
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
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Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Saturday, December 31, 2011

the jellyfish is back! Merry christmas to everyone who celebrated christmas, intends to celebrate or has a heart for christmas! ^^

By celebration, going out to drink, club, watch movie, makan without doing anything related to christmas (such as gift exchanging, singing christmas songs, reunion with friends/family) is not considered celebrating, but just another outing in a more fun manner. So by this definition, I didn't celebrate. ._.

Kena this long block of leave, after covering some days and applying leave for the upcoming Wed/Thur day block. 8 days to fully rest and enjoy life, if the 8th day never kena callback for standby duty. Like very long never rest properly and enjoy, esp the start of Dec, where I got a lot of night shifts and the offs are seriously for sleeping only. =P Suffer first, enjoy later, I like it like that! :D

Posting about how I spend the long leave, as a memory~


23/12 (Friday)

(On the way back to station)

Encik Istamar: Jeff! Tonight working ar!?
Richard: No la Encik, he off 8 days sia!
Encik Istamar: WALAO!!!

Off-duty medic, medic Jeff! ^^

Never even go home to change or bathe, since I was rushing for time to meet RJ, ZH and SY at causeway point to watch movie. So just bathed in station, which the water was surprisingly not as cold as I thought. ^^ Ate LJS big fish toast with SY. First time eating that, the fish finger was extremely nice, but definitely not big. Watched MI again, which was much nicer with the understanding of the plot and the characters. Worth it, but I am not going to watch MI for another time. =P

After the movie, SY went first as he was meeting S20 for his class outing. The rest of us proceeded to Texas Chicken to have our lunch. Tried out the fried chicken, coleslaw and the honey biscuit with vanilla ice-cream. Compared to KFC...

Coleslaw of TC
- Size: Bigger
- Taste: Abt the same
- Worth: Ok bah.

Chicken of TC
- Size: MUCH smaller! Like tender size sia!
- Taste: Not as nice
- Worth: No~

Honey biscuit of TC
- Size: Same
- Taste: Nicer and softer!
- Worth: Ok bah.

Nothing special about the Vanilla ice-cream. The honey biscuit and ice-cream with chocolate sauce is really a very nice dessert! Good combination, and the softness goes well with the ice-cream. No need to fear of breaking your teeth with the surface of the biscuit. $2.50 for the dessert, $3.50 for the chicken and coleslaw together. The dessert is so much more worth it. Lol!

ZH went back after lunch as he needed to help shop for christmas furniture? Me and RJ went to town (specifically Plaza Sing) to shop for his christmas gifts for his gift-exchanging party. Bought 2 random small plants from toy exchange or smth like that, along with a random keychain non-usable camera.

Ran in the rain to a random bus-stop to wait for a 190 to CCK. The ETA signboard for the buses is seriously anyhow. We waited for 30mins and we didnt see any 190 although 4 buses were supposed to have pass by the bus-stop. Gave up and took the MRT in the end, so there was no chance to drop by RJ's house. Aw! :(

I didn't know RJ was in Armour, until he mentioned.

RJ: Eh! I dunno WL sia! How come he knows me!?
Me: You famous ma, ppl know you, but u dunno them.
RJ: That means he must be working in HQ Armour as clerk sia!
Me: Er... Ya?
RJ: Skali he working ops room duty, next time got admin things must find him~
Me: (Thinking: JACKPOT!)


Sherlock Holmes with WL and War in the evening. Tried the Rodeo Beef shots burger for dinner, the taste was nice, as always with BK beef! There were onion rings inside the burger, which I took out seperately to eat. The burger was different from the illustration, which was a poorly cut burger which I had to split the two halves myself, unlike the picture which showed 2 perfect circular small burgers. Cheat my feelings sia! At least, the full burger size is worth it as it is cheaper than other set meals...

Talked a lot of random rubbish, esp WL's theory of not eating fried nor hard food. In the end he went to subway and bought the Roasted chicken sub. *(Which was hard)*

**** Correction! ****

WL bought a wrap instead of a sub, so the whole thing is soft, since wraps are softer. Yea WL ate a soft thing after all, which does not need to be porridge. (As War said =P)

**** - End - ****

I like fell asleep halfway through the movie sia, so didnt really understand the movie. -.-

Reached home at around 10pm, 1 proper off-day spent! Slept really soundly, as I didnt sleep since 4am. Luckily the night before was not that tiring. ^^


24/12 (Saturday)

Woke up at 10.20am, which was extremely late~! O.O

Went to Turf city and the random horse dens nearby. The horses look really cute from far, but once you are near it, they really give off an aura of fierceness.

The manager of the stables gave us a few mins to interact with the horses, looking at our high level of enthusiasm. How nice. ^^ Took some photos with the horses, which are nt found here~ Don't really dare to go too near the horses, they look as though they can bite. Some of them look simply enormous...

After that we went to turf city to walk around. Nothing interesting there, except that Chong Pang BBQ had officially closed. :( I would miss that place and the friendly aunty who gave me 1 free ice-cream before. The shuttle bus service from Toa Payoh has also been terminated. Somehow there were still a lot of cars parking in the ulu carpark, wonder if they are the stallkeepers or seriously just visitors.

Stayed until about 1+, then proceeded to AMK hub to walk around. Boring. Ate pancakes with butter and honey at the usual AMK coffeeshop, which was nice as usual. Recommended the durian pancake to my father, and received a comment in return.

