Nothing productive.

Today went to swim with ZH, a good way to relieve stress in water? Just stay in the water and emo, and thought about life and upcoming prelims... ZH did a few turns in the pool, interesting, hmm...

Towards the end of the swim there was a random guy who was showing his friends how his bulge in his swimming trucks could expand. Imagine if i got a big stick and whack the bulge. Of course 2 cases would happen. =D

1st case: It was just air in this bulge, aw. =P
2nd case: That bulge is really his dick, er... nothing to say. o.O

Well, at least end of this random day! ^^

10:26 PM

Thursday, September 02, 2010

the jellyfish is back! A short and random update!

Yesterday got a bowling score of 125. Never got this high before, although is way below PH's score of near 200. Good job! ^^

After bowling, we went to Safra. Warren sure love gyoza, considering he finished 2 sticks in less than 5 minutes?

Surprisingly War passed the test, after much leniency in marking. O_O

Oh, the bowling lanes went dry yesterday. ^^

11:06 AM