
- Jumping jellyfish :D


Jefferson Choi
nickname: jellyfish 1st June 92, 20.0 years old
Medic in Yishun Fire Station!
118th MOC
Ex-JJian for a day
Ex-PJian for 2 years

Cute (?!)
Joking kinda person
Seriously no catchprase
Anyhow Medic!

Contact me @ jellyfishBurnz@hotmail.com


A good rest


Ppl too much moral values
Rough stuff
Soft drinks
People who despise
Extreme attention-seekers
Ppl who act smart


4P1 Lalaland!
203 Whoosh!
Ai Hua
Bao Yi
Chien Siew
Fan Wei
Guan Wei
Hong Xun
Hui Jin
Jie Ting
Kelvin (SL)
Kerk Ying
Li Ling
Lin Xin
Meng Mee
Rong Chao
Wan Xuan
Wan Ting
Wei Jie
Wen Long
Yi Hao
Yian Lu
Yin Kee
Yin Shuen
Yu Ming
Yu Ying
Yun Fang
Zhe Hao



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Friday, May 18, 2012

the jellyfish is back! Posting about today's random FAP trip! :D

Yea, everybody is working and my cousin is resting to meet her bf tonight, so must well go out for a walk. =P


Started out the morning by going to library @ Esplanade. The durian was very quiet in the morning, with some random people walking around to take photographs / read the exhibitions. Most are tourists, so I am considerably the odd one out over there. =P The circular lift was rather cool and is definitely complete compared to the last time when the circle line wasn't completed.

The library is on the 3rd floor and it looks really different from other libraries! The most different is that there is no children in this library, compared to other regional / public ones. ^^ The library is divided into music, dance, films and 2 other sections which I forgot, unlike the common ones where the categories are adult, reference and children.

[A group of people were filming at the library cafe, probably for a random scene, totally random.]

So yep, just walked around looking at this arts library. Somehow this library reminds me of the Celadon and Goldenrod City pokemart! If you know what I mean, haha~

1. Music section

I think all the libraries have devoted a small section to the performing arts. So imagine this library to have a ridiculously-exaggerated amount of books about music / musicians / histories / etc over that small range of decimal points. Didn't really browse through though!

This section have a lot of music CDs! Classics, english pop, other languages songs, rocks. Warren may like this place, since he listens to a lot of old songs~ There is Jay Chou's CD inside, although I can't find fragrant rice as one of the tracks in that album. Apparently you have to unlock the CD at the counter to listen to the tracks, and they cannot be borrowed out of the library. I saw one of Katy Perry's CD, so went to unlock and listen at the listening tables. Not bad sia! A different experience from listening at home. =P

I also found out what it the only Owl City item owned by NLB! It's actually a score book for people to learn to play 'Ocean Eyes' songs. Rather interesting, but definitely not for me to appreciate, cos everything is a mess to me. :X

There were also loads of other score books / sheets. Some looked rather ancient for random reasons, so there were quite a number of librarians taking care of those.

2. Dance section

Choreography C4 Direction!

The dance section was rather small, with a row of books about choreography / different types of dances in the word / etc. There was also a small exhibition over there. Not really interesting to me, no Audi things there though!

3. Films section

I think 1/4 of the library was devoted to this section. There were quite a number of racks and shelves for a lot of movies, esp the older ones. I saw Saw I and II over there, was Avatar there? Documentaries, drama serials, random old movies... Just browsed through the titles. Should make another trip to probably look at those again!

Come to think of it, a lot of movies have already been posted online for people to download and watch. Perhaps this section can be a museum for hard-copy original movies which were not that popular but contained some artistic values for appreciation. :)

There were mirrors and band rooms at this section as well. Perhaps any Singapore band would like to have a concert practice inside that room? It looks very nice! =D


At 2pm, I left the library for lunch. Took some random photos from my phone. Not of a good quality, but hey at least it can be seen! =P

A very big white tent, with some people chillin' under it~

The view from behind the Esplanade. The library is located on the 3rd floor. There is a rooftop garden, which I didn't visit. Should probably go there the next time. :)

Fountains, near Fullerton Hotel?

A view of the IR, hmm.

Ah, more buildings. 


A lot of tourists were taking pictures with the sea and the Merlion? It should be the 1st time that I have walked in the CBD areas, so I sort of lost my way in there, until I saw the Lau Pat Sat @ Cross Street. That should be the name, if I have not forgotten.