"Aiya, I think the pancake is nice because you eat with her la, I don't taste anything special about the pancake sia."

Me: O_O Are you kiddin' me!?

With the sleepiness and lack of understanding from the previous night, Ops 'watching Sherlock Holmes' samulah-ed, this time with Richard. Must be the traffic jam, and thus he was late. No worries there though, he booked the tickets before hand. :D

This time, with an alert mind and 100% readiness, finally I got the movie, and it is seriously as nice as the 1st movie! The plot makes sense, the final chess game also somehow matches what was going on in the real fight and the analysis was clear. =P If there is someone as smart as SH for EAS, that would be really power!!! Seriously recommended to watch, like MI, unless the movie is really not your cup of tea/coffee/milo. (Coughs Zul~)

Went home after that, since Richard had a night party. Bought KFC to eat with family, while being amazed at the sight of a non-crowded train from Orchard. How many times have you experienced a non-crowded train from town at night? =P

A lot of ppl celebrated/played till late night / morning, the ambulance crews must be busy with the large number of drunk cases...


25/12 (Sunday)

Official Christmas Day! Once again, I felt that the Eve still had more atmosphere than the Day itself.

Rested at home in the morning, saving energy for the afternoon to help Encik Fhairus with his moving of belongings from his in-laws house to his own official home. Yishun to Punggol... Ate lunch at his in-laws' house which consisted of vege and mushroom bee-hoon, pepper fried drumlets and sausages! :D

The mushroom was very nice, the sausages were normal and the drumlets were fragrant! Very delicious! =P I assumed the meal was cooked by Encik Fhairus' wife, thank you! ^^

Not many things to move, probably because me and Zul can split the workload. The house at 8th floor was rather spacious, cooling and the colours were cool! Unlike some warm-coloured houses which would not ease a person's temper.

Rather cool stuff~

1. The small external balcony outside the living room. Can just stand there and talk about life, while looking at the greenery and enjoy the cooling breeze. Perfect for ppl who like to stone (me!)

2. The toy room main light was made up of a real toy, which leads to the moving of a small wheel when the electricity is generated to the light. Unique sia, I never see anyone using a toy as a light design before.

3. The lift is rather cool! According to Encik Fhairus, the lift would suddenly open the doors for him to let him enter w/o pressing the button. How many lifts have you seen like that? Rather spooky, but me and Zul never encountered before. Probably that is a special block with extra services? =P

After that, Encik Fhairus treated us to a drink and a small token of appreciation. Thanks Encik! This is definitely better than stoning at home. =P


Next stop, KTPH and Nee Soon Central Fire Post~ Saw both Yishun's day crews, Encik Faridz, BB's A443, Razif, some staff from KTPH. A bit anyhow sia, leave and OIL medics come to visit hospital, which shows a strong sign of a lack of life from rota 1. :D

Talked about life, joked around, and visited Fire Post. Watch a bit of a boxing movie, rather boring, and A312 went out for call after the movie ended. We went back to KTPH to welcome them. Lol! Must have spent about an hour or 2.

Dinner: KFC @ Northpoint. First time I tried the chocolate egg tart. The chocolate is a bit bitter, which I assumed is from dark chocolate. Other than that, the taste of the chocolate was very nice! The egg tart was very nice by itself. If combined, a bit weird, since the chocolate was rather concentrated in the middle, not around the sides or evenly spread. Overall still taste good bah, although I prefer the original egg tart~


26/12 (Monday)

A full day stoning at home, playing random facebook games, a bit of maple and online killer sudoku.

Has anyone tried buying Pita Bread from Giant or other bakery stores and then make your random pastry meal? This was what I made for dinner:

A random sausage 'pizza'. Important inverted commas, cos only the base is present. No crust, no sausage side bites, no cheese bites. I ate this at around 4.45pm, still feeling very full at 11pm. -.- Heng never make more to eat sia.

1 Pita Bread, 5 sausages, 1 slice of cheese, ketchup. Added too much sausage, blame it on the frozen sausages there were stuck in a lump, lazy to put back some of the thawed sausages to the fridge, so must well =P

After I posted this to fb, seconds later a comment was made.

[Inst Ahmad Hakim: IPPT!]



Haha, :V is one of the cutest smiley while chatting with WL for about 2 hours on fb. I called it the pac-man face, WL calls it the multi-purpose face.

Eg 1. Angry want eat you :V
Eg 2. sad sia crying :V

ANYHOW to the max!

Anyway just talked about life, about ppl, about guild outing. My father used to wonder, how the heck do teenagers talk about the same few boring topics and ended up talking for a few hours and then go home late. Well, it's just like that! I should be an expert at it, along with many others. :D

Surfing through youtube, and realised DJ Earworm 2011 song 'World Go Boom' was out on christmas.



