
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Designer/Layout Phyllis
Image host Imageshack
Base code Piecesof-meg

COUNTERS (FROM 18 OCTOBER 2006) Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate
Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate

Monday, March 28, 2011

the jellyfish is back! Finally reached the start of the 3rd week of MOC!

Medic can be said to a perfect vocation for me, it has very good instructors, excellent content to be taught, a very knowledgable Ma'am which has a rank of a warrant officer, very sociable and excellent section mates, skills that are usable in the future, delicious lunch in CDA...

If not for my lack of interest in bio.

Nothing much happened in these 2 weeks, except for the experience in a CA suit last thursday which was rather hot, and tmr MOC is going to do IV. O_O Wishing me and other medic trainees the best of luck!


Things which are going on the next few weeks for me? =P

29/3: IV
30/3: Theory test
31/3: Stretcher test
2/4: 1st driving prac lesson
3/4: 2nd driving prac lesson
6/4: Theory test 2
12/4: Theory & PAM test
13/4: Final Ex
15/4: POC lo! ^^
11/5: Basic theory test (real)
1/6: Very important day! =P

Lazy to update other days.


Post end! ^^

8:42 PM

Monday, March 14, 2011

the jellyfish is back!

After recruit life, I am now a medical-orderly trainee for 5 weeks! A bit sad that I am not in TMO, but nvm, take it bah.

Start: 14th March
End: 15th April (That's 5 weeks of training!)

I am now in Rota 2 Section 7, which my instructors and section mates are quite nice! Somehow a lot of ppl of the 66 members of 118th MOC came from SCC drop-outs and SPF. Some are even Staff sergeants / warrant officers which are of a higher ranks than the instructors. The instructors really showed a lot of respects for these regulars. =D

My timetable looks quite dry, except for 2 things.

1: a field exercise for 1 full day on 5th week
2. Passing out ceremony!!! ^^

Wish me luck for this 5-week course! Congrats to ppl who got their desired vocation. =P

8:26 PM

Saturday, March 12, 2011

the jellyfish is back! After 13 weeks, I have finally passed out as a recruit! ^^ So grats to myself and everybody else who have been waiting for this day. =D

I could still remember the day when I enlist, everything is very sian, I have been counting down to the number of days, or perhaps hours to friday. The feeling of water parade every morning makes the day long, makes you feel that you have lost your freedom. The temptations to sleep in lectures, the mental endurance needed in half-right position, the sian-ness when you see that there are a lot of 3-PT days in the week.

But is all over! No more lights-out and last movement timings, no more water parades, and no more PES BP food. But it also means that there is minimal interaction with instructors, nobody would be there to help you watch your diet, nobody else to help plan an organised life. Blessing? Curse?

I would definitely miss some of my instructors, bunkmates and buddies. =D


LTA Greg - The most respected PC who dosen't give up on recruits and keep the rest going especially during route marches. A person whom you can easily confide your problems to w/o getting fear of being backstabbed or whatever. A person who shares his experiences which entertains us. Thank you sir, and for your photo also. =D

LCP Tay - Very simple. I learnt that the fan positions must be standardised. ^^

LCP Hasif - For not giving up on the non-footdrill squad and willing to share his recruit / instructor experiences with us. A very good LCP to have. ^^

DI Hisham - Ok la. ^^ A very funny DI to have!

DI Victor - "Sometimes when you want strawberry ice-cream, they give you chocolate ice-cream." Thank you for this advice! Must try to take this advice when going to medic on monday.

LCP Johnathan - A really fair LCP! ^^

Sgt Marzuq - The best sergeant ever! Really takes care of the recruits' welfare. ^^ Thanks for motivating the non-footdrill squad once!


WR Leong - 帮我leh! 帮我leh! 以后就帮不了你了. NB, CCB, 我肚子又饿了! 以后再也听不到了.

Quek XW - 你做么! 为什么衣服会这样, 你看我的.

Kuek WB - 福建 K-歌之王!

Aaron - 脚一直抖, 就仿佛和chainsaw没什么两样, 不过我要谢谢你教我如何绑绳子, 否则我的测验就完蛋了. ^^

Neo JH - EH!? =D

Willis - 干吗啦!


JM, Marcus~

Haix. 希望不会想你们. 真的希望.


11:05 PM

Saturday, March 05, 2011

the jellyfish is back! Got back my A lvl results yesterday which was also PH's birthday. So here is a happy belated 19th birthday to PH! ^^

A glance at my subject grades...


GP: C (nt bad!)
Geog: A (LOL!)

Maths: A (nt bad!)
Physics: A (good!)
Chem: A (lol!!!)

So Geog and Chem are really big surprises! Which I thought would get D and B/C respectively. Went up to stage to collect results which the feeling was quite good, and an experience of a lifetime. =P

Wearing Civil Defence uniform in PJ is really good, and cool!


Oh ya, since I got the results, let's compare it to prelims, and see the improvements. =P

Prelim: A lvl for GP, Geog, maths, chem, physics

D:C (1 grade!)
S:A (woah, lol)
B:A (1 grade!)
D:A (3 grades! nt bad sia)

rank points for 5 subs, 5 subs with PW, 7 subs


Very satisfied! I must thank my parents, and subject tutors who guided me and thus i can score these results! ^^


1 more week to POP! ^^

8:49 AM