
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
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Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
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Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Sunday, February 27, 2011

the jellyfish is back! 2 more weeks to POP!!! ^^


- Soccer match on Thursday 24th Feb


Went for a soccer match with Delta on 24th Feb to Bishan stadium to watch a soccer match between Home United and Gombak FC. A bit warm, but the atmosphere was very lively! There were a lot of HU cheerleaders and a large crowd. Supporters were give a Home United cap, a lucky draw coupon, a chocolate bun and a ticket for another chocolate bun. =D

The match was ok la... A lot of ppl like LCP Hasif was shouting random comments and curses when some parts of bias-ness was shown against H.U during the match. ^^ Half of the cheers were leaded by Delta though!

Halfway through the match, there was a lucky draw / break. The first ticket number shouted was 0695, which mine was 0690 and Willis was 0693. Willis sort of grumbled why isnt the number drawn be 0693... Somehow a lot of ppl missed their numbers and in the end the 8th price was won by Willis.

The prize? Another home team cap for Willis. Wth lol!

Home United won Gombak FC by 3-0 which 2 of these are penalties. Good job! ^^


Since there are only 2 more weeks to POP, is time to start thinking about the future. =P


- Delta clerk

Ideal: To be a delta clerk with Willis and thus can see Marcus and JM. Able to mingle with Delta ppl and share relevant experiences. Can go home almost everyday with a few stay-ins.

- TMO personnel

Pros: Be able to go home everyday, the job should be rather interesting and TMO people are generally friendly. Rota shift / everyday shift which gives ample time to rest.

Cons: Goodbye to friends and close ppl. A brand new world.

- A random vocation

Pros: ?!
Cons: ...


Booking in a few hours time, I should take some rest! ^^

4:55 PM

Saturday, February 19, 2011

the jellyfish is back! The 2nd week of BRT has passed, which means there is only 3 more weeks to POP! Isn't that great? =D

Scope of this post

1. W1 Night Prawning
2. W2 Night PT


1. W1 Night Prawning

Went out on 11th Feb with some Delta people to prawn after a tiring 1st week of BRT. Perhaps that session is for bonding after a long break during CNY? =D

2030 - Meet up at Bishan with Marcus, JM and Aaron. Walked to a nearby coffee shop and had our dinner there. The meal is damn nice as we had five spices, beansprouts, oyster omelette. =D Aaron wasn't hungry, but still those hungry ppl including me had a satisfying meal. ^^

2130 - Met up with Kelvin and walked around Bishan and then walked quite a long distance to the prawning place. This night route march was rather fun as there is no fear of getting pumped any moment.

2250 - Let the prawning begin! I fell asleep, while Marcus, Kelvin and JM prawned. Aaron was playing his PSP... They took quite long to catch 1 prawn.

2315 - Aaron left? The rest continued prawning.

0030 - Me, Kelvin, JM and Marcus went for night snack at a nearby coffee shop. I and Marcus ate toasted bread while the rest ate kway chap. The snack is Ok la... Talked about life in camp while eating, which I enjoyed the most for the whole trip.

0130 - Went back to the prawning place and stoned, while watching WB, JQ and his friends prawned. Dunno why JQ called his friends when it is a Delta prawning session but nvm. JH Ong was there too.

0200 - Prawning session ended, a total of about 10 prawns were catched and donated to another group of ppl who was prawning also. Didn't prawn personally but at least I gained some experience, haha.

0210 - Took cab with JM and Kelvin to woodlands. JM stayed at my house overnight as he forgot to bring his house keys. Once again, we talked about life in camp and other experiences. ^^

0330 - Lights out, last movement, sweet dreams.

0800 - Trip ends, JM went home. A prawn session has ended!


2. W2 Night PT

Quote LCP Hasif: "This is going to be the best day of your recruit life, welcome to 115."

Best day? Maybe. Memorable day? Definitely! ^^

On Thursday, 17th Feb, our whole day was very different from the other days throughout the whole 10 weeks. It was the 1st time when

- we were early for lunch and dinner
- we really moved fast
- we heard a really loud bang
- we got encouragement from sergeants
- our PT was conducted by our instructors
- Plt 10 saw great determination
- we were much more punctual than usual
- we had night PT
- I know there is a routine order
- I learn high efficiency while doing things

Our thursday IPPT training was conducted by sergeant Danial and Sir Greg which was very diff from our 5BX and usual training. Did a lot of weird exercises and had to do 210 assisted chin-ups which we completed thanks to Dorm and many other people. Shall not elaborate much on the day part.

For the 1st time, we had a proper night PT conducted by both platoon sergeants. Plt 11 ran for a night run while Plt 10 did static exercises. Started at 8pm and sergeant told us the purpose of the night PT and gave us general info on our future vocations and his opinions on each one except dog-unit.