I still prefered the 2009 version. (Blame it on the Pop)

Watched 2 thai movies for December at home, namely 'Hello Stranger' (the one I watched with War, WL and PH when I enlist into Civil Defence) and 'Suckseed'. GTH movies quite nice sia. I saw the Bangkok Love Story trailer, and dont think I would be watching that. War going Thailand after CNY, should ask him to watch thai movies. =P

Suckseed's 'Deep In My Heart' for both versions were really nice, downloaded the acoustic version in my phone. Here are a few youtube links related to the 4 words 'Deep In My Heart'

- In order -

1. Deep In My Heart (Suckseed band version)
2. Deep In My Heart (Suckseed Acoustic version)
3. Deep In My Heart (Britney Spears)
4. Song related to the 4 words 'Deep In My Heart'





Ok la, the last one had the 4 words somewhere in the song. Effectively is still related. :V

Haix, I realise some old songs were seriously nicer. Now like half the songs are dance songs and the meanings do not really make any sense. Suddenly reminded of my recruit and the first few days I entered Station...

Entered with a very sian feeling, and felt that every single day lasted extremely long, can't wait to go home, and every civilian hour feels very fast, esp station life. As what Zul said, must be more confident, must be able to make it and show an example for juniors... Must be able to change and adapt to our surroundings.

Got 1 paramedic also got say before, her own medic was very kilat, then kena other medics' influence and in the end became worse. Haix... NS 2 years, I think can really change a person sia! Of course, not everybody would change...

WL la, still same as before! =P

Eh off topic right!? Ah anyway thats all for the boring monday. Moving on to another day! :D


27/12 (Tuesday)

A bright and beautiful Tuesday morning, 5th off day, and realised my official leave has not started. ^^ Shopping sort of summarised the entire day activities with my mother.

To be precise, window-shopping.

Left house at around 10.15am, and proceeded to Nex, enjoying a hotcake with sausage set along the way~ She was wondering why did I bring a bag (which I usually do) when going out shopping, mumbled something about inconvenience and non-carefree... until when she really shop and browsing through the women section, out from my bag appeared an ultimate anti-boredom weapon!!!

~ Killer Sudoku ~


Well, shopping between males and females can differ greatly, don't you agree? Shopping styles in general:

Males - Swift and decisive, don't mind paying a bit more for convenience. Shopping goal is mostly achieved at the end of the day. The time between 'first-sight of an item' and 'paying for the item' can be done in less than 5 minutes w/o hesitation.

Females - Eh dear! This one nice or not ar? You see this one and that one, I wear which one nicer? Eh eh, there still have a lot leh! We go see!!

After 2 hours: Aiya, later we come back and see again. :)
After the shopping trip: Never buy anything, nothing to see here de... :(

I think if WL or War was the bf/husband, he would have screwed her upside down. (Not literally, no wrong meaning)

Oh by the way that was not my mother, she just wanted to go for a walk without intending to buy anything, she got diff style de, wahaha :D


Lunch was french toast, eggs and iced-milo @ Ya Kun Kaya Toast, somehow I felt the price was cheaper than the one in CP. Oh ya, the shop is also somehow quite different. I always thought that the shop must always be painted red, just like other shops. The one in Nex was white, and sold some random Asian delights just like Toast Box. Anybody knows any other outlets that has this difference? O_O

Around 3.30pm, we proceeded to VivoCity. I have no idea why suddenly so random, but went anyway. Not much change since the last time I went there. Candy Empire is still there, with the top 10 favourites not having anything as usual. Shopped more, and more boxes were filled up with numbers. =P

Dinner! I remember when Vivo was just opened, we went there to shop, and I had this meal, except for the carrot cake, for lunch. Now like grow up le, still eat the same things. Still as delicious as before, except I felt there was lesser meat and the price had certainly increased! I think next time go there don't want eat these items le. This cost $12.30... -.-

Dim Sum Cashier expression -> :V

Walked around at Vivo Skypark to relax after a delicious meal. Saw some random sculpture elephants and a fake person doing chin-up. Amusing, didn't remember these items in the past. I rarely take photos, as many ppl should know, but this was interesting!

Heh, cannot smile with the cat ar? =P

Good wad smile, as PM Naomi from Bukit Batok would say, "it's good to see you smiling, but if ppl want to scold you, it would be very hard for them as they would suddenly be loss on what to do with you."

(Y) :V

We watched the sea also, along with a strangely big ship docked at the VivoCity harbour. I have no idea whether that ship is taking off, or is simply a shopping ship for decoration purposes only. Wanted to go in the ship and see as long as it's free, but my mother saw the black smoke coming out from the ship and advised against this idea. Aw. :(

Evening time, went home. A very relaxing day indeed. :) Did I forget to mention that it was the 1st time I wore a green shirt when going out? =P


28/12 (Wednesday)

JM's mother was strongly against him for cycling, so the plan changed completely. Instead of going to East Coast Park to cycle, we went to the Zoo instead. Yes, very random! Met up at lot 1 for breakfast at subway, then travelled straight to the zoo via 927. There seemed to be quite a number of tourists who asked me whether 927 was proceeding to the zoo, apparently they were nt 100% sure about their route. =P

A very cooling weather with slight hints of dark clouds hovering over the park. A good day to visit the zoo, and even better for cycling, but too bad. Is at least better than the other days of December, it was not pouring / raining heavily for the whole day. Tean power sia, chose a day where the weather is the best among other December days. :D

Bought adult tickets at $20 each, w/o any offer from OCBC credit cards, random passion cards, home team cards... An extremely long queue, but surprisingly the service speed was quite fast, so I am constantly moving slowly in the queue. Better than stopping at one spot for a long time right? ^^

Oh ya, JM used his I-phone to take some photos during the trip. I took the nicer ones and put it in another post, or else this long post will become super chaotic. =P


Treetops Trail, the one which I clearly remembered from the mathematics challenge in BP. Number of rings and diameter of circle? The board hasn't change, the structure hasn't change, and the place is still as green as ever. Saw some False Ghavial (crocodiles) stoning. A couple of Proboscis Monkey were eating sunflower seeds on a tree branch, quite cute sia! They do not seem to be scared of being in close contact with humans.