Ate a plate of kuay teow and 2 'Dong Gu Mai' (mushroom dumplings). Surprisingly the food prices are the same or maybe even cheaper than some food courts in certain shopping centers! The average is around $2.50 - $3.50 for local specialities. The DGM is a bit expensive though, but the stew that went with it was great, so that sort of made up for the price difference. Not a lot of ppl at 2pm, probably all the office personnel have went back to work. :)

Intended to walk to the national library, but got lost along the way and ended up at Tanjong Pagar MRT station... *Mission Fail*

Oh, I tried the strawberry cheese Chewy cream puff in Bugis. That cream puff was indeed hard to chew! O_O 

Went to the 7th floor and stoned a bit while reading a random applied physics (circuits) book. The scenery was much nicer to appreciate than the laws in the book, hmm. I think the air force were rehearsing for the upcoming NDP. I saw a guy jumping down straight, and suddenly he was rotating in circles and sort of dropped to the side at a very fast speed. The other guys went to this direction smoothly and did not rotate like him. Hoped that guy is ok and not doing that for a stunt~

Got irritated by 2 china girls whispering in a loud volume and proceeded to the 10th floor to visit the gallery. The gallery showed what happened during World War 2 in Singapore, along with plans, maps, and ranks that represent the British and the Japanese army. Rather interesting. There was also a list of soldiers who had died while fighting for the war. A few officers, and A LOT of Low-ranking soldiers. 1 minute of silence for them~

"Everything happens for a reason." - MS said this.

I played maple that night as Trecia asked why I had MIA for so long. There is a new cannon shooter job and there's a monkey playing along with this character. Rather cool! WL would like this a lot. =P

That's all for this anyhow trip. :D

11:59 PM

Thursday, May 17, 2012

the jellyfish is back!

Posting about 3 items / events / happenings / ??

1. Friday movie, The Avengers
2. Marsiling cc singing?
3. TP!


1.  Friday movie, The Avengers

Watched with WL, War and PH at Lot 1 during the evening. Apparently nobody was working on that day except for War, so waited for him to come and watched the movie, without eating a double down burger in the cinema. :)

Comments above the movie: . (100% copied from WL)

No la, i dont think it is a really 'die-also-must-watch' movie, although I would say it is a really nice and rather exciting film. Definitely nicer than Cabin In the Woods. =P

Reached home at around 11pm I think? I think we ate dinner at subway, while listening to PH and War spamming army things as usual~


2. Marsiling Community Center Singing

I learnt that the CC at 300+ is Fuchun CC and not Marsiling. The journey to MCC was not exactly pleasant, considering the drizzle and the surprisingly huge number of harmless bugs in the fields. We reached 10 minutes late, and was apparently the last group to have reached there.

The place is surprisingly clean! There is food being offered there at a really reasonable price, seriously. Garlic bread, hot dogs, juices at less than $2? $10 per hour for a large room, sort of wasted for me, JM and Tean only. La la la, it dosen't matter.

The songs are a bit difficult to find though, I can't seem to find International Love inside? No Owl City songs? We 3 just anyhow sing and ate garlic bread which JM has kindly brought. Very delicious! ^^

Nothing really interesting. At 6pm, Tean left home for dinner while me and JM proceeded to 130 for dim sum and vege rice. Nothing special about the dinner too, except that the cats in Marsiling really liked to stalk people and followed us to a few blocks away... I didnt know cats love siew mai and prawn dumplings. :V


3. TP!

Passing grade: Accumulation of no more than 20 demerit points with no immediate failure mistakes.

12 points!

4 - Delay in moving off (2x2 + 1 free)
4 - Fail to look out for traffic
2 - Incorrect braking
2 - Fail to check if car door kena closed properly. -_-

Yea, one of the most stupid things to get 2 points for, but I got it! (As if like achievement sia, haha)

Actually everything was rather smooth, esp the road part. The circuit was all right, except for the parallel parking, took about 3mins+ total to park and move out. -_-

Tester: "If you don't release your brake, then you can't move your car, then of course you cannot straighten your car! Aiyo..."

This is the modified test woodlands test route which I took. The road is surprisingly quiet, and for some reason the large vehicles / vans / trucks were staying behind me at a great distance. So any lane changing, turnings were very simple as there is no need to judge the rear vehicle's speed. ^^

Tester's comments: I keep on delay in moving off, the type who only moves when there is absolutely no cars on the road. Otherwise safe and proper, and oh must check whether the car doors are closed properly or not before driving.

Alamak!!! =D

That's about all for the very anyhow TP test. The next time I drive a car should be dunno how many years later, or will I even drive 1? =P

~ End ~

10:52 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

the jellyfish is back! Time has passed really quickly, 7 months to ORD! :D

Just putting in some memories about the cases anniversary...

100th call - NSF with asthma, conveyed from home with PM Ade.
200th call - Very jialat RTA at 400+ Yishun, 1st time grounded with PM Pam.
300th call - Assessing a runaway thief at a ulu Yishun road with PM Herda.
400th call - DOA 99 years old at SWAMI with PM Pam.
500th call - 9 years old kid fall down, RC with PM Richard.
600th call - Adult query AMI at SBW clinic with PM Richard.
700th call - CL woman called 2nd time for post-assault at home with PM Rahul.
800th call - 21 years old eye swollen, RC with PM Saiful.

That's all! ^^

Total no. of cases: 815

9:03 PM