We really did a lot of jumping jets and push-ups. It must have been about 4 or 5 times as many as our usual PT lessons. However, Sgt did it in a fun way, until we were laughing while doing the exercises. I shall term it 5AX (5 advanced exercises) instead of 5BX (5 basic exercises).

AX1: Spelling push-up

We spelt Mohd Khairi which was really tiring as the r contributed to 18 push-ups already. Khairi's name made us did 96 push-ups. Sgt asked how many we did and i actually answered 96 which Sgt replied "wtf u actually counted ar?!" LOL! Should have kept the number to myself. He then proceeded to ask me maths question which the answer became 0. ^^ Aaron double checked the answer and it is correct.

AX2: Teamwork push-ups

everybody will stay in push-up position, and the 1st person will do 10 push-ups, and the next person continues 10 after the previous person is done and so on until the last person finished. We managed to clear this AX during our 2nd try, which was not bad!

AX3: Spelling jumping-jets

Spelt the items / names through jumping jets. So for example apple, there will be 10 counts of 8 as there are 5 letters. So Sgt made us spell

- BRANDON TOH KAY BOON (thats 34 counts of 8)
- JEFFERSON MATHEMATICS (thats 40 counts of 8)

thanks to me answering the 96 and 0 for the maths questions, everybody kena the extra 40. Oh well! :X

Tiring sia, especially if you are like me who forgot how to spell mathematics halfway. Sgt then asked me if my maths is good, I answered my maths fail. Haha!

AX4: Record jumping-jets

The previous few delta batches did 71 jumping-jets continuously as a record. The 118 batch did 100 counts of 8! =D

100 sia, damn tiring, but everybody is very happy after finishing it, even Sgt Danial was impressed that we could finish it. Plt 10 aimed for 118 counts of 8 before POP night, I wonder whether that will happen or not. Haha. ^^

AX5: Victory run

Actually this AX is not tough, is just that after u finished the many counts of static exercises, u are going 1 round which almost everybody is half-dead already. Sgt Danial lead the POP / ORD cheer while we ran the round. We also ran a morning run the next day with Sgt Neo.

Overall everyone felt tired, but happy that the night PT has ended and easy to pass. Just imagine the whole PT Sgt Danial is making jokes and u are laughing while doing at the same time. Examples...

Sgt: "Bob, help me throw shoe at them."
(Bob really takes out shoe and prepare to throw)
Sgt: (quickly stops) "walao dont need la!"

Sgt: "Bob, the light duties are not supposed to be sleeping."
Bob: (w/o warning) "OI!!!!!!!"
Sgt: "Walao, give warning la! I just say tell them but not shout sia!"

[a while later]

Sgt: "Bob, tell those light duties to wake up."
Bob: (w/o warning again) "OI WAKE UP LA!!!!"
Sgt: !?!?!

Sgt: "Khairi u look at my sms ar?"
K: "No Sgt!"
Sgt: "sure?"
K: "Yes Sgt!"
Sgt: "Half-right."
K: (half-right position) "But i really never look!"
Sgt: "too bad!! =P"

(abt 5 mins later)

Sgt: "eh Khairi! Why you half-right?!"
(Khairi recovers)
Sgt: "oi! who ask u recover?! Half-right!"
K: huh!? (half-right again)
Sgt: "ok la recover, dont look at my sms again."
K: "Sgt I never look!"
Sgt: "still argue! Half-right!"

LOL! How can you nt laugh, unless you have great endurance like HS or WB. o.o

Somebody said that the cemetry has a figure and Sgt felt a bit scared. I didnt see for myself, so i dunno about that figure, haha. Before going back to our bunks, Sgt gave us advices and encouragement for us to lead a proper 3 weeks before POP. Thank you sergeant! =D


This post ends here! 3 more weeks to POP!

10:56 PM

Saturday, February 05, 2011

the jellyfish is back!

Before i started typing out this post, I went to relieve the memories of how I spent 2010 CNY.

The post is on 17th Feb 2010.


Well, the 1st and 2nd days of CNY are sort of swapped compared to last year, except I didn't eat mac, and my father did not buy any durians. =D The movies we watched are not the same, if not the rest is still about the same. Drank chicken soup made by my father on the 2nd day of CNY instead of the eve, which once again is delicious! ^^

Without further ado / delay, the contents of the post.


1. CNY 3rd day outing
2. Random reflections regarding recruit recollections. (lol 5 R alliteration!)


1. CNY 3rd day outing

Part 1 - Uncategorised group outing

Unlike the previous few outings which I mention which group of friends did I go out with, today's one is uncategorised.

4 people came to my house today for visiting / slacking / bai nian.

Tean ZY (P1)
War (S16)
WL (S16)
CT (Chess club)

Which is like huh??? Probably the most common link is that War knows everybody in the list. Haha.