Otters, Tapirs, Babirusa, pygmy hippo. I found the Babirusa name very random, it's a pig, but had a really fanciful name. Got a pic of this pig in the other post. The otters were really cute, except they had a rather foul odour, probably warning others of their presence.

Zoo had a boat dock to the corner of the island, quite nice sia, but it cost $5 per trip and $6 for unlimited rides.

Visited the 'Australian Outback' exhibit with slight drizzling. Kangaroos, Wallaby (another kangaroo?) and a random Cassowary placed alone at the end of the exhibit. Didnt find the Emu, maybe it was hiding somewhere. The grey kangaroos can travel at 64km/h when they are escaping from danger, and can leap 13m, IPPT 25 points straightaway if someone can jump that distance~

Next up was a whole exhibit of monkies in the Primate Kingdom. Hamadryas Baboon, Patas Monkey, Crested Macaque, Colobus Monkey, Capuchin Monkey, Douc Langur, Spider Monkey and a random big fish called Arapaima. Anyone reading this paragraph should know that I am typing all these names from the Zoo map. =P

I find the Douc Langur very cute, the cute-faced monkey. ^^ The Spider Monkey is the best, extremely flexible sia! It was featured as one of the animals for the animal show 'Rainforest Fights Back'. The Hamadryas Baboon was very interesting, monkies living together as a family, and one of the baboon was like stimulating another baboon or something like that. Lol!

Saw JL and his ODAC buddies at the Garden Pavilion, rather surprised RJ and ZY weren't there. The toilet was way too natural, rainforest-themed, a bit of exposure, and a mini waterfall was built there! The foreigners were also rather anyhow, bring their daughters to the toilet, even though some of them looked like there were at least 7...

12.30pm, the Rainforest Fights Back animal show. The amphitheatre seems to be changed, as I dont remember all the plants and rainforest background... The show was quite ok, but the amount of animal interaction with humans seemed to be lacking. Still preferred the past animal shows or Ocean Park's seal show, those were really nicer.

Nothing interesting at the elephant exhibit or with the African Penguins. Proceed to the kids' corner, passing by the Ah Meng Memorial that had a statue which stated about Ah Meng's Death Anniversary date and memories about it. The Zoo's loss, but oh well, at least there are a few Ah Meng Cafe, so this legendary Orang Utan would not be forgotten in Zoo's history. Took a photo with the memorial.

The Kids' Corner had some extra Carousel and other rides. Didnt see much of it since it needed a ticket to get on them. Visited the giant rabbits which were rather small, the goats, the happy horses having their lunch. :V

The changed design made the whole farm animals' area look a lot smaller. The past farm area was definitely larger, with larger visible signs, and u can really differentiate the diff farm animals through their areas. Last time can also feed the goats with random leaves and plants dropped by the trees, is no longer possible now.

Zoo's KFC dosent sell snackers, or I would have bought 1 and ate it along the way. The other things were slightly overpriced, but it was much better than the other food outlet.


Fragile forest was up next. Nothing interesting, except for the vegetarian sloth and the flying foxes which were bats. The vegetarian sloth was just having his lunch peacefully, not caring about the large number of ppl staring at it. The flying foxes could really finish their meal neatly, w/o leaving rubbish all over the place like the Proboscis monkies. The cleanly pecked corn was a good sign of cleanliness. Power sia! :D Insects, nah... Didnt see them. Apparently this exhibition is sponsored by SPH, and named as SPH Foundation Conservation Centre. Fanciful name indeed.

A break from animals as we headed to Orchid Garden and Tropical Crops Plantation segments with a light rain. 2 new areas which I have not seen before. The garden was fenced up, but visitors could still go in and learn from the various descriptions about the diff. kind of orchids. Largest, smallest, most common, you name it. JM was looking for Rafflesia, which should be the most anyhow idea possible in such a beautiful orchid garden... Haix~

Tropical Crops Plantation - If there is another visit to the zoo, I must come to this segment again. A lot of various everyday condiments, fruits and toppings grown in this place! Although we use the products frequently, we do not really bother about the origin, its roots, its history. So this place would just show the products, the descriptions and even other language names! Cool sia! There must be at least 50 crops here, including spring onion, brinjals, sesame seeds...

I didn't know brinjals were yellow when they were young... Hmm...

The common animals w/o any fanciful names were the next area. Zebras, Giraffes, Lions, Cheetahs, Warthogs, Meerkat, Rhinoceros, Orang Utans. The Naked Mole Rat was featured on the map, but we didnt find it. Is there any special thing about this animal? The lions are somehow isolated from the lioness and the cubs, maybe the lions had a bad name for eating / bullying their own children, thus kena protected by the mother. Wahaha~ =P

We went to take a close look on the Cheetahs. 1 of the posing cheetah (got a pic) was somehow staring at me the whole time while I was looking at it. How many animals will keep on looking at you even if you keep looking at it? The Cheetah mimic my simple head movements and eye expression.

Eg. I opened my eyes bigger while looking at it.
Cheetah -> Opened eyes even bigger~


A lot of ppl stared at this posing Cheetah, it must have gained a lot of fame.

------------------ Highlight of the whole zoo trip --------------------------------


I have no idea why is this the highlight. Perhaps it just so happened that the 3 of us really liked this animal, or perhaps the bear is largely associated to Tean for random reasons, or maybe this is a famous animal ever since the animal started.

The sunbear looked very innocent, like a small kid looking at his mother for sweets. Just crawling around and playing with one another. Is this the smallest bear? The size of the bears are rather small, and I am assuming they should not be children, or there will be no one taking care of them (except the Zookeepers). The U-shaped white patch was the cause of the name, it resembled a shiny sun, hence sunbear. Interesting, didn't know this. I must have visited the zoo blindly for the past few times, w/o knowing anything~

The largest bear is polar bear, with white fur covering its black skin (didnt know that also). Tean took a picture with the information board of bears, didn't upload it though. Every bear had a line connected to the world map that showed its exact location or the origin, 8 in total, but I forgot the names of the bears. T_T

JM told Tean to point to Singapore.


The next few were stoning creatures... since they didnt move much, or didnt even move at all. Giant Tortoise, small and large komodo dragons, jaguars, snakes. The snake house was a bit scary, perhaps due to the extremely large snakes, didnt really like it in there.

Critter's Longhouse held the cutest furry animals in the whole Zoo! If got kids ar, definitely must visit this place. Chipmunks, mini cheetahs, smaller Orang Utans, etc. Really cute sia! :D

Nothing interesting about the Flamingos, we proceeded to the main gift shop and browsed through the random merchandise. My white shirt somehow glowed in the dark, even though it's not from the zoo. Quite nice, but I still prefer the original colour of it. :)

With that, we ended the zoo trip at around 3.30. A very meaningful trip, although it was totally unexpected. Luckily the weather was fine and cooling. :) Knowledge EXP increased! ^^


Went to Lot 1 to eat ketchup fried fish with rice, still as delicious as ever. JM bought a random shirt from the foyer (which was quite all right in my opinion) and proceeded to JM's house.

JM bought 2 Nerf guns (they are toy guns) and had a good time with Tean shooting their guns off. I was posting the pics from JM's phones and browsing through the random stuff on his com, interesting. =P

Left his house at 7.30, and this concludes a very eventful Wednesday! Once JM's legs get better, must get him to cycle. =P


29/12 (Thursday)

I kena callback with Kane tomorrow. Zul covering tomorrow, seems like the whole Rota 1 will be at station tomorrow~ Irritated sia, long leave kena disturbed, but I think Kane should be furious... So hmm...

That's not the point right!? :V

A very boring day, exception for the few hours in the afternoon where I watched 'The Darkest Hour' with RJ, ZH and Keith. The story has no ending sia! The creatures still lived, some ppl still survived, nothing was changed, except for the part where 3 ppl died. -.- Don't really recommend watching.

Besides that, everything is boring. Managed to change my Zoo structure and continue more quests in SkyScraper City. Listened to 93.3FM online, which helped killed some boredom.

"When your car kissed my car, we won't go for a date, instead... Oi don't know how to drive ar!?"

Haha! 93.3FM has a really humorous traffic report intro! :V


30/12 (Friday)

Supposedly last day of leave, which kena callback in the afternoon for fire-fighter Falconites Challenge~

Reached station way earlier than 4pm, so just stone there, look at the rosters and key in my leave form, listening to Encik Jamil's account on the 18-yr old asthma/collapse call which I went on 21/12. Chatted with Hafiz about what rabak calls we havent kena calls, and stuff about EAS.

Hafiz: "Zul is on duty, and surprisingly you came here, wearing white T-shirt, just like Kane who turned up this morning which was totally unexpected."

Haha, the whole Rota 1 was in station even though it's a proper off day.

The event started at 5.30pm, which meant I stone for very long after I prepared the spinal boards and oxygen equipments, a lot of officers from other stations and 3rd Div came down to watch the event, including 3rd Div Commander. A lot of supporters from SRC (Special rescue company, should be former SRB/SRP) and Sengkang. Had no idea who were the 2 Emcees, didnt take a look at them~ They tried to liven up the atmosphere, but I think everybody was just waiting for the fire-fighter challenge to quickly start... :D So let the event begin!

The circuit:

1. Wear firefighter PPE
2. Jump through the random tyres
3. Climb through the wooden crates tunnel
4. Climb up the ladder
5. Pull up the heavy hosereel
6. Run down the stairs
7. Drag the 110kg Big John for a short distance
8. Push the commander's car for a short distance
9. On the hosereel and shoot down the target to end~

Quite interesting, esp the ladder and Big John part, cos those were the dangerous and endurance strength test respectively. Someone almost fell down the ladder twice, scare me sia. -.-

SGT Razali was the fastest among everbody, including SC, FF and DRC, 2mins plus? Power sia! One SengKang firefighter had trouble dragging the Big John, and spent like 4 minutes at that particular part. With his small size, it was rather incredible that he could even drag a bit. Didn't complete that part, but it was good effort~!