1000 - Met up and gathered. War and CT didn't / forgot to bring oranges, so we ended up going to cold storage and bought some. Aw to War. =P

1030 - Reached my house, and after about 5 mins my parents came home from random grocery shopping. My father managed to caught the 'fake' oranges CT and War provided, which was quite funny. ^^ But hey at least there is a thought that counts, but don't try that again. =P

1045 - Played cards which i kept losing. Nothing surprising there. Somehow a lot of ppl kept going against War, especially CT and Tean. Haha. ^^ The time passed really fast, and before we knew it, 1145 hrs came, and sadly we left my house. WL passed me his mandarin orange bag along with the oranges. My father did a quality check to make sure they are not fake. ^^

This concludes the short approx 1h 30mins outing at my house.


Part 2 - 03 bai nian

Went to RJ and WJ house this year, which somehow is the same as last year. Demas, AH, CS, ZH, WJ, RJ, Keith, Anselm, Vivien, Crystal, SY and me went for this year.

1230: We reached RJ's house.

Ate some finger food at RJ's house which included nuggets, sotong balls and potato wedges. It's not deep fried, so it tasted ok. ^^ Played cards at RJ's house and spent a lot of time on 'circle of death', which is a random game that involved drinking a lot of water and following instructions on a card. Here are some random examples which Demas suggested.

A - choose a drinking partner to drink with you
2 - Drink water for 2 counts
3 - Drink water for 3 counts
4 - Boys drink water / Shouting 1 onwards individually
5 - Girls drink water / Forbidding words
6 - Rhyming words
7 - '7-up'
8 - Category knowledge
9 - Changing an action of players
10 - Big fish, small fish
J - Waterfall (aka water parade)
Q - Banning somebody to answer your question
K - Toilet break (The best card!)

Quite fun, and definitely a training for water parades in future. =P RJ's mother was very kind to provide a lot of water for us. Thank you! ^^

Before leaving for WJ's house, we celebrated RJ's birthday with a cake, birthday song and taking of a few photos. ^^ Left RJ's house after that(sadly), and ZH left for his relatives visit.

1515: Reached WJ's house

WJ's house was seriously popular, considering that WJ's sister, father and himself invited friends over. Nothing much happened at WJ's house as it was a repeat of what we did at RJ's house, except some sang Karaokae...

Once again, we played the 'circle of death', except this time we added some random flavour drinks instead of plain water for the whole game. Somehow everybody liked the '7-up' game, and we played the sub-game after the whole game is finished. We managed to count up to 100 after many attempts! Good job! ^^

It is not easy btw, as it is really confusing since it involves banning of saying 'seven' and numbers that are multiples of 7. So 1 to 100 goes like this.

1 2 3 4 5 6 UP 8 9 10 11 12 13 UP 15 16 UP 18 19 20 UP 22 23 24 25 26 UP UP 29 30 31 32 33 34 UP 36 UP 38 39 40 41 UP 43 44 45 46 UP 48 UP 50 51 52 53 54 55 UP UP 58 59 60 61 62 UP 64 65 66 UP 68 69 UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP 80 81 82 83 UP 85 86 UP 88 89 90 UP 92 93 94 95 96 UP UP 99 100!

30 ups in 100, not bad! Left WJ's house at 1715 hrs, and here ends the 3rd day of CNY!


2 days ago was RJ's birthday, and today is my mother's birthday. Happy birthday to both people! ^^


2. Random reflections regarding recruit recollections

8 weeks of PTP has finally passed! ^^ I am guessing the worst part of NS life has been over for me at least, and next week will be the official BRT phase! Here's wishing good luck to the new recruits, wahaha.

Somehow, I felt that maybe after the 13 weeks, I would miss recruit life. Maybe perhaps there is nobody else shouting sian to you when the next period is PT, there is nobody to shout lame jokes or kena teased when we are posted to vocations, and there is no more push-ups as punishments once we are out of recruit life. If i read this after another BRT phase, I shall see whether this is accurate or not, haha. At least many people endured through the PTP phase! Good job! ^^

Delta didn't win champion for the footdrill competition, but rumours were that we won 2nd place out of 4 teams, which sounds quite an achievement. We also won the best PC award, so a large congratulations to Sir Greg! =D Sergeant Mazuk also very good, he should probably be the best PS in Delta already, haha! ^^ Fantastic job to the people who were in the footdrill competition!

Salehin is going off to FFC course already, which means my 'buddy' would be gone from next week onwards. Here's wishing Salehin all the best in the new stage of NS life!

Q: How about his bedsheets, who would pack for him?
A: Very simple, it means I would be doing 2 beds every thursday. O_O

Hope the next 5 weeks would be better! I need to pass 1 out of 2 more exams to graduate from recruit life!


It is getting late, I should get some rest. Happy CNY to everybody! ^^

10:46 PM