I always thought, who will put all the trivial every duty routine items into a competition and see who is the fastest. Question answered~ :V Heng medical side dun have, or else there will be random things like who can set IV line the fastest or push the stretcher through an obstacle course. =P

Yishun won the fire-fighter part, which was somehow expected.

The fire-fighter challenge ended at 7pm. Apparently there is another event after the challenge which is optional. Wanted to go home initially, Encik Jamil asked me to wait for him, so oh well, no choice~ :V


The event was a 3rd div annual dinner. O_O

Extremely unexpected, I thought it was just a random buffet or something which was informal or something for the firefighters to celebrate or eat after the firefighter challenge. Seems like the dinner is the highlight of the whole night. Encik Jamil's table had no available seats left, in the end I kena thrown to sit with Rota 3 ppl, including CPT Khairul Anwar, Encik Nordeen, Sgt Rauf, and the MSO. Although I am not very close with Rota 3 ppl, it is still better to sit with ppl i know. ^^

The events and happenings hosted by the Emcee were rather interesting, including fashion shows, catwalks, random songs and audience events.

- Recycled materials costume -

The firefighters used various used packaging, coffee packets, etc to make costumes such as firejackets, clothings, etc. Yishun made 2 disposable plastic jackets made out of OWL coffee packets. Interesting sia! Can be used for both genders, and surprisingly it does not drop easily, with the cost of less than $5 (of course not including the power la, haha~) =P

Rota 3 earned 2 boxes of chocolates from this costume competition, good job! They were not the winners though~

- Songs! -

A random guy held a chinese puppet in his hand, and sang a few chinese old songs, the puppet is a female, so any dual voices can be split between him and the puppet. Quite interesting and unique, although I felt it should not be a segment where they were a lot of Malays as they could not really enjoy it...

A firefighter sang 'I'm yours', along with the audience. A bit off-tune, but he tried to sing it in a slightly different way. I still prefer the original version though, but good job. Almost everybody liked the song, including me. =P

- Hokey Pokey -

The Emcee demonstrated on how to dance a few steps, basically moving in, moving out, and turning around. Got 1 big family had no trouble with that, and enjoyed doing the whole dance. Got 1 table only got 3 ppl, and had a lot of trouble with the moving out part.

Emcee: Ok! Now you all hold each other's hands, and move out as wide as u can! :D
Table of 3 guys: Er... Aiya let's just sit down.

Lol! Anyway when the Hokey Pokey music started, the larger families and tables with more NSFs started to play along, cheered and laughed along~ Our table didnt do that dance, so we watched the other tables do. A very fun sight, and definitely heartwarming to see everybody enjoying themselves. The best few tables got prizes, and somehow the group of NSFs managed to get the prize at last, which made them extremely happy. =P

The best part of the whole event was the catwalk. Before the catwalk, they issued each table with the 10 'hunks' and 10 star stickers. David was one of them, which I wasnt expecting at all. The rest of the guys look like they were firefighters or sec coms. Well, we assumed the stars were to be pasted on the photos, so we pasted 3 to 4 stars on each Yishun personnel pic. Until...

"Hey everybody, later you will be pasting the stars on their bodies. Please don't paste yet, how can you paste the stars without even looking at the performance?"

Oh shit... Anyway we managed to cut out the pictures and squeeze under their belts or external clothing. =P I forgot who won, but I dont think is from Yishun. It really takes a big deal of courage to show off your shiny abs in a cold MPH in front of so many ppl. Machiam Gay Night sia! Some showed a lot of confidence, some like want to faster go off. Lol! After the 10 were gone, 1 bonus guy went to the stage and took off his shirt. Everybody laughed and clapped~ :V

"Everybody muscles on the chest, all his muscles concentrated on the stomach!"

Before the results, all 10 people were asked questions, which were a bit similar to the real-life model shows. Got some questions which were really hard to answer, such as saving wife or mother only. The question like Saw style sia, sacrificing one of your beloved ppl. David was asked on what he could do if he had 1 million dollars to use within 24 hours. "Drinks on everybody for the whole day!" Well said! :D I would actually put it in a bank, then won't disappear already. =P

Got some which I found quite meaningful, and perhaps can be a reflection all the way up till 2011.

1. If you wake up one day and realised you are back to being a young kid, perhaps 6 years old, what would you change about your life?

~ I want to watch animes, play toys and read comics! A big regret sia, that my knowledge about anime characters can be as bad as geog... Come to think of it, I really had no life all the way up till JC. Perhaps come Civil Defence is the 1st time I got a life... Haix too late to change anyway, so oh well~

2. If time stops, everybody stops moving and you are the only one who is able to move, what do you want to do before life continues again?

~ I want a day of this freezing moment and take a look at people's lives, perhaps from famous people to friends around me. They could be playing games, walking around at random locations, playing at beaches, or even watching movies. Although these may be common activities, it would be interesting to see what people are actually doing without being informed. Or maybe can looked at our crushes, eye candies and know whether they are thinking about you or not? Wahaha~

3. David's question on million dollars!

~Seriously, I would put it in a bank so that it won't disappear, or maybe buy new electronics for my home, for station, fore fire post, furnitures / items my parents would like, a whole stack of movies, CDs and a new earpiece for my phone, dinner treat for friends! Any remaining money ask Civil Defence buy 1 ambulance for woodlands, so that Yishun won't always cover~ :D

Thats about it for the interesting events, the last one was a Sing-a-long session, but many left after the catwalk.


The whole dinner is a 10-course meal, plus orange juice and random chocolate cake. I have no idea why the cake is like the middle of the whole dinner, but the firefighters enjoyed it. I didnt try the cake~

1. Chicken and mutton satays. Delicious, esp the peanut sauce! The satays are a bit hard to bite, but still not bad. Captain Khairul must have loved them, he took like 10 sticks sia!

2. Tom Yam Soup. I tried the soup like how I tried the red wine, took a fork to dip and taste the metal part... Like spicy leh, so I never drink the soup.

3. Crayfish. Allergic reaction.

4. Prawns with mango sauce. Big and looks crispy! Didn't eat though, allergic reaction.

5. Herbal Chicken~!! The whole table only me, the MSO and 1 more chinese girl eat. The chinese girl ate a bit, the MSO ate a decent amount, the rest all I eat. Sweet soup, the meat is tender, and is extremely nice! Was really hungry, since I didnt eat the seafood... The main dish for me. The MSO still said that I would be scared of herbal chicken for the next few days, sort of agree. :V

6. Fried fish! Rather crispy, the taste was good! Once again, not many people like this dish.

7. Vegetables with mushroom~ The sauce was weird, didnt like it. Just ate the veg and particularly the mushrooms. The mushroom was tender, but I prefered the barbequed version. =P

8. Scallops - skipped, allergic reaction.

9. Glutinous rice. A seriously wrong timing to give rice, since like 80% was wasted. The rice was very dry, and the ratio of fillings to the rice was not right. Only me and the MSO tried the rice.

10. Mango pudding. The mango is a bit sour, but overall the taste is all right. Not as nice as the external mango puddings though. A bit of leftover, although everybody had a rather large serving.

Overall the dinner is fairly good, not bad for a Civil Defence dinner~ ^^

An eventful night, no off-in-lieu, but nvm bah!


8 days long leave officially over, now back to duty shifts again~! :D

Total no.of calls: 502

11:59 PM

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

the jellyfish is back!

These are the zoo trip photos which JM have taken. I shall put the nicer ones here, the rest are either unclear, repeated or anyhow in someways or another. Enjoy! =P


3 entrance tickets to the zoo. Baboon for Tean, Zebra for JM, Giraffe for me, although I am not tall~


A really large tortoise! Biggest in the SG zoo I think?


Random ducks~ Lol!


White tigers, apparently sleepy and drowsy after a comfortable day under the sun...


Nice, peaceful water~ :V


On the zoo map, apparently this exhibit is pictured as a small place with a big stone. Appropriate sia!




Kangaroo! Sed-ia!


We are, oh wait, they are family~!


Baboons playing, having fun~


This picture should be rated M18? =P


I forgot what's the name of this bird, oh wait, it's a Cassowary! Haha a random name sia!


A rather large komodo dragon~


2 smaller versions of the komodo dragon. Still a bit big though~


Mysterious sia...


2 Proboscis monkies?


Random kangaroo~


Another random crouching kangaroo. :V


(Junior chimpanzee looking)

Jr: Eh Senior, what is this?
Sr: O_O Er...


"I handsome cannot ar!?"


"Lonely... I'm Mr Lonely... I have nobody, for my own~~~!"


Another loner, but this time a white prince, I mean a white horse enjoying its lunch. Haha white prince, too much fairy tales already.


Ah Meng's memorial, forever remembered by the Singapore Zoo. I shouldnt have smiled, it was tactless.


Cats printed on an elephant statue, very unique! ^^


The rainforest-themed toilet, nice right?


I didn't know bear have stories. Enjoy reading the story, if you want~


That's all! Hope you enjoyed the photos! :D

It's really the end! Watcha' lookin' at!?

5:38 PM

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the jellyfish is back! :D

1 year ago, this was my enlistment date, the sad tuesday which many recruits were counting down to friday. The day when life became a lot stricter, the thought of 2 years has just started...

Today... 1 more year to ORD! =P


Early December is rather interesting, but from now till the end of the year, like nothing going to happen, so blogging about 2 recent events. :D

1. SOH/SD 1st ever guild outing~
2. Lunar eclipse


SOH/SD outing!

Should have guessed that people would not be punctual, maybe for the exception of YX and the big exception of WL. =P The big rain caused half the ppl to be late, due to traffic jams and difficulty boarding of the buses. 6 ppl went, me, WL, my mei, YL, YX and Eugene (aka apple).

Poor Trecia (Kardo) was sick, and Leo didnt turn up for random reasons.

After my mei arrived at 5pm (30mins late), we proceeded to buy 'Puss In Boots' tickets at 2045 hrs. YL wanted to watch the movie very much, so oh well. Cat watching cat movie. =P

It was still raining heavily when we exited Plaza Sing, so umbrellas and jackets out, chiong... to realise that the rain had stopped suddenly. -.-

Walked to The Cathay, with my mei trying to make YX and YL talk... A pity Judysmile never come, if nt it would be interesting to know how she is like. ^^

1740 - Jap buffet for dinner. The name is very similar to the one in Safra Jurong. Is it Ishi Mura or smth? Uh forget already. Nvm. The price for adult weekend dinner is $29, unlike the below $20 price which my mei described. So went in, chat about life and helped to tick the orders, very similar to the Korean buffet which I had with JM and Marcus.

Not easy sia, esp when nobody understands the random jap names, and thus a lot of explanation and showing is involved. In the end, we managed to get the orders, after about 15 mins... Haha~

Tried out the pork belly, mushrooms, teriyaki chicken, sushis, 'muah-chee', steamed egg, takoyaki, fried potatoes, etc... Actually nothing special about the food, except for the mushrooms which were rather sweet and the 'muah-chee' was very sweet and soft!

'Muah-chee' was named by WL, cos the texture was similar to the peanut soft kueh sold outside, but of course this jap place wont have any peanut kuehs, the filling inside was green tea / yam / read bean, etc. The fillings were sweet, including the green tea flavour! If I ever go there in future, must take more of those. =P

Of course, the focus is talk about life right? =P So talked about random rubbish, like life in NS, jobs, what we going to do in future, a bit about maple. The service also brought some laughter into conversations... mostly kena me... -.-


Scene 1

Eugene: Eh, you guys want more drinks?
(Random muttering: Er ok, thanks)
WL: Yes!!!
Me: Dun mind, more blueberry drink. =P

(Waitress fills the cups which wanted lueberry drink, except mine...)

Eugene: Sorry, can we have Peach Tea also?
Waitress: Sure~

The waitress then comes to our table, with swift movements and fast reflexes, fills my cup with peach tea at the first moment w/o hesitation.


Scene 2

Our orders were kind of messed up, as there were quite a few missing dishes although they were ordered very long ago, I think my mushrooms and drinks are examples.

Halfway through the meal, they served the chicken teriyaki and pork belly. The chicken was ok, the pork belly was nt as nice as I thought.

When everyone was quite full, the waitress brought 2 more dishes to our table, which was exactly the same thing!

Me: O_O
(grabs the order list and see)
Me: Eh! Never order so much sia!

Walao, gave extras of something which I dun like, give steamed egg or mushroom even better sia. Hard a very hard time finishing the 5 extra sticks, so outsourced some to WL. Thanks WL! =D


Scene 3

This was the best and maybe last the longest. For dinner, there was an extra item which everyone can choose. So since we were quite full, we thought of getting the ice-cream which we can eat at home or during the movie.

Waitress: "Sorry, the ice-cream stock never come in."


In the end everyone ordered the red wine, including my mei and YX.

Me and YX didn't touch the wine, my mei and YL drank a reasonable amount, Eugene drank quite a lot. Since there were a lot left, I sort of sabo-ed WL, and poured into his cup when he went to the toilet. Once he came back...

WL: Walao! Why all in my cup! (Drinks finish the whole cup within 5 seconds)
Everyone: O_O Wa! Drink the wine like water sia! He must be really thirsty.

That happened twice I think, know WL almost 3 years le and dunno he can drink wine like water... Power sia! Good job!


After the dinner, we rushed back to Plaza Sing to watch Puss In Boots, the movie ok la, nothing special to comment about. The betrayal part and the ending a bit anyhow.

Not as anyhow compared to our celebration for YL. We sang the birthday song in front of the whole public sia! A bit fail, should have celebrated in a fast food outlet. YL said the cake was nice though, how sweet! :D

Thanks to my mei's friend, whoever you are, for helping out! =P

YX left earlier as he needed to get home early. WL suddenly became giddy while walking, and ended up sitting in front of an ice-cream store. I actually didnt notice everyone stopped walking, a bit lag sia.

O/A patient was sitting, conscious. C/O giddiness. No breathless, no chest pain, no fall, no trauma. Patient was thirsty.

That sort of summarised wad happened to WL, the ice-cream man still wanted to sell us the ice-cream to help make WL feel better. WL got hypoglycemia meh... He always eat sweets and candies sia! -.-

We went burger king to rest, with YL enjoying his birthday cake and WL sleeping with his hood on. Left town at 11.30pm as I was scared to miss the last train, only then to realise that the train service was 24 hours to support the Standard Chatered marathon. Lol!

Fun! A bit fail on the cake part, hope there is another outing again! ^^


2. Lunar Eclipse

"Afternoon! I'm sian!"

This is the activation energy for the whole evening. It was at first just a dinner outing at Nex, to eat ala carte fish fillet or smth like that. In the end, we ended up eating McSpicy meal!? Talked a bit about life, a lot about her work and her boss.

Her friend messaged there was a lunar eclipse in the evening, at around 8 plus? So we went up to camp at Nex rooftop garden, getting a good spot to watch the moon. Quite a lot of ppl sia, so I must be one of the more lag ones to know about the eclipse. Listened to songs from our phones, and watch the moon rise, changing colours and shapes? Oranges, sharp edges, shadows...

Apparently it was quite cold, so I lent her my jacket, which in the end she used the sleeve to smack me, lol!

Eh thats nt the point! In the end we never properly watch the eclipse, after waiting until 9.15pm. When I reach woodlands at about 10pm, the ice-cream aunty told me the eclipse was at about 9.40pm, and whatever remains was the red moon in the sky, which was somehow similar to the one I saw during the night shift with Zul at around 0330 hrs. A random outing, but yea it was nice somehow!

No idea why did I blog about this, maybe out of things to talk about le bah. =P


That's all! :D

8:28 